

【作者】 江友辉

【导师】 王渝光;

【作者基本信息】 云南师范大学 , 汉语言文字学, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 大力推广普通话是国家的方针政策。本文就是顺应对语言的规范化、标准化的要求,在《普通话水平测试各等级标准语言特征数据库系统》的基础上,利用实验语音学、计算机语音处理技术的具体实验数据和有关理论,设计出一套具有可操作性、可扩充性、实用性的软件系统,以便提高测评员的公平性,提高应试人的普通话水平,让测评员和被试者有据可依,准确理解和把握测试标准的尺度。本文就软件系统的设计前提、理论基础及依据、具体设计步骤作了详细的阐述和讨论。在借鉴和参考目前计算机语音处理和识别技术的基础上,着重对语音样本的选取、语音端点检测、语音自动分段、以及语音特征数据库的设计、语音数据的存储方式、PSC试卷单字、词语的对比内容、系统的界面设计进行了深入的探讨和研究,详细列出了一些有代表性的流程图,提出了利用Visual Studio可视化计算机软件进行编程的具体方案,对本软件的最终程序实现具有指导作用。

【Abstract】 As our great motherland is developing, the application of our standard language - Putonghua is showing higher and higher status and becoming one of the state language policies. Going with the language tide of standardization and normalization, and based on "the Phonetic distinctive feature database system of grade-rule for Putonghua-standard-examination", the paper, appreciating the experimental data and relevant theories of experimental phonetics and computer phonetic processing technology, designs a set of software system which is operable, extendable and applicable (operational, extensive and practical), with the goal of increasing the justice level of the examiner and the language level of the examinee. The paper also supplies an examine rule for the examiner and the examinee to make a precise understand about the Sandra language examination. The paper mainly discusses the software system about the design precondition, theoretical foundation and the detailed design-stages. After making a full thought on the previous computer phonetic processing and recognition technology, the author devotes the paper to the designation of phonetic samples, phonetic boundary detection, phonetic auto-segmentation, the design of phonetic distinctive feature database, the memory ways for store phonetic data, the contrastive contents about words and phrases on PSC examine papers and the design of the system window. The author also offers a typical flow diagram and a program about using the Visual Studio software to draw procedures which plays an important role on the realization about the final success of the software system discussed on this paper.

  • 【分类号】TP311.52;H085
  • 【下载频次】67