

【作者】 臧国军

【导师】 施太和; 梁光川;

【作者基本信息】 西南石油学院 , 油气储运工程, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 从井口到集输总站的油气集输管道输送介质往往含有油、气、水多相介质,还含有溶解氧、二氧化碳、硫化氢等腐蚀性气体。在管道下游,往往形成紊流度极高的段塞流,使得集输系统中油、气、水管线的内腐蚀十分严重。因此,段塞流腐蚀的机理及特点的研究对集输管道的内腐蚀与防腐具有重要意义。 在大量的文献调研的基础上,本文中根据集输管道内腐蚀工况,分析了油气管道内壁段塞流腐蚀有关的几种腐蚀类型的腐蚀机理,并讨论了油气管道段塞流腐蚀的主要影响因素,给出了弗劳德数、管壁剪切力及段塞流液体段塞局部压降的计算方法。引用了国外用多相流腐蚀测试的环路系统及试验数据,采用MATLAB 6.0软件进行数据处理,研究弗劳德数、管壁剪切力、含油率及含水率等参数对金属腐蚀的综合影响,对段塞流下管壁金属腐蚀的机理进行了综合研究,并得到一些规律性的认识。 采用EIS技术分析实际涂层的失效过程,建立金属/涂层/溶液体系的等效电路模型,然后根据腐蚀特点将体系的等效电路模型进一步改进,优化了EIS数据处理的数学算法,并采用VB语言编程实现这一算法。 对环氧酚醛防腐涂料配方进行了相应的改进,并通过高压釜试验、附着力试验和落砂耐磨试验验证改进后环氧酚醛内涂层的综合防腐性能。根据前面研究,对油气管道内涂层防腐工艺做了进一步研究。 针对油气管道的实际工况及目前防腐材料、防腐工艺的发展,在传统防腐工艺的基础上,玻璃钢内衬管、热喷玻璃釉内防腐技术,并对玻璃釉的喷涂效果及防腐效果进行了试验验证,结果证明该技术具有很大的开发和应用潜力。

【Abstract】 From oil well head to assembling gathering station, there is often one or several of oil ,gas and water phases in the mediums transported by the pipelines ,in which corrosive gases such as oxygen, carbon dioxide and sulfureted hydrogen may be dissolved. At the lower reaches of the pipeline flow, slug flow that is extremely turbulent may come into being, which results in severe internal-corrosion of the pipe .Therefore ,it will contribute greatly to the study of oil and gas transportation pipeline corrosion and anti-corrosion techniques to study the mechanisms and characteristics of slug flow corrosion .According to a great deal of investigations and researches of the related literatures, and based on real conditions of internal corrosion of the gathering and transportation pipelines, the mechanisms of several type of corrosion related to slug flow corrosion of oil and gas pipelines are analyzed.Mean influencing facters about slug flow corrosion of oil and gas pipelines are discussed;the way to calculate parameters such as Froude Number ,Wall Shear Stress,Oil Faction, Water Faction and Slug Local Pressure Drop in the fluids is given.Mutiphase flow loop system is introduced to study slug flow corrosion,based on the experiment data , the integrated effects of Froude Number, Wall Shear Stress, Oil Faction, Water Faction on multiphase corrosion are studied using MATLAB 6.0 software .Besides ,the metal corrosion mechanism under slug flow regime is also studied and conclusions are drawn.EIS coating inspecting technique is used to study coating performance and coating abation process.The equivalent circuit model for metal/coating/fluids system is established and improved’according to the corrosion characteristics of the system.The method to treat with data got from EIS measurement is optimized and realized by VB computer programme.The direction for epoxy-bakelite anti-corrosion dope is bettered , autoclave corrosion test, adhesive ability test and wearing capacity test are carried out to evaluate the coating performance ,combined with foregoing study, internal corrosion -inhibiting coating technique of oil and gas pipelines is further discussed.According to the working condition ,with the development of anti-corrosive materials and anti-corrosive techniques, two new anti-corrosive techniques, pipe lined with glass fibre reinforces plastics and spray-enameled pipe, are brought forward on the base of traditional techniques. Through laboratory test, the spray-enameled pipe is proved to get excellent anti-corrosive effect and have a good potential for exploitation and application in the furture.

  • 【分类号】TE988.2
  • 【被引频次】6
  • 【下载频次】1328