

【作者】 汪永保

【导师】 吴周文;

【作者基本信息】 扬州大学 , 中国现当代文学, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 沈从文从二十年代初踏上文坛到四十年代末搁笔,始终把生命、人生、命运这类古老而又常新的主题作为创作的主旋律,他的作品不仅在国内拥有广泛的读者而且还走向了世界。但是,由于他思想和作品的复杂性,尤其是长期以来在文学研究领域里形成的某种凝固的批评观念,使他的创作受到不应该的冷遇。在建国后的三十年间,他的名字在文学史上消失了,直到八十年代才骤然升温,不仅研究的结果数量多而且研究的覆盖面广。与此同时,我们也不能不清醒地认识到,在沈从文研究领域里许多问题还处于浅层次的探试,而缺乏深层次的挖掘。因此本文试图通过对沈从文小说文本的理性梳理,论证他的生命哲学怎样影响他的小说创作,他的小说创作又是怎样与生命哲学谐振的。 第一部分着重探讨沈从文生命哲学的内涵。沈从文认为“生命”是超越“生活”层面的属于人生高尚理想与情操的活动,而“生命”又表现为“人性”与“神性”高低两个不同的层次。“生命”的基本属性是对抽象的“爱”与“美”的执着追求。 第二部分阐述了沈从文生命哲学在小说的具体体现。把沈从文自身阐述的文学观与他的小说创作结合起来进行分析,认为他的生命哲学不仅在题材选择上表现为湘西与都市的互相参照互相发现、人物形象塑造上对妓女与土匪的大胆叙写,而且在创作的观念上张扬生命的“神性”、人文内涵上描绘苗族民俗。湘西社会与都市人生——两类互相参照互相发现的人生图景是这一部分论述的重点,即沈从文笔下的“湘西社会”,展现了“生命”从低级向高级发展的三种基本形态:原始的生命形态、自在的生命形态、自为的生命形态;沈从文笔下的“都市人生”,再现了截然不同的三种“生活”形态:“衣冠社会”的庸俗生活、“抹布阶级”的困苦生活、知识女性的爱情生活。沈从文笔下最富有特色的人物形象是妓女与土匪,由于受楚文化的影响,他从妓女身上看到的是人的天真善良,从土匪身上看到的是人的坦荡的生命力,因此在沈从文这个“乡下人”的眼中他们是最鲜活的“生命”。出于对生命“神性”的张扬,沈从文在《边城》中描绘了婚姻文化的“常数”与“变数”的冲突,在《长河》中描绘了湘西文化的“常数”与社会动乱的“变数”的冲突。沈从文描写湘西的苗族风俗:跳傩、对歌、赛龙舟、放盅、扮巫、落洞……这向人们展示的正是“生命”的人文内涵。 第三部分主要考察沈从文生命哲学形成的原因。主要从他的人生经历、苗民身份、楚文化影响与东西方文化熏陶等四个方面进行探源。

【Abstract】 From two 10-the year on behalf beginnings of stepping on the literary circles to four 10-the year on behalf ends of stopping writing, shencongwen always used life, person’life, destiny this aged but again and often the new topic as main melody of his work .His works not only own the extensive reader in the domistic but also still head for the world. But because his thoughting with work’s complexity, in particular a certain concretion of animadversion idea existing in the literature to study of the realm for long time ,made his artistic suffer as if it should not be cold. After found a nationing of thirty years, his name on the literary history disppearing until the eighth 10-the year on behalf just and suddenly heating, not only studying manyly with investingativelity is wide. With this at the same time ,we can not but wide awake the ground to know , many problem of study the realm from shencongwen’s fictions still be placed in the shallow level of structure to try, but lack the excavation of deep level of structure. Reasonable that is for the sake of this reason, this dissertation tries to comb through the text of shencongwen’s fictions in order to demonstrate how the life philosophy influences his cloak-and-dagger of fictions and how his cloak-and-dagger of fictions harmonizes with the life philosophy.The first part of the dissertion puts the great emphasize on this inside implication of philosophy the life. Shencongwen thought the "life" from the text "overstep" the "life" belonging to human life the activity of the classic ideal and thoughts and feelings, but "life" again expressed to high and low two difference level of structures of human nature with divine nature. The fundamentals of life pursue the abstract "love" and "beauty".The second part of this dissertion discusses the concrete manifestations of philosophy the life of shencongwen’s fictions. It puts the concept of literature from shencongwen himself and his novels together to proceed the analysis, not only thinks the philosophy of his life on the topic choose the performance is xiangxi and city two greatest topics to shine on the mutual detection, person the image to mold to write prostitute’s woman and bandit, and on the artistic principle to make open the life’s divine nature ,humanities inside implication to describe people’s custom of miaozu. Xiang and city life diagram of the mutual detection is a part point that discusses, namely xiangxi society that descend from shencongwen’s fictions, emerged the "life" from the low class towards the high class develop three basic appearance: the primitive life appearance, comfortable life appearence, do-for-itself life appearance; city human life that is from shencongwen’s fictions, reappeared to entirely different live appearance: the vulgar life of "headgear society", very poor paper life of "dish cloth rank", love of female knowledge. The image full of special feature is a prostitute woman and bandit, because of the influence that suffered the Chu culture, what he saw from the prostitute woman the body is a person innocent kind, what he saw from the bandit the body is the vitality ,so that in the eye of shencongwen this "villager" they are the most "live" life. In order to make open the "divine nature" of the life, shencongwen described a clash between the "constant" and the" variable" of the marriage culture in the novel <<BIANCHENG>> and a clash between the "constant" of marriage culture and the "variable" of the social turmoil in the novel <<CHANGHE>> . Shencongwen described xiangxi miaozu’s customs: Jump exorcise, to song,compete Dragon boat, put ZHONG, dress up as the sorcery, sink in the hole......These display topeople exactly humanities inside implication of the life.Part Three investigates the reason of this life philosophy. This part includes the proceeding of four aspects : primarily experience from human life, miaozu’s body, the affect of Chu culture and the nurture of literature of oriental and occidental countries.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 扬州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2003年 04期
  • 【分类号】I207.42
  • 【被引频次】7
  • 【下载频次】1168