

Researches on Structural Performance of Light Gauge Steel Framed Compound Bearing System

【作者】 夏冰青

【导师】 董军;

【作者基本信息】 南京工业大学 , 结构工程, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 全部采用冷成型钢构件作为结构受力骨架的轻钢龙骨住宅体系具有轻质、高强、节能、环保、施工速度快、易于产业化等特点,近年来在国际上发展迅速并广泛用于低层住宅,但在我国研究和应用还处于启动阶段。北美、加拿大等国发布了用于低层(1~2层)轻钢龙骨结构体系的指导性方法和设计手册,但各国指导性方法均以实践经验为基础、以应用为目的,缺乏简化的整体分析计算方法。 为推动轻钢龙骨住宅在我国的应用和发展,必须加强对轻钢龙骨结构性能的研究,开发出配套的低、多层轻钢龙骨住宅结构体系。本文围绕轻钢龙骨体系结构性能的试验、分析、设计和计算,主要进行了以下四方面的研究工作: (1)轻钢龙骨复合承载墙体的受压、受弯计算:以美国钢铁协会发行的北美冷成型钢构件设计规范及其规范说明为依据,重点考虑罩面材料对墙龙骨设计的影响,给出了目前对承重墙龙骨设计的具体要求,并对剪力蒙皮进行了简要讨论;然后提出了符合我国规范术语的剪力蒙皮作用的轻钢龙骨复合承载墙体(即罩面支撑墙龙骨)受压、受弯的计算理论和方法;最后对提出的计算进行简化,使之完全与我国规范相符。轻钢龙骨复合承载墙体受压、受弯计算考虑墙龙骨罩面支撑的作用,填补了我国设计规范在此方面的空白,可供设计和研究参考。 (2)轻钢龙骨复合承载墙体(LGSFCBW)抗侧性能研究:LGSFCBW抗侧能力影响因素众多、理论计算困难,各国均以试验研究为基础而无合适的公式。本文首先论述了LGSFCBW各种破坏模式及其原因,总结了各因素对LGSFCBW抗剪性能的影响,从而为我国引进和应用轻钢龙骨结构体系奠定了基础;其次从试验模型、试验方法和试验结果三方面探讨了国外LGSFCBW抗震性能的研究,并分析该体系的破坏模式和抗震特性、提出研究建议;然后介绍了为推动轻钢龙骨住宅国产化,我们采用国产材料开展的系列试验;最后提出了LGSFCBW的有限单元分析法,数值计算与试验结果一致,为充分利用计算技术减少试验数量和充分利用试验成果提高设计水平提供了一条可靠途径。 (3)轻钢龙骨体系楼盖结构研究:在低、多层轻钢龙骨住宅中,必须保证楼盖具有足够的刚度、强度和整体稳定性,且满足保温、隔音、隔震及防火功能。在借鉴国外不同造价、施工要求的楼盖形式基础上,提出低、多层轻钢龙骨住宅采用蒸压轻质加气混凝土(ALC)板作为楼板,并给出了计算方法和相应分析。 (4)北美低层轻钢结构住宅设计方法研究:采用中国惯用术语对北美低层轻钢结构住宅规范的核心内容作简要介绍,并分析在我国直接采用该规范的适用性与局限性,最后参照该规范、并尽可能满足我国已有相关规范对一典型低层轻钢龙骨结构住宅进行了设计。 本文研究全工业化的轻钢龙骨体系在低、多层住宅中的结构性能,以结构体系创新为出发点,开展一系列理论研究,并以相应试验来检验理论分析结果,对推动轻钢龙骨体系在我国的应用具有理论和应用价值。

【Abstract】 Light gauge steel construction whose structural framing is constitutive of cold-formed steel members has been on a rapidly increasing sacle and has been used for low residential construction widely in the world since the construction has a series of prominent advantages such as light weight, high strength and stiffness, energy saving, environmental protection, ease of prefabrication and mass production, fast and easy erection and installation and so on, but its research and application has just begun in our country. The prescriptive method and design manuals for the construction of one- and two-family residential dwellings using cold-formed steel framing have issued in North America and Canada, however, all methodss are based on experience and application, but no simplified analytical method is put forward.To promote the application and development of light gauge steel framed residential dwellings in our country, the research on structural performance of light gauge steel framing should be enhanced and the structural system according with architectural system should be developed. Concerning the tests, analyses, design and calculation of performances for light gauge steel framing, this paper focuses on following items:(1) The calculation of light gauge steel framed compound bearing walls (LGSFCBW) in compression and bending. Based on North American specification and commentary for the design of cold-formed steel structural members, which was published by the American Iron and Steel Institute, the detailed design requirements of wall stud assemblies are given considering the structural contribution of the attached sheathings and shear diaphragm is discussed briefly. Then the calculational theoretic and method for sheathing braced wall stud assemblies complying with national code is brought up in compression and bending. Finally, the calculation is simplified so as to use directly. The effect of the attached sheathings is taken into account when the LGSFCBW in compression and bending is computed. A gap is supplied on native wall stud design code and the calculational method can be refered by designers and researchers.(2) The study on lateral resistance of LGSFCBW. Because the lateral performance of the LGSFCBW is quite complex and dependent of many factors, theoretic calculation is unpractical and study is on the basis of test all over the world. Firstly, the possible fracture modes and reasons are assessed and the influences of all kinds of components to the lateral performance are summarized so that the intruduction and application of light gauge steel constructions is established. Secondly, the present situation of the research on the seismic behaviour of LGSFCBW from three aspects including test models, test programs and setups. and test results is briefly expounded. Furthermore, the fracture modes and the basic dynamic properties of such structures are identified. Some suggestions are brought forward. Thirdly, to improve the application of light gauge steel structure in our country, some experimentations ofInstitute of New-Style Steel Structure which adopting native productions are induced nally, three-dimensional finite element model is presented. Compared with the tests, mumerical results are verified much accurate and efficient, therefore a reliable way is provided to utilize the computational technique adequately to reduce the tests and to utilize the experimental results adequately to improve design quality,(3) Study on floor system. Not only adequate strength, stiffness and integer stabilization must be provided, but also insulation, fire and acoustics must be satified. Referring to the forms of floor solution abroad, Autoclaved Lightweight Concrete (ALC) floor used in low buildings and precast ALC composite slab used in middle buildings are put forward. Furthermore, the calculational methods and corresponding analyses are discussed.(4) Research on design method of low light gauge steel constructions in North America. A concise recommendation adopting Chinese term

  • 【分类号】TU392.5
  • 【被引频次】46
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