

Effect of γ-Aminobutyric Acid and Flurazepam on Feed Intake in Young Laying Hens and Endocrine Mechanisms Involved

【作者】 李爱学

【导师】 陈伟华;

【作者基本信息】 南京农业大学 , 基础兽医学, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 本实验首先对原有的摄食行为监测系统(FIDAS)进行了改装,使之国产化。然后以产蛋高峰期母鸡为动物模型,研究了每公斤日粮中添加50mg γ-氨基丁酸(GABA)和/或2mg氟安定(F89)对其摄食模式、血液激素水平、消化系统中酶活性等的影响,以期找到一条使GABA应用于畜牧生产的途径,并对F89的促摄食作用机理做了进一步探讨。本实验共分四大部分,现摘要如下: 第一部分 仪器改装 采用南京美易公司研制开发的Medlab生物信号采集处理系统,将整套仪器国产化,改装后的仪器不但利于维护,而且在数据采集、存储、处理等方面的功能更加完善,操作简单,使用方便。通过应用此系统进行产蛋高峰期母鸡摄食行为的研究,摄食模式与文献报道一致,证明国内产品可替代国外软件和配件,改装后的FIDAS系统完全可应用于动物摄食行为的研究。 第二部分 添喂GABA和F89对产蛋高峰期母鸡摄食行为的影响 系列一:选用210日龄依莎蛋鸡4只,隔笼并排单饲,采用自身对照法,对照期饲喂基础日粮,GABA期饲喂基础日粮添加50mg/kgGABA,F89+GABA期饲喂基础日粮添加2mg/kgF89和50mg/kgGABA,利用改装后的FIDAS系统建立其摄食模式,结果表明:GABA对产蛋高峰期母鸡的摄食模式有一定影响,但相对较弱,而F89和GABA的共同作用可使产蛋高峰期母鸡的摄食量增加15.76%(P<0.05),摄食餐数增加12.56%(P<0.01),摄食时间减少15.12%,两个实验期也有较大差异,推测其中F89起着主要作用。 系列二:选用230日龄依莎蛋鸡4只,隔笼并排单饲,采用自身对照法,对照期饲喂基础日粮,F89期饲喂基础日粮添加2mg/kg F89,F89+Pic期在F89期基础上;每天早上添料前翅静脉注射1.25mg/kg印防己毒素,利用FIDAS系统建立其摄食模式,结果显示:F89可使产蛋高峰期母鸡的摄食量增加10.34%(P<0.05),摄食餐数增加8.37%(P<0.05),摄食时间减少12.37%,在此基础上注射印防己毒素后,可在一定程度上阻断F89的促食作用,由F89所引起的摄食模式的改变也相 Y一氨基丁酸和氟安定对产蛋高峰期母鸡摄食行为及有关内分泌的影响应减小.表明 F89可通过GABA^受体发挥促食作用。第三部分添喂GABA和F89对产蛋高峰期母鸡血液激素水平的影响 系列一的血样采自第二部分系列一中的高峰期蛋鸡,分组方法与其一致,采用放射免疫法测定了血液中的相关激素,结果显示:日粮中添加 50mg八gGABA使血液中WY的变化不大,胰岛素、胰高血糖素、T;、l均有一定增加,但影响程度相对较*、.F89和GABA的共同作用可使血液中 NPY t匕对照期增ba 11.04%,胰岛素增加23.03%(P(0.05),胰高血糖素增加7.50%(P(0.05),T;增加19.75%(P(0.05)。T;增加13.45%。两者的共同作用远大于GABA自身的作用。 系列二的血样采自第二部分系列二中的高峰期蛋鸡,分组方法与其一致,采用放射免疫法测定了血液中的相关激素,结果显示:日粮中添加 Zing/kgF89使血液NPY比对照期增加9.87%,胰岛素增加19.2地(Pu.05),胰高血糖素增加5.15%,、增加 16.46%(P(0.05);T.增加 14.73%。注射n 后,这几种激素的水平都有所下降,但仍高于对照水平. 系列三选取2N日龄依莎蛋鸡18只,对照组饲喂初出日粮,加SA组饲喂基础口粮添加 50mg/kgGABA,F89组饲喂基础日粮添力 Zing/kg F89,每组六只。取其肌胃及小肠段内客物,采用放射免疫法测定了消化道中的SlgA浓度,结果发现,GABA组的消化道中SIgA浓度比对照组升高10.70儿F89组的消化道中SlgA浓度比对照组升高19.90%。卜89组比GABA组也略高,但差异都不显著。第四部分添喂GABA和F89对产蛋高峰期母鸡消化道酶的影响 本部分的样品和分组方法与第三部分系列三一致,测定相关酶的活性,结果显示:加认可使胃蛋白酶活性较对照组增加汤.叨%,胰蛋白酶活性显著增加59.8册 (P(0.05),F89使胃蛋白酶活性较对照组增加32.28%(P(0.05),胰蛋白酶活性增加 68.39%闪闪.05),两者对淀粉酶和脂肪酶也有一定改善作用,但影响程度不大.FS 9对消化酶活性的影响略好于 GABA。

【Abstract】 In the research, we have modified the Food Intake Data Acquisition System (FIDAS), using the materials made in our country. Then we studied the effect of adding 50mg Y -Aminobutyric acid(GABA) and/or 2mg Flurazepam (F89) in every kilogram diet on feed intake in young laying hens and endocrine mechanisms involved. We hope that we could find a way to make GABA serve in stockbreeding. We also discussed the mechanisms of F89 in increasing feed intake of animals. The research included 4 parts: Part one: Modification of the FIDAS .We applied the Medlab system of Nanjing Medease Science and Technology CO. LTD to modify the FIDAS system. After modified, the system was not only easy to maintain, but also capable of stronger ability in data collection, storage and analysis, and it was easy to operate. We used this system studied the feed intake pattern of young laying hens, which proved the modified FIDAS was fit for the study on feed intake behavior of animals.Part two: Effect of diet supplemented with GABA and/or F89 on feed intake in young laying hens.This part was divided into two series. Series I : Four young laying hens (two hundred and ten days old) were used. The experiment was divided into three periods: control period, the animals were fed basal diet; GABA period, basal diet supplemented with 50mg/kg GABA;F89+GABA period, basal diet supplemented with 2mg/kg F89 and 50mg/kg GABA. The modified FIDAS was used to observe the feed intake pattern. Compared to control period, GABA have relatively small effect on feed intake of young laying hens; the F89 and GABA together have stronger effect on the feed intake of these animals, which made the feed intake (15. 76%, P<0. 05)and the number of meal(12. 56%, P<0. 01)increased and the time of feeding reduced (15. 12%). The two experiments periods also had strong difference, we presumed thatthe F89 play a main role in the course.Series II:Four young laying hens (two hundred and thirty days old)were used. The experiment was divided into three periods: control period, the animals were fed basal diet;F89 periods, basal diet supplemented with 2mg/kg F89;F89+Pic periods, basal diet supplemented with 2mg/kg F89 and infusion of 1.25mg/kg picrotoxin (Pic)in the wing before adding food. The modified FIDAS was used to observe the feed intake pattern. Compared to control period, F89 increased the feed intake (10. 34%, P<0. 05)and the number of meal (8. 37%, P<0. 01) and reduced the time of feeding (12. 37%). After infusion the Pic, the action of F89 on feed intake was prohibited in a degree, and the change of feed pattern in young laying hens bring by F89 was reduced correspondly. This series suggested that the F89 can via the GABAA receptor to increase feed intake.Part three: Effect of diet supplemented with GABA and/or F89 on serum hormones in young laying hens.This part was divided into three series. Series I :The sample were get from the young laying hens in series I of part two, and the grouping was same. The RIA data showed: Compared to control period, 50mg/kg GABA increased the concentrition of serum hormones, but the effect was relatively small; the F89 and GABA together also increased the concentrition of NPY (11.04%), insulin (23.03%, P<0.05), glucagon(7. 50%, P<0. 05), T3 (19. 75%, P<0. 05) and T4 (13.45%).Series II :The sample were get from the young laying hens in series II of part two, and the grouping was same. The RIA data showed: Compared to control period, the concentrition of NPY(9. 87%), insulin (19.24%, P<0. 05), glucagon (5.15%), T3 ( 16.46%, P<0.05) and T4 (14.73%)all increased in the F89 period. After the infusion of Pic, the concentrition of these serum hormones reduced, but still higher than the control’s.Series III: Eighteen young laying hens (two hundred and ten days old) were used in this series. The experiment was divided into three groups:control group, the animals were fed basal diet;GABA group, basal diet supplemented with 50mg/kg GABA;F89 group, basal diet supplemented with 2mg/kg F89. There are six animals inevery group. T

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