

Study on Possibility of Utilization of Indica Hybrid Rice of Multiple-cytoplasm Resources

【作者】 史开兵

【导师】 陆作楣;

【作者基本信息】 南京农业大学 , 作物遗传育种, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 目前在三系杂交稻中85%以上的不育细胞质是野生稻细胞质,单一细胞质源的大面积应用不仅制约着杂交稻单产的进一步提高,而且有可能导致对单一细胞质敏感病害的大流行。细胞质利用的多源化是解决这一问题的关键之一。我们以杂交籼稻常用的5种细胞质的不育系与相应的保持系交叉配组,配制20个二元不育系,然后与9311、抗65、特青3个恢复系配组,配制了60个三交F1,并用6个不同类型的不育系与不同细胞质的同质恢复系杂交,配制了35个杂交种。研究不同细胞质对不育系开花习性、经济性状、抗病性的影响,以及不同细胞质恢保关系的差异,对多源细胞质杂交稻利用的可行性进行了初步探讨。结果表明: 1、印尼水田谷型(Ⅱ 32A)、矮败型(新协黄A)、野败型(特A)和冈型(冈46A)的不育系和保持系之间能相互保持其不育性,而且不改变其败育类型,其恢保关系相同;保持系Ⅱ 32B、新协黄B、龙特浦B、冈46B不能保持红莲型(粤泰A)细胞质不育系的不育性。 2、不同细胞质对不育系异交习性的影响主要表现在柱头外露率的差异上。其中印尼水田谷型细胞质(Ⅱ 32A)最好,冈型细胞质(冈46A)次之,矮败型和野败型不育系较差,红莲型细胞质最差。 3、不同细胞质的不育系在白叶枯病的抗性上没有显著差异。 4、恢复系9311除了能恢复红莲型细胞质的不育系,对其它细胞质类型的不育系均不能恢复;特青和抗65对不同细胞质类型的恢复力比较接近。就不同细胞质类型的不育系的可恢性而言,以红莲型最好,平均结实率达到67.49%,而印尼水田谷型、矮败型、野败型和冈型比较接近,平均结实率分别为56.98%、54.59%、54.39%、58.68%。 5、在不育细胞质背景相同的条件下,不育系的恢复特性还决定于特定的质核互作。 6、鉴于不同细胞质类型对不育系的主要异交性状、主要农艺性状和抗病性没有显著影响,而且印尼水田谷型(Ⅱ 32A)、矮败型(新协黄A)、野败型(特A)和冈型(冈46A)恢保关系相同,因而培育多胞质的杂交籼稻是可行的。

【Abstract】 At present, 85% of all CMS cytoplasm deviated from native rice. Utilization of hybrid rice with single CMS resources is not only the limit factor for the improvement of yield per area, but also could cause to epidemic disease infecting single CMS cytoplasm. Diversity of CMS resources is the key to solve the problem. In the study, CMS lines and maintainer lines from 5 different type cytoplasm, namely YL-CMS( II 32A), AA-CMS (XinxiehuangA), WA-CMS (LongtepuA), G-CMS (Gang 46A), HL-CMS (YuetaiA), were used to develop 20 binary CMS lines, the binary CMS lines were hybrided with 9311, Kang65, Teqing, and 60 three-way cross hybrid were developed. Cytoplasmic effect on out-crossing characters, agronomic characters and disease resistance and difference of restorer-maintainer relation were investigated. The possibility of utilization of multi-cytoplasm hybrid rice was discussed. The result were as followed:1. YL-CMS, AA-CMS, WA-CMS, G-CMS can maintain the sterility each other, also don’t change abortive type; 4maintainers II32B, XinxiehuangB, LongtepuB, Gang 46B can’t maintain sterility of HL-CMS lines.2. Different cytoplasmic effect on out-crossing characters mainly show on exserted stigma of CMS lines. YL-CMS is excellent, next to G-CMS, AA-CMS and WA-CMS, HL-CMS .3. CMS lines with different cytoplasm show no difference on resistance to bacterical leaf blight disease .4. As to restorer ability, 9311 can only restore HL-CMS lines, Teqing and Kang 65 show similar to different type CMS lines. For restorability of different CMS type, HL-CMS is excellent, with average seed setting rate 67.49%; YL-CMS, AA-CMS, WA-CMS, G-CMS are of similar performance, with average seed setting rate 56.98%, 54.59%, 54.39%, 58.68%, respectively.5. On the condition that same CMS cytoplasmic background, restorability of CMS lines was also decided by special nucleus-cytoplasm interaction.6. As different CMS-type don’t show significant effect on main out-crossing characters, main agronomic characters and disease resistance, breedingmulti-cytoplasm hybrid rice with same restorer-maintainer relation cytoplasm is possible.

  • 【分类号】S511.21
  • 【被引频次】2
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