

Study on Field Measure-Control Unit and Its Network for Water Measurement

【作者】 陈晔

【导师】 汤方平;

【作者基本信息】 扬州大学 , 水利水电工程, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 日益严重水资源短缺问题已成为制约我国经济发展和困扰人民日常生活的大问题。在广大的农村地区,由于缺乏严格、准确的用水计量致使水资源的浪费现象普遍存在。为解决我国农村灌区用水量计费问题,促进水资源的合理利用,首先必须在充分利用灌区现有的水工建筑物进行用水量计量的前体下,选择适合在线测量、经济、简便的测流方案。考虑到平原灌区中的灌溉形式和量水设施的多样化,现有的明渠流量计通用性、灵活性差,所选择的现场单元应具备通用、测控一体、性价比高的特点,既实现不同测流方案的流量计算,又达到控制水量的目的。 灌区内泵站、闸门、量水槽等水工建筑物的分布较分散、偏远。在灌区中要进行集中控制管理,满足管理现代化的要求,还应考虑用合理的通讯方式和网络结构将各个测站联成网络,建立供水计量监控系统。 本文通过分析现有的流量测量方案,选择用闸门、泵站、量水槽作为量水设施,并分析了这几种测流方法的流量计算原理。为适应在不同的测流方式下的数据采集和流量计算,采用通用的PC-BASED可编程控制器,用C语言开发出具有专业特色、通用、灵活的测控一体现场单元。具体提出了三种可行的现场测控方案,分别实现了平原灌区常用的闸门、泵闸结合、闸槽结合三种水工建筑物形式下流量的测量和控制,并对主要传感器的选型提出了具体的要求。提出适用于灌区供水计量的网络设计方案,针对上海松江区浦南花卉基地,设计了供水计量监控系统,实现了整个灌区内所有量水设施的实时监控和用水量的计量。

【Abstract】 The increasing water crisis in our country has gradually impeded economic development and affected the daily life of people. In the countryside, the lack of accurate accounting and good records results in waste of water. In order to measure water usage in the plain irrigation region, economic and flexible flow measure method should be chosen at the prerequisite of making good use of exiting water works. Considering the reality that the irrigation devices are usually various and the exiting open-channel flow meters are costly and inflexible, the chosen field unit should be general and worth.In the irrigation the water works are remote and scattered, therefore means of signals communication and network structures must be taken into account in the water measurement system.By analyzing existing flow measurement methods, several economic methods which are suitable to online meter and measure flow in the plain irrigation are chosen. The principle of flow measurement is also presented. Based on general PC-BASED programmable controller, the general and flexible measure-control field unit is developed, which has specialty characteristics and is suitable for different water measuring devices. Data sampling, flow calculation and controlling water works are also realized. Three feasible measuring and controlling schemes: gate, "pump-gate", "gate-flume" are mentioned, and the precision of major sensors are requested. Network designs suitable for the irrigation region are mentioned by analyzing existing network structure and means of signals communication. A typical example concerned with the network design of water measurement is presented, which manage the water works including pump stations, gates and flumes in Punan irrigation, Shanghai.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 扬州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2003年 04期
  • 【分类号】S274
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】97