

Reasoning the Change of the Public Mind after Our Country Entering WTO

【作者】 金丽朵

【导师】 李士文;

【作者基本信息】 云南师范大学 , 马克思主义理论与思想政治教育, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 加入世贸组织,将以一种巨大的全球经济力量,引发我国社会结构的大调整。中国作为地球的一员,必将主动积极地参与经济全球化的进程;同时,作为社会主义国家,中国在经济全球化的进程中必须保持独立的社会制度、意识形态和文化传统。面对入世后公众思想发生的深刻变化,我们必须进行科学的分析和理性的思考。世贸组织是以市场经济为主,以规则为基础的国际经济组织。入世使我国在更广泛的领域和更高的层次参与经济全球化,这必将在政治思想文化、生活方式、心理状况等多方面对我国产生广泛而深刻的影响。公众思想在入世后的主要发展趋势是:全球意识将普遍树立起来,开放精神将进一步增强;现代民主、法制观念将普遍生成;平等公正将成为社会竞争过程中的主导理念;当然,入世后,随着对外开放的全面实施,西方社会的一些不健康思想也会对我国公众产生巨大的影响。由此滋生颓废思想,出现新的信仰危机。 针对入世带来的良好机遇和严峻挑战,加强有说服力的思想政治工作,是我们面临的一个重大课题。在新的历史形势下,思想政治教育必须关注时代发展,做到与时俱进,开拓创新。入世后的思想政治工作要更具战略眼光和全局观念。首先要把思想政治教育放到国际政治经济斗争形势的“大背景”下谋篇布局。其次要把思想政治教育放到经济建设的“大背景”下谋篇布局。再次要把思想政治教育放到社会生活多样化的“大背景”下谋篇布局。同时,思想政治教育应更注重公众的精神状态和社会心理,更向困难群体倾<WP=5>斜。入世后的思想政治工作更要增进现代化内涵。注重引导社会大众的自我教育,倡导主体新的实力地位。总之,入世后,我们必须用世界的眼光、战略的思维来重新审视我们思想政治工作的工作思路、工作格局、传统经验和方式方法,因时制宜的以新变化为基准,与时俱进的以新对策为重点,必将能开创思想政治教育的新局面。在全球化趋势下,作为社会主义国家,我国必须坚持有中国特色的社会主义方向,在意识形态上,必须坚持马克思主义的理论指导。入世后与时俱进的思想政治工作为巩固和发展社会主义意识形态起着至关重要的作用。我们应以“入世”为契机,以公众思想的新变化为基础,以思想政治工作的新对策为重点,构建社会主义意识形态的新平台。加入世贸组织之后,为我国社会主义意识形态面向世界的发展创造了条件,有利于促进社会主义意识形态的功能发展。 面对入世后的机遇和挑战,我们理性分析公众的思想变化,积极思考思想政治工作的应对策略,最终的目的是为了在“加入世贸组织”这个大的变局下,进一步巩固和发展社会主义意识形态,增强中华民族的凝聚力,实现我国社会和中华民族的全面进步和发展。总之,入世后,我国意识形态领域将发生深刻变化,我们必须正确把握好意识形态领域新的重大关系,充分认识公众思想变化的发展规律,创新思想政治教育工作,积极应对,主动切入,增强马克思主义的说服力和中华民族的凝聚力,提升社会主义意识形态的整合力。在新的历史条件下,使我国社会和各族人民成为入世的最大受益者

【Abstract】 After the long and drastic fifteen-year negotiation, China has become a member of the World Trade Organization officially since 11th December 2001. China, the biggest ship which accommodates the largest population, drives into the sea of world market, sailing into the wind. Entering WTO, this is a weighty thing of China in the new century. On the one hand, entering WTO will bring many opportunities and challenges for our country; on the other hand, our country will participate in economic globalization in bigger field and higher level. All of these things will produce widespread and deep influence in our politics, thought, culture and the style of live. China, a member of the earth, must take part in the process of economic globalization; China, a socialism country, must keep independent social system, ideology and culture. To sum up, being confronted with the great change of the public mind, we need scientific analysis and rational thinking. There is profound influence to the culture and people’s life after entering WTO.WTO is a national economic organization which regards market economy as center, regards rule as base. But Chinese traditional culture has some contradictions with market economy, and entering WTO has deep influence to our politics and economy, which brings great change of public mind. The great change of public mind mainly is: building up global consciousness and enhancing open-door idea; widely forming concept of democracy and legal system; equality and justness becoming the main idea during competition; but meantime because of some unhealthy West thoughts, producing some decadent thinking and appearing belief crisis.<WP=7>The reason of change of public mind after entering WTO mainly is: the argument between socialism and capitalism becomes more and more concealing and complicated; the West thoughts and culture broaden their forcing scope; the thorough reform after entering WTO brings new idealistic problem. So we must take countermeasure of the work of thought and politics to the change of public mind. The work of thought and politics must has more strategic view and all-around idea than before; The work of thought and politics must cultivate people, and make them have uplift spirit and healthy psychology; must do more work for the poor people who lose their jobs because of the industrial structure adjustment; The work of thought and politics must adds modernization meaning and advocates think independently; The work of thought and politics must guide people self- educate, improve people’s ability to self- regulate .Being confronted with the great change of the public mind, we should consider "entering WTO" as opportunity, the change of public mind as base, the countermeasures of the work of thought and politics as keystone, and construct the new form of socialism ideology.Being faced with opportunities and challenges after entering WTO, we analyze the change of public mind, think about the countermeasures of the work of thought and politics, our aim is: under the great background of WTO, further develop socialism ideology, intensify Chinese cohesion, realize full-scale development of our society and our country.In conclusion, after entering WTO, there is profound change in the field of our ideology, we must grasp exactly the fatal relation between them, understand adequately the change of public mind, innovate the work of thought and politics, enhance the conformity ability of socialism ideology, make our people become the great beneficiary of "entering WTO

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