

Investigation on Hardness of Metal Matrix to Composite-alloy Grinding Roller of Wearing Resistance

【作者】 于长城

【导师】 鲍志勇;

【作者基本信息】 华北电力大学(河北) , 动力工程, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 本文对RP中速磨煤机耐磨件进行了运行与磨损情况分析,研究、提出了制备磨辊和盘瓦复合合金成分配比;并对制作的试件进行了固溶、时效等特定的热处理工艺,观察试件金相组织,进行机械强度试验,最后做磨料磨损试验,对磨损失效机理进行了深入的研究分析,对其耐磨性能与低合金钢、高铬铸铁进行了对比。由试验数据得出结论,通过在作为基体铜合金中增加一定比例的Cr等元素,并进行特定热处理工艺,可使复合合金宏观硬度、结合强度进一步提高,试样的耐磨性明显增强。同时对进一步提高复合合金与铸钢母材结合强度的工艺改进做了研究。

【Abstract】 The contents of this paper research mostly include abrasion fault analysis of grinding roller and different grain size of tungsten carbide effect on abrasive resistance of the composite alloy. Firstly, analyze under the practically run in the power plant abrasion fault of the grinding roll. Secondly, choose the sample component, as different particle match of tungsten carbide and specifically heat treatment craftworks of solution and aging manufacture test piece, watch metallurgical structure of the test piece and do the tests of hardness and tension, at last do the abrasive wear test on the dynamic load abrasive wear test machine, analyze test datum, From the test data, conclusions are arrived that the hardnees of Composite-alloy can be improved and wear-resistance be better by adding Cr and other elements according to a given ratio. This paper also research the technology to improve the intensity between Composite-alloy and basebody. Yu Changcheng (Thermal power engineering) Directed by prof. Bao Zhiyong, Huang Baohai

  • 【分类号】TM621
  • 【下载频次】137