

The Research of Supply Chain Enterprise Performance Evaluation and Encouragment Mechanism

【作者】 田庆军

【导师】 张青山;

【作者基本信息】 沈阳工业大学 , 管理科学与工程, 2002, 硕士

【摘要】 供应链是由多个节点企业通过一定的方式组成的联盟,供应链上各节点企业的表现如何和贡献大小都对供应链运行绩效产生影响。因此,本文对供应链企业的绩效评价和激励机制进行了较深入的研究。 供应链管理提出的时间虽不长,但它却引起人们的广泛关注,许多研究机构,高等学校和工商企业对此进行了大量的研究和实践,供应链管理方面已取得较多研究成果。但是,对供应链企业的绩效评价及激励机制的研究却较少涉及。 本文在对供应链的结构模式进行详细归纳分析的基础上,确定了供应链的网络(层次)结构模型,以模型为基础,对供应链企业的绩效评价指标和方法进行了广泛的探讨,设计了一套适合于供应链管理环境,具有一定可操作性的供应链企业绩效评价方法。同时,根据绩效评价指标设计了一套激励供应链及节点企业的激励机制。 在供应链企业绩效评价和激励机制中,重点关注供应链整体绩效评价的实时性和可实现性及供应链节点企业之间关系的绩效评价指标的设计。如信任度指标和满意度指标等。在激励机制中充分结合所设计的绩效评价指标,结合现实中可能存在的供应链类型,设计了信任激励、信息共享激励、商誉激励、淘汰激励等一系列激励方法。 最后,本文对供应链企业绩效评价和激励机制的结合进行了有益的探索,设计了供应链协议和供应链问卷两个结合模式,为供应链的管理研究与应用实践奠定了基础和提供参考。

【Abstract】 Supply chain is an alliance of multiple node enterprises united in a certain form. The performance and contribution of each node can mean influence on the whole. In this light, the paper deepens the research on the Performance Evaluation (PE) and Encouraging Mechanism (EM) for the node enterprises.It’s not long though since the supply chain management was put forward, wide attention has been attracted. Many research institutes, universities and enterprises have been engaged in concerning study and practice, and have brought fruitful outcome. But seldom has any research on PE and EM.With this background, the paper firstly analyzes the current supply chain modes and generalizes the network structure model; then on that basis, the paper discusses broadly the indices and the methods that might be used in evaluating Supply-chain-enterprises’ performance; after that, a set of feasible PE and accordingly a series of EM methods are designed. As for the PE system, the main concern of this paper is its concurrent ness,practicability, and comprehensiveness. To achieve this goal, the paper puts forward some new indices, such as the index of trust and satisfaction. As for the EM, after fully considering the existing Supply-chain modes, the paper comes up with a series of alternative methods closely based on the PE result, such as mutual-trust encouragement, information-share encouragement,commodity-credit encouragement, wash-out encouragement and so on.In the end, the paper further explores the relationship between PE and EM, and raises 2 combination modes-Supply chain agreement and Supply chain questionnaire-which lay a strong foundation for further research and application of SCM in management reform.

  • 【分类号】F274
  • 【被引频次】16
  • 【下载频次】612