

Breakthrough of the Lustful City

【作者】 彭(火广)

【导师】 姚代亮;

【作者基本信息】 广西师范大学 , 中国现当代文学, 2003, 硕士


【摘要】 20世纪90年代生长起来的新都市小说,在世纪之交的文坛上占据了相当重要的位置。新都市小说作品不仅数量多,而且形成了它特有的审美范式。然而,这一审美范式的确立是有其复杂原因的。 我国于20世纪90年代确立了市场经济体制。经济的转型,引起了社会文化的转型,在经济杠杆的作用下,在大众传媒的引导下,精英文化逐渐失去了市场与活力,而大众文化成为九十年代具有很大覆盖面的文化。同时,大众文化有自身的三大特点:①大众文化以消遣娱乐性为指归;②大众文化以商业性时尚性为外表;③大众文化以现实性及时性为内涵,这些特点对90年代生长起来的新都市小说影响至深。使新都市小说的审美特征呈现出浓郁的世俗化倾向,它关注普通市民的庸常生态,忽视时代英雄业绩的描写。同时,新都市小说的叙事方式发生了变化,它不再追求宏大叙事,而执着于个人化叙事,世俗叙事。此外,新都市小说对当下的物质和欲望特别地关注,因而使得它的审美价值取向与八十年代文学呈现出迥异的特征。它的审美倾向、审美风格是与崇高、悲剧相反的滑稽、戏仿、反讽、黑色幽默等。在某种意义上,可将这种审美风格归结为“俗”。 几年来,新都市小说在对于“俗”的审美追求中,已渐渐走入一种困境。迄今为止,仍未能有一部作品称得上直逼都市灵魂,给人以强烈的心灵震撼的力作。为何如此汹涌澎湃的都市文学浪潮不能冲出金光闪闪的金子呢?找出症结所在是我们不可回避的问题,本文主要从终极关怀,深度模式两个方面对其进行分析。 目前的新都市小说大多注重人的当下的生存状态,更关注实际生存问题的解决。他们强调的关怀是对人的当下境遇的关怀,对个体物质幸福的关怀,而鲜于考虑“终极关怀”。新都市小说作家们在背离终极关怀的诗意观照之后,不仅使他们的写作陷入了无法超越既成现实的怪圈之中,同时也使他们失去了对各种生存现实进行审度和批判的勇气。新都市小说作家如何拾起“终极关怀”,将之安置在自己的精神家园,引领它进入自己的创作之中,让它在诗意的怀想里揭示人类许多梦寐以求的生存方式,使自己的审美触角真正地超越现实的困境,是至关重要的。 由于新都市小说作家表象式的书写使得他们的作品中充斥着大量空洞的能指,只有表象而没有内在本质。对生活表象的临摹与复制,又使他们的作品存在严重类型化倾向,这些是新都市小说作家们的又一大局限。在创作中如何克服这一弊端也是他们亟待解决的问题。但我们应该乐观,随着对新都市小说探讨地深入,新作家不断加盟,会出现在美学风格上达到高境界的坚实力作。

【Abstract】 The new city novel that grew up in the 1990s holds quite an important position in the literary world at the turn of the century. The new city novel not only is great in quantity, but also has formed its own particular aesthetic mode.The market economy was established in our country in the 1990s. The shift of economy mode brought about the change of social culture. Under the function of economy lever and the lead of mass media, the elite culture gradually lost its market and vitality, while the mass culture became one with large coverage in the 1990s.Meanwhile, the mass culture possesses three main features of its own: (1) the mass culture aims at entertainment; (2) the mass culture take the appearance of commerce and fashion; (3) the mass culture has the realistic and timely implication. These characteristics had great influence on the new city novel that grew up in the!990s, and made aesthetic features of the new city novel take on distinct tendency of secularity. It pays attention to the commonplace lives of ordinary citizens, and overlooks the descriptions of outstanding achievements of the contemporary heroes. At the same time, the narrative style of the new city novel has also changed. Instead of pursuing magnificent narration, it strives perseveringly for the individual narration and secular narration. In addition, the new city novel pays special attention to the current materialism and lust, which makes the aesthetic value intension possess characteristics quite different from that of the literature in the 1980s. Its aesthetic tendency and aesthetic style are farcicality, parody, irony and black humor, etc. which are opposite to loftiness and tragedy. In some sense, this kind of aesthetic style can be summed up as "secularity".In the several years, the new city novel has stepped into a predicament in its aesthetic pursuit of "secularity". Up till now, no single piece can be regarded as powerful work that aims directly at the city spirit and arouse a forceful soul convulsion of its people. Why so violent a literary tide cannot dash out glimmering gold? It’s an inevitable issue for us to find out the reason of the problem.This paper mainly analyzes it from the aspects of ultimate concern and deep structure. At present, most of the new city novels pay attention to the current human existing conditions, and care more about the solving of the practical existing problem. Their concern is the concern for human in the existent conditions and for individual’s material welfare, and is rarely the "ultimate concern". After their deviation from the lofty survey of the ultimate concern, the new city novelists, not only made their writing get into the odd circle of not being able to transcend theexistent reality, "but also made themselves lose the courage to judge and criticize the various existing realities. The key point is how the new city novelist can pick up the "ultimate concern", put it in their own spiritual homesteads, introduce it into their writing, make it reveal lots of existing ways that human desire, and make their aesthetic perspective really transcend the predicament of reality.Because of the superficial writing of the new city novelists, their works are full of abundant empty signifiers, only ideas instead of internal essence. Copying from the superficial phenomena of life makes their works have the serious tendency of forming into types, which is another limitation of the new city novelists. How to overcome this malpractice is another problem demanding prompt solution. However, we should be optimistic. As we probe further into the new city novel, and new writers continuously joins in, powerful works with lofty aesthetic style will appear.

  • 【分类号】I207.42
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