

Construction of Communicative Syllabus of English Course for Professional School

【作者】 彭侠

【导师】 李正林;

【作者基本信息】 华中师范大学 , 英语语言文学, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 长期以来,中专英语教学缺乏正式统一的教学大纲。与此同时,在实际教学中,中专英语教学仍采用传统的教学法,注重语言知识的传授,学生交际能力的培养被忽视。本文旨在根据已有的交际大纲理论,构建出适合中专英语教学的交际大纲。 本文首先讨论中专英语教学中存在的突出问题,以确立中专英语教学交际大纲为研究方向。由于长期缺乏正式统一的教学大纲作指导,各类中专学校的教学目的,教材使用,授课总时数,测试标准等存在着不同程度的差别。随着中专学制的统一和改革开放以及内外交流的发展,中专英语教学急需突破其闭门造车,各行其道的状态。而交际能力这一语言术语的提出已有三十年。国内外外语教学界已相当普遍地,明确地把“交际”作为教学目的。但在中专英语教学中,这仍然是有待于探讨和解决地问题。 在确立了研究方向以后,论文继而回溯大纲发展历程,以建立大纲构建的理论基础。大纲的制定与外语教学理论发展一直有着密切联系,Wilkins(1976)认为各种教学法可归纳为两大类:综合法(Synthetic approaches)与分析法(Analytic approaches)。综合法认为语言是一个完整的系统,可以被分解成一个一个的语言项目进行讲授和训练,语言的学习过程就是积累各个语言项目的过程。在这个理论指导下就出现了结构大纲。它着眼于发展语言能力。而分析法则认为人类的交际是在语篇水平上进行的,语言的学习也应该从语篇水平上去组织,以表达的意念为纲目;根据学习目的选择意念条目,并确定表达这些意念的手段。根据这种理论就出现了情景大纲和意念大纲。它着重发展交际能力。交际大纲也正是基于这一方法建立起来的。论文详细论述了交际大纲的理论基础,包括其主要类型和组成部分。 评估是检测课程有效性的重要手段。为提供检测现行大纲的有效性可靠依据,论文调查学生对目前中专英语课程中语言技能的训练,课堂活动形式,以及对课程总体的评价;并通过教师对现行大纲内容的检测,得出结论:中专英语⑧硕士学位论文MAS’任R’ST}IESIS课程的现行大纲没有实现交际能力的培养,同时也不是一个真正意义上的交际大纲.这使交际大纲在中专英语教学中的研究应用具有实际意义. 而学生的需求则是交际大纲的应用需要首先考虑的问题。通过问卷访谈调查的结果,学生的语言需求得到了明确。中专英语课程交际大纲的目的也随之产生.在此基础上论文提出了针对中专英语课程的大纲内容,并就其在实际中的运用提出了关于教材,教学方法,和测试的一些建议。 希望本文提出的交际大纲对中专英语教学具有针对性和适用性,使中专生能提高交际能力,并在现实的交际中获得成功。

【Abstract】 Though the communicative Approach has been introduced in the English language teaching for more than 30 years, which emphasizes the cultivation of communicative competence, the professional schools still stick to more traditional approaches which focus more on the imparting of linguistic knowledge and on the training of language skills.In order to enable the students in the professional schools to be more competent in the real communication, this thesis attempts to innovate the current syllabus on the basis of the framework of communicative syllabus to guide English language teaching in the professional schools.With the brief reviews of the syllabus evolution, we can find the syllabus evolution is always accompanied with the development on teaching methodologies. According to Wilkins (1976), the structural syllabus is based on the synthetic approach, while the analytic approach result in semantic syllabus. The structural syllabus focuses on language knowledge, and the semantic syllabus (notional syllabus, situational syllabus) value the communicative competence.Course evaluation has been proved to be an important procedure in the language program development. In order to collect the data to assess the effectiveness of current syllabus, the author conducts a course evaluation by students as well as an examination of the syllabus by teachers. All the data show that the current syllabus is not a communicative one, and that its content needs to be modified to make the teaching more communicative.In order to make the innovated syllabus more relevant to the students’ needs, the author also conducts a needs survey and analysis. Through the data collected from the questionnaire and interviews, a communicative syllabus has been designed on the basis of the current syllabus. The thesis also provides some suggestions forthe implementation of the innovated syllabus.It is hoped that the communicative syllabus proposed in this thesis can provide a special guideline for the English course in professional school. Thus, the students can acquire communicative competence, and will succeed in communication in their future career.

  • 【分类号】G633.41
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】209