

The Study and Excution of Pagination of Handset Being on Net

【作者】 张晓丹

【导师】 许占文;

【作者基本信息】 沈阳工业大学 , 计算机应用, 2002, 硕士

【摘要】 数字通信和移动通信是当今全球发展最快的行业。随着Internet的迅猛发展,手机、掌中宝等无线通讯设备的普及,人们对无线上网的要求越来越强烈了,都希望无论在何时、何地,只要需要信息,就可以打开自己的无线设备,享受无穷无尽的网上信息或网上资源。WAP(Wireless Application Protocol)就是针对这一需要产生的。 本文主要介绍了基于WAP协议和以WML语言为主要工具,实现手机上网的方案设计。并在具体实现中重点解决了乱码、分页等问题。 首先,介绍了WAP协议的基础知识,以及与我们所熟悉的HTTP协议的区别。这部分是论文的基础部分。 其次,就在开发应用过程中所遇到的几个具体问题做了详尽的论述,包括乱码、分页等。这几个问题虽然复杂,但我根据具体工作环境,用软件的方法解决了这些问题,这样既简化了方法又达到了技术要求,使问题尽可能在数据传到客户端(WAP手机)前被解决。 最后,本文以WindowsNT为操作平台,Cold Fusion为服务器端编程语言,WML为客户端编程语言编写了对WAP的各种应用的实现软件。 本文以实用为原则,提出了对WAP应用开发的一些方法和原则,同时实现了对各种功能的测试。

【Abstract】 Digital communication and mobile communication are the fastest development vocation in the world. With the rapid development of the Internet and wireless communication sets such as mobile telephone ,PDA, people’s want for wireless Internet is stronger and stronger. They hope that they can be on net whenever and wherever. WAP(Wireless Application Protocol) is produced in need of that.The paper mostly introduces that the scheme based on the primary tools of WAP and WML(Wireless Markup Language) of handset being on net is how to completed. And during the course of the particular implement, I mainly resolved the problems of the random code and pagination etc.First, I introduce the basic knowledge of the WAP, and the difference with the HTTP that we are familiar to. That is the basement of the paper.Second, I discuss the problems particularly that I missed during the process of the development , including the random code and pagination etc. In spite of these problems are very complex,I solve them with the sofeware menas . That predigested the problem and reached the technically requests, namely made the problems be resolved before the client setcompletely.Finaly, the paper is based on the Windows NT operation system, and Cold Fusion as server program, WML as client language.The paper is based on utility, and put forward some means and principle on the WAP, and at the same time I complete the test of kind functions.

【关键词】 WAP协议架构测试环境微型浏览器分页乱码
【Key words】 WAPFrameTest ConditionMicro BrowserPaginationRandom Code
  • 【分类号】TN929.53
  • 【被引频次】7
  • 【下载频次】235