

【作者】 田富林

【导师】 李黔; 陆海泉;

【作者基本信息】 西南石油学院 , 油气井工程, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 钻头是直接破碎井底岩石的工具,钻井速度的高低与钻头类型密切相关。长期以来国内外学者在如何选择钻头方面作了大量的研究工作,概括起来被广泛应用的成果有:一是利用测井资料求取与钻头选型相关的岩石力学参数进行钻头选型;二是分析评价已钻井的钻头资料进行钻头选型。这两种方法中,前者适合于探井或钻井资料不充分的井,后者适合于已有大量钻头使用资料的井。结合新疆油田的实际情况,本文从上述两个方面入手开展了钻头选型的研究与应用工作,现场应用效果明显,为今后新疆油田钻头选型工作提供了定量化技术手段。 本文在利用测井资料计算与岩石破碎相关的力学参数方面讨论了影响其力学参数计算的因素,根据实验资料建立了横波与纵波的转换统计模型;建立了牙轮钻头和PDC钻头岩石可钻性、岩石抗剪强度和岩石抗压强度与测井数据的关系模型;提出了按岩石力学参数对地层进行分层的计算方法。在中国石油重点探井东湾1井的应用实践表明,这种钻头选型方法显示了较好的实用性。在利用已钻井资料来评价钻头选型的研究方法中,本文从研究比能、钻速等影响钻头主要评价因素入手,提出了用主因子分析方法评价钻头选型,建立了钻头评价优选多因素综合分析的新思路,对2001年新疆克拉玛依油田八区钻头资料进行了分析,建立了全井钻头优选系列,2002年在八区19口井中的应用分析表明,比2001年该区块纯机械钻速提高了20%,该方法对提高钻井数据信息的利用开辟了新的途径。论文还提出了用神经网络系统来进行钻头综合选型的构想,并进行了探讨,这个问题还需要今后进一步研究。

【Abstract】 Bit is the tool of crash rock and rate of drilling is deep related with type of bit. Inside and outside scholars make a lot of research all through which include two sides: on the one hand bit select by the parameter of rock which are obtained by log data, on the other hand bit select by results of evaluation of used bit. The first way is fit for the exploration well or the well that a lack of drilling data. The latter is fit for area that has enough drilling data. Based on practical situation of Xinjiang oil field, we develop the research of bit selection from the two sides and the practical effect is good. Those offer a method of bit selecting by quantitative analysis in xinjiang oil field for the future.In the paper, we predict the crashing parameter of rock using logging data, and set up the conversion model of P wave and S wave, set up the relation of rock bit drillability and PDC drillability, the relation of rock compressing strength, shear strength and logging data, and put forward the method of formation separation compute on rock parameter. The practice in the DongWan 1 well that is an important explore well of CNPC show that the bit selection way have good practicability. On the aspect of bit selection of using the drilling data, in the paper we research the specific energy etc which effect the capability of bit and put forward using the principal factor way to evaluate bit and select bit. After analyze the all used bit in 2001 in 8 area of XingJiang oil field, we put up the bit optimize selection series. The using effecting of 19 wells in the 8 area in 2002 show that the ROP improve 20% than the average ROP in 2001.In the paper also put forward bit selection way using nerve net and discuss the problem.

【关键词】 钻头选型岩石测井资料主因子
【Key words】 Bit selectionRockLogging dataPrincipal factor
  • 【分类号】TE921
  • 【被引频次】10
  • 【下载频次】1532