

Study on Rolled Leaf Traits of Rice and Effects Analysis of Related Genes

【作者】 胡俊

【导师】 潘学彪; 陈宗祥;

【作者基本信息】 扬州大学 , 作物遗传育种, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 本研究通过R1(t)卷叶基因的一对近等基因系与平展叶亲本杂交,6个不同卷叶材料之间不完全双列杂交及其与7个平展叶材料pq杂交,研究卷叶基因对产量及其构成因素的影响。对部分组合中卷叶基因的效应进行遗传分析;调查亲本及杂交后代叶片卷曲状况,分析卷叶性状的遗传行为;通过分子标记手段进行卷叶基因的初步定位。 一、以R1(t)卷叶基因的一对近等基因系卷叶珍汕97B、珍汕97B为母本,分别与明恢63、盐恢559、特青杂交。设置正常肥力和增施穗肥两个水平处理,对获得的杂交组合F1代进行秧苗素质、茎蘖动态、叶片性状、光合生理特性和经济性状的调查,结果表明: 1、卷叶组合秧苗期的叶龄、茎蘖数、假茎粗、苗高等秧苗素质均低于对应组合,本田前期茎蘖数上升较缓;高峰苗以后,卷叶组合茎蘖数比对应组合下降缓慢,因此最终有效穗数显著或极显著多于对应组合。 2、叶片性状:(1)增施穗肥,各组合倒数3张叶片的长度比正常肥力条件下显著或极显著拉长。(2)增施穗肥,各组合叶片卷曲度比正常肥力水平下略有减小,卷叶组合部分叶位叶片卷曲度减小达显著水平;同一处理水平下,相同叶位间,R1(t)卷叶组合的叶片卷曲度在不同时期均极显著大于对应组合;(3)开花期:正常肥力下,卷叶组合的叶基角均偏小,对应组合部分叶位之间的叶基角存在显著或极显著差异;所有组合分析表明,卷曲度与叶基角之间存在极显著的负相关关系(r=-0.3554**);增施穗肥,部分叶位叶基角增加达显著或极显著水平;开花后20天:正常肥力下,各组合的叶基角均增大,卷叶组合增大的幅度大于对应组合;增施穗肥,平展叶组合叶基角增大达到显著或极显著水平;对应组合部分叶位叶基角之间差异达显著水平。(4)卷叶组合在两个时期两个处理水平下均不披垂。对应组合披垂度之间在不同时期不同处理水平下均达到显著或极显著差异。开花期:正常肥力下,对应组合倒2、倒3叶的披垂度之间达到显著或极显著差异;所有组合分析表明,卷曲度与披垂度之间存在极显著的负相关关系(r=-0.4675**);在增施穗肥水平下,平展叶组合披垂度增大。开花后20天:平展叶组合叶片的披 胡俊水稻卷叶性状研究和相关基因的效应分析三垂度在两个处理水平下均增大;增施穗肥,倒l、倒2叶的披垂度增加达到显著或极显著水平。3、光合生理:(1)卷叶组合的消光系数在不同时期均显著或极显著小于对应组合,卷叶组合的叶面积指数在不同时期大于对应组合。(2)开花期,卷叶组合叶绿素含量大于对应组合,但差异不显著;开花后20天,卷叶组合叶绿素含t显著或极显著高于对应组合。(3)卷叶组合的光合速率在不同时期大于或显著大于对应组合。4、经济性状:正常肥力下,卷叶组合的单株产量显著高于对应组合,卷叶组合的有效穗,结实率均显著或极显著高于对应组合,每穗粒数显著或极显著少于对应组合;增施穗肥水平下,各组合穗粒数显著或极显著增加,千粒重降低或显著降低,平展叶组合结实率显著或极显著降低而卷叶组合结实率变化不明显,卷叶组合极显著增产而平展叶组合增产不显著。二、以卷叶珍汕97B、培矮645为母本分别与明恢63、盐恢559、特青、扬辐糯5号和9311杂交,对获得的杂交组合F,代进行调查,初步研究不同卷叶基因之间效应的差异。结果表明:(l)卷叶珍汕97B组合的卷曲度和叶基角在不同时期大于或显著大于对应的培矮645组合;培矮645组合的倒3叶在两个时期均披垂,部分倒3叶披垂度显著或极显著大于对应的卷叶珍汕97B组合;(2)卷叶珍汕97B组合消光系数在不同时期均显著小于对应的培矮645组合;卷叶珍汕97B组合在不同时期叶绿素含量均极显著高于对应的培矮645组合;开花期,卷叶珍汕97B组合的光合速率小于对应的培矮645组合,开花后20天,卷叶珍汕97B倒1叶光合速率大于对应组合,倒3叶光合速率小于对应组合:(3)卷叶珍汕97B组合结实率、千粒重和单株产量均大于对应的培矮645组合,部分对应组合之间达到显著或极显著差异。三、卷叶性状的遗传特点 通过卷叶材料之间以及卷叶材料与平展叶材料之间的杂交F:代叶片卷曲度的考察,结合91SPO68/奇妙香和特青/Lemnot杂交FZ代群体的叶片卷曲度分离情况的表现,对卷叶性状的遗传行为进行初步研究,并通过分子标记手段进行卷叶基护 胡俊水稻卷叶性状研究和相关基因的效应分析2因的定位,结果如下:1、平展叶相对于卷叶为不完全显性;6个卷叶材料中的卷叶基因之间存在非等位关系;当卷叶基因同时处于隐性纯合状态时,在特青/Lemont和91SPO68/奇妙香组合中,非等位卷叶基因之间分别存在互补和累加的互作方式。2、通过分子标记手段在91SPO68/奇妙香组合F:群体的第5染色体上初步定位了一个数量卷叶基因。该数量卷叶基因位于阴430一RM289区间,可解释总变异的30%,来自于奇妙香(正在定位另一个效应更大的主基因);这2个卷叶基因之间的互作方式似乎是效应累加的。3、通过分子标记手段在Lemont/TQ的FZ群体的第1、3和12染色体上初步定位了3个数量卷叶基因,其中2个主效

【Abstract】 Three pairs of crosses of rolled-leaf (RL) near-isogenic lines were used to study the effects of RL gene RL(t) on seedling characters, number of tiller, leaf traits, photosynthesis and yield of hybrid rice under two levels of fertilizing regimes. Results were as follows:1. At the treat of normal fertilizer level, the RL crosses appeared to be inferior to those of corresponding crosses in such characters as seedling leaf age, number of tillers, stem-base width and seedling height in the seedling stage. In the beginning stage after transplanting, the number of tillers of RL crosses developed slower, resulting in less tillers in the high peak seedling stage and more effective tillers than the corresponding crosses.2. (1) Under the normal fertilizer level, the basic angle of leaf (BAL) of RL crosses at the same leaf were smaller at the flowering, and parts of the BALs of corresponding crosses were difference significantly. The BAL was significantly and negatively correlated with leaf rolling indexes (LRI) (r=-0. 3554, P<0. 01). At the 20d after flowering, the BALs of all crosses were increased and the increased scope of RL crosses was higher than those of the corresponding crosses. At the flowering, drooping angles (DA) of the second leaf and the third leaf between corresponding crosses were difference significantly. DA was significantly and negatively correlated with LRI(r=-0.4675,P<0.01).(2) In the treat of more fertilizer applied to the early panicle growth stage, three upper leaves of all crosses grew significantly longer. Under the more fertilizer level, LRIs of all crosses were decreased, and in part of LRIs of RL crosses were decreased significantly. The BALs of most crosses were increased or increased significantly but no difference significantly in the corresponding crosses. The BALs of the non-RL crosses were increase significantly than the corresponding crosses. DAs of non-RL crosses enlarged.(3) Under the same treat level, LRIs of R1(t) RL crosses between the same leaf were higher significantly than those of the corresponding crosses at different stages. The BALs of RL crosses were smaller or smaller significantly than those of corresponding crosses. Leaves of RL crosses were not drooping under two levels of fertilizing regimes at two stages. At the 20d after flowering, DAs of non-RL crosses enlarged under two levels. And DAs of RL crosses were smaller significantly than those of the corresponding crosses.3. (1) The light extinction coefficients of RL crosses were smaller significantly than those of the corresponding crosses at two stages while LAI were higher. (2) At the flowering, chlorophyll contents of RL crosses were higher than those of corresponding crosses while higher significantly at 20d after flowering. (3) Photosynthetic rate of RL crosses were higher or higher significantly than those of the corresponding crosses at different stages.4. At the treat of normal fertilizer level, yield, effective tillers and seed-set rate of RL crosses were higher or higher significantly while the grain number per panicle lower than those of corresponding crosses. Under the more fertilizer level, the number of grains per panicle of all crosses increased significantly and the 1000-grain weight dropped or significantly dropped. The seed-set rate dropped significantly in the non-RL crosses but not in the corresponding crosses. The yield of RL crosses increased significantly in the treat of more fertilizer but the corresponding crosses not, whichsuggested that Rl(t) gene could more easily lead to higher yield under the level of higher fertilizer.In this study, using RL Zhenshan 97B(JYB) and Peiai 64S(PS) as female parents, and Minghui 63, Yanhui 559, Teqing, Yangfunuo 5 and 9311 as male parents, five corresponding crosses were made and we investigated these crosses to study effects of two genes of JYB and PS. Results were as follows:(1) The LRIs and BALs of JYB crosses were higher or higher sigificantly than those of PS corresponding crosses at d

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 扬州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2003年 04期
  • 【分类号】S511
  • 【被引频次】7
  • 【下载频次】195