

On the Trotting & Demurer of Patent

【作者】 汤建辉

【导师】 李寿廷;

【作者基本信息】 华中师范大学 , 经济法学, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 专利权是一种独占性权利,反映了专利权人在获取专利权后的重大利益要求。我国和世界上许多国家的专利法律对专利侵权行为的认定与制裁都规定得较为细致,在一定程度上显示了对专利权人合法利益保护的力度。同时,为了防止专利权人滥用专利权及其他不正当权利的行为发生,又从许多方面对该权利的行使规定了一系列的限制措施。由于我国社会发展的复杂性,很多法律制度的建立与完善经过了一个漫长而曲折的过程,尤其是在知识产权法律领域。在法律界常有人讲,知识产权法是与国际接轨最完善最充分的法律领域。但我国在这一领域建立相关专利法律制度的时间较晚,从事专利法律理论研究的人才较少,能够承担专利审判业务重担的法官更是欠缺。因此,随着我国专利法律制度的发展,我国原有的专利法律、法规及相关司法解释中出现的漏洞与不足之处便不断大量的涌现出来,严重阻碍了我国的经济发展与对外交流和合作,对专利权人及其他合法权利人利益的保护极为不利,为了正确界定专利侵权行为,适当使用侵权抗辩事由,本文主要从以下三个方面论述了专利侵权抗辩的法律依据,分析了我国当前在专利侵权抗辩问题上存在的不足之处,同时也提出了相应的立法建议及应对策略。第一大部主要介绍了专利侵权抗辩的基本理论,论述了专利侵权行为的概念、构成要件、分类以及专利侵权抗辩的内涵和民事领域常见的侵权抗辩事由;第二大部分主要论述了侵权抗辩的四种主要事由,一是影响专利权效力的理由,包括专利权利无效和禁止专利权滥用;二是法定的不视为专利侵权的事由,包括专利权用尽原则、先用权、临时过境、为科学实验目的以及第三人的善意使用、销售行为;三是等同侵权的抗辩事由,包括禁止反悔原则和自由公知技术抗辩;四是其他抗辩事由,包括起诉权和诉讼时效制度。第三大部分是针对目前我国在专利侵权抗辩问题上存在的不足之处提出了三个方面的立法建议及对策,一是效仿知识产权立法先进国家制定一部反垄断法,防止专利权人对其权利滥用;二是理顺专利行政执法途径,正确界定专利行政执法与司法审查之间的界限;三是加强专利侵权抗辩方面的国际交流与理论探讨,加大与国际接轨的力度,充分利用国际条约,最大限度地保护我国的国家利益。

【Abstract】 Patent, as a kind of monopolistic right, reflects patentee’s important request in benefit after getting patent. Law of patent in China and lots of countries in the world draft rules in details in cognizance and sanction to patent tort. Which shows the strength of protection to legal rights and interests of patentee. At the same time, in order to prevent patentee from abusing patent and unlawfully exercising rights, a series of measures have been made in many aspects to restrict exertion of the right. In order to delimit rightly the patent tort and use properly main content for demurring patent tort the article discusses the law foundation of demurring patent tort analyzes the shortages in the problem of demurring patent tort, and simultaneously gives relevant legislation suggestions and strategies. The first part mainly introduces the basic theory of demurring patent tort and subscribes the concept, composing elements and categories of patent tort, meaning of demurring patent tort and cases of demurring patent tort often found in civil field. The second part manly discusses the four primary main contents of demurring patent tort. They are:1) the main content of influencing the patent force, including patent invalidation and no abusing patent; 2)the legal main content not regarded as patent tort, including depleting principle, peruse right, temporary pass, and well meaning use and sale for the third party and scientific experiment; 3)demurring main content equal to patent tort, including no pull back principle and demurring in technology of free common knowledge; 4 ) other demurring main contents, including prosecutionright and litigation prescription system. The third part gives relevant legislation suggestions and strategies in three aspects in the light of the shortages of demurring patent tort. These suggestions and strategies are: 1) constitute law of anti-monopolization imitating countries that have advanced legislation of intellectual property rights to prevent patentee from abusing his rights; 2) smooth the way of administrative law execution of patent and delimit properly the bounds between administrative law execution and judicial review; 3)strengthen imitational communication and academic discussion in demurring patent tort and increase the strength of being in line with the world.

【关键词】 专利侵权抗辩
【Key words】 patenttortdemurer
  • 【分类号】D913
  • 【被引频次】7
  • 【下载频次】430