

【作者】 成秀虎

【导师】 马春光;

【作者基本信息】 对外经济贸易大学 , 工商管理, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 中国的出版业,作为中国最后一块尚未开垦的处女地,即将向外资、民营资本和国有资本敞开大门,与此相适应,中国政府蕴酿已久的出版业改革的政策细节也即将在今年出台,显然,原有能让科技出版社存在的理由和环境正在发生改变,科技出版社尤其是中小科技出版社必须认真应对这种变化,认清自己的竞争地位和态势,选择正确的战略定位,采取果断的措施,以提升参与市场竞争的能力,这些是本文所探讨的主要问题。本研究首先回答的问题是,在一个完全的市场环境中,中小科技出版社能否生存下来,能否发展起来?第一章对这个问题作了肯定的回答。既然在一个发达的市场经济环境中,中小科技出版社有其存在和发展的空间,那么它靠什么取得竞争力呢?为了回答这个问题,我们必须了解中国图书出版业的现状,第二章告诉我们有足够的市场份额和市场前景能够为中小科技出版社留下发展的余地。接着第三章分析了我国图书出版业的竞争环境,由于其行业所具有的结构吸引力,不得不使中小科技出版社面临激烈的竞争环境;第四章试图客观地分析一下中小科技出版社的优势、劣势,及其面临的机遇和挑战。第五章则在前述各章的基础上,结合中外中小出版社发展的成功经验提出中小科技出版社发展的最佳道路。最后,在第六章中针对当前出版社的实际,提出中小科技出版社提高竞争力的对策和建议,希望能够为中小科技出版社在新的形势下参与竞争、做强做大自己提供一个有益的参考。

【Abstract】 China’s publishing, the last virgin industry in China, is to be made open to foreign, private and state capitals. In response to this development, the detailed policy that has been long prepared by the Chinese government governing the publishing reform is to be issued this year. Obviously, the rationale and environment that justify’the existence of science and technology publishing houses are changing. These publishing houses or publishers, especially small and medium ones, have to respond to this change seriously by having a clear understanding of their own competitive status and situation, choosing the right strategic position, taking resolute and prompt measures so as to enhance the market competitiveness. These are the main topic to be discussed in this article.The first question the author wants to answer is whether a SMSTP(Small and Medium Science and Technology Press) can get the viability and growth in a fully competitive and. market-based environment. Chapter One gives a definite answer to it. Since the fact that small and medium publishers exist and grow up in a full-fledged market economy environment , then, what can SMSTPs in China depend on to obtain their competitiveness? In order to answer this question, we should make a view of the current situation of China’s publishing. Chapter two tells us there is a big enough market space for SMSTPs to grow up themselves. Using the Potter Competitiveness Model, Chapter Three analyzes the six competitive forces affecting China’s book publishing. Since the book publishing is attractive in terms of its unique structure, the SMSTPs have to live in a violent competitive environment. Chapter four makes an objective analysis about SMSTP’s strength, weakness, opportunity and threaten. Based on the previous chapters, Chapter Five proposes the best development model for SMSTP to choose according to the successful experience attracted from domestic and foreign small and medium publishing house. In response to the reality facing SMSTPs, Chapter Six proposes countermeasures and proposals relating to upgrading SMSTP’s competitiveness. It may provide a useful reference for SMSTP to join the new competition and grow up strongly and largely.

  • 【分类号】G239.22
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】137