

【作者】 郭睿君

【导师】 徐子健;

【作者基本信息】 对外经济贸易大学 , 工商管理, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 根据民航总局精神,航空公司与总局脱离后的下一步就是将全国除北京和西藏以外的一百多家机场交由地方政府管理,实行企业化经营。国内机场正处于高速发展时期,但是这种发展还很不均衡,大型机场面临日趋激烈的国际竞争,小型机场负债高、亏损大。本文从国内机场现状的分析入手,讨论了机场改革的趋势:从政府单一投资到吸收民间投资、吸引民营企业投资和国际投资,融资渠道的多元化不仅拓宽了资金来源,解决了资金短缺的问题,而且理顺了产权关系,为建立现代企业制度打下了基础;机场企业集团化(有时是跨行业、跨所有制和跨国经营的联盟)是增加企业竞争力的有效途径。本文还讨论了建立中枢辐射式航线网络的意义及其做法,以乌鲁木齐国际机场为例,分析了支线机场和区域中心机场的依从关系,提出短航程、小飞机的支线航线模式是小型机场走出困境的必经之路;机场的一些资源具有垄断性,本文分析了机场商业服务和广告业务的潜力,提出了一些有效利用机场资源,增加机场非航空业收入的思路;并针对机场建设信息化、机场建设合理规划、备降机场额外费用的解决途径等问题作了一些分析和讨论。

【Abstract】 Based on the policy of Civil Aviation Administration of China (CAAC), once airline companies are separated from the CAAC, the next step is to transfer management of all airports but Beijing and Tibet to local government, and to perform industrialized operation.Domestic airports are experiencing rapid growth. However, this growth is not balanced. Big airport faces the daily increased international hyper competition. Small airports have been suffering massive debts and financial losses. This paper analyzed the current situation of domestic airports, discussed the trend of airport reform: a) from government monopoly investment to public investment, and b) attracting private enterprise investment and international investment. The multilateral financing method not only can expand the financial resources and solve logistic problem, but also order the ownership structure and build the foundation for a modern corporation system. Airport enterprise grouping (could be cross-industry, cross-owners, or cross-country) is the effective way to improve the competitiveness of enterprises.The paper also demonstrated the importance and details of HUB-AND-SPOKE airline network. Use Urumqi airport as an example, the paper analyzed the relationship between branch airport and regional central airport and stated that short distance branch route with small airplane is a profound way for small airport to get rid of the current dilemma. Some of the airport resources had been manipulated. The paper analyzed the potential of airport’s marketing and advertising services, and recommended the ways to effectively use airport resources and increase non-flight service revenue. It also covered the information and rational planning of airport construction and the logistic solution to backup-landing airport.

  • 【分类号】F562
  • 【被引频次】10
  • 【下载频次】714