

On Agricultural Communication and Cooperation between Fujian and Taiwan of China 1979-2001

【作者】 丁振强

【导师】 王思明;

【作者基本信息】 南京农业大学 , 科学技术史, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 2001年11月11日中国大陆与台湾先后加入了世界贸易组织,由此两岸农业都将面对国际农业的激烈竞争。现今两岸农业发展处于不同的层次,农业资源禀赋差异很大,大陆拥有丰富农业资源和相对低廉农业劳力,而台湾农业在资金、技术、市场制度面上都比大陆略胜一筹,这使海峡两岸农业具备广阔的合作空间。 两岸农业交流与合作,不论是在深度上亦或广度上都已取得很大的发展,农业合作带给双方的经济实效令人鼓舞。尤其福建地区长期以来一直是两岸农业交流与合作的重镇,福建在对台农业科技交流、农业经贸合作,以及两岸农业学术交流和人员互访等方面,其规模、层次、水平都跃居于大陆各省前列。为此,系统回顾与总结过去二十多年闽台农业交流与合作的历史活动与内在规律,在当前WTO框架下对两岸如何更好地实现农业合作具有重要的现实意义。 本论文的研究是建立在《福建农业引进二十年(1979—1998)》一书中对台统计数据的权威、系统、全面的基础上,并尽可能详细地收集各方面相关信息,包括地方志、调研报告、内部文献、学术论文集等。在回顾历史上两岸农业往来的基础上,力争全方位、多角度、系统地描述20世纪70年代末以来闽台两岸农业交流与合作的历史事实,并从海峡两岸政治现实出发,借鉴有关经济学和博弈论等学科的基本理论,运用实际统计数据进行严密规范的实证分析,以便更客观地反映出闽台两岸农业交流与合作的变动趋势,及其对两岸区域经济一体化进程的影响。全文共分八章: 第一章是导言。阐述本论文研究的意义、方法和研究重点,并介绍相关研究动态。 第二章是回顾历史上海峡两岸农业传播与交往,包括大陆先进农业科技向台湾地区传播以及两岸农业经贸往来。综述海峡两岸农业交流与合作的历史过程和渊源关系,旨在更清晰地说明和透析当前闽台两岸农业合作的历史动因。 第三章和第四章是把20世纪70年代末至2001年的当代历史时期划分两个时段,分别描述闽台农业交流与合作历史事实及分析其内在规律。内容包括三部分:1.农业科技交流——福建对台农业品种、农业设备和技术的引进;2.农业经贸合作——闽台农业贸易、台湾对闽农业投资;3.闽台两岸农业学术交流和人员互访。 第五章是对福建海峡两岸农业合作试验区,包括福州试验区和漳州试验区的建设现状、成效、动因和存在问题进行论述和分析。 第六章是建立在前述内容的基础上,总结二十多年来闽台农业交流与合作的成效,并深入分析其动因与制约因素。 第七章是论述wTO对l阂台两岸农业发展的影响,以及两岸农业合作对海峡经济区一体化进程的影响,并提出在wTO框架下如何更好地实现j*1台区域农业合作的博弈思考. 第八章是全文的结论,总结二十多年来闺台农业交流与合作的特征,并提出作者的观点.

【Abstract】 On November 11th, 2001, China’s mainland and Taiwan entered WTO successively, which makes bilateral agriculture confront severe international competition. At present, the agricultural developments of both sides are at the different levels, as well as its resources and endowments. China’s mainland is rich in resources and comparatively low labors, while Taiwan is better in finance, technology and marketing system. All these provide wide space for agricultural cooperation of both sides.Agricultural communication and cooperation has already achieved a great development in both quality and range, and its economic effect to both sides is stimulating. Fujian has been an important place for bilateral communication and cooperation for a long time. It leaps to first place from the points of scale, level and standard in the areas of agri-technology communication, agricultural business cooperation, agricultural academic exchange and scholar visiting. Thus, reviewing the historic development of Fujian-Taiwan agricultural communication and cooperation in the past 20 years has important and practical significance in how to realize agricultural cooperation better, under the present WTO frame.This paper is based on authoritative, systematical and comprehensive data towards Taiwan which is stated in the book Fujian Agricultural Introduction 20 Years (1979-1998), and tries its best to collect overall relative information as detailed as possible, including local records, investigation and survey reports, unpublished literatures and research paper collections. On the basis of reviewing the paper widely and systematically describes the historical facts of agricultural communication between Fujian and Taiwan, starting from the political facts of both sides across strait, with the aid of basic theories of Economics and game theory, making close and standard positive analysis by using realistic statistical data, in order to reflect the tendency of agricultural communication and cooperation between Fujian-Taiwan more objectively, as well as its influence on regional economic integrationbetween two sides. The paper is divided into 8 chapters.Chapter I is introduction, which expounds the research significance, methods and emphases of this paper, and introduces related research developments.Chapter II reviews agricultural popularization and communication from historical point of view, including advanced agri-technology popularization from mainland to Taiwan and agricultural business between two sides. Summarizing the historical progress and original relationship of agricultural communication and cooperation between two sides is designed to state the historical motive of Fujian and Taiwan agricultural cooperation.Chapter III and Chapter IV divide contemporary history (1970s-2001) into 2 phases, describing the historical facts and analyzing its inside laws of Fujian and Taiwan agricultural communication and cooperation separately. And it contains 3 parts: 1.Agri-technology communication ------ Fujian introduces agricultural breeds, equipmentand technologies from Taiwan; 2. Agricultural business cooperation ------ Fujian-Taiwanagriculture trade and Taiwan’s agricultural investigation towards Fujian; 3. Agricultural academic exchange and scholar visiting between two sides.Chapter V discusses and analyzes the present situations, effects, motives and remaining problems of Experimental Zones of Agriculture Cooperation for Taiwan’s agri-investor, including Fuzhou Experimental Zone and Zhangzhou Experimental Zone.Chapter VI, on the basis of previous content, summarizes the effect of Fujian-Taiwan agricultural communication and cooperation in the past 20 years, and analyzes its motive and restrict factors deeply.Chapter VII states the influences of WTO to agriculture developments of two sides and the influences of bilateral agri-cooperation to regional economic integration. It also raises the thinking of how to realize Fujian-Taiwan regional agricultural cooperation under the frame of WTO better.Chapter VIII is conc

  • 【分类号】F327
  • 【被引频次】10
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