

【作者】 刘必兰

【导师】 徐德明;

【作者基本信息】 扬州大学 , 中国现当代文学, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 从五四开始,中国的小说结束了漫长而曲折的过度性的“变体期”,开始以西方“特别的”格式这一崭新的面貌出现。由此,中国现代小说之体得到确立。中国现代小说中的心理描述也因此从内容到形式走上了现代化之路。可以说,五四以后的中国现代小说中的心理描述是一个复杂而独特的存在。本文拟以系统论的观点对这三十多年的心理描述作统整考察,以便我们对中国现代小说中的心理描述有一个较完整、较新颖的认识。 中国现代小说中的心理描述系统由三个子系统(现代主义心理描述、浪漫主义心理描述、现实主义心理描述)构成,历经三个发展阶段(开创期、丰富发展期、高度融合期),呈阶段递进式。 第一个十年是现代小说中的心理描述系统的开创期。现代心理描述系统主要依傍西方,以区别于中国古典小说中的心理描述传统。各个子系统内的符码也各具特色而互相区别,但都表现出一种与中国传统“决裂”的姿态。 第二个十年是中国现代小说中的心理描述系统的丰富发展期。中国现代小说中的心理描述开始回瞻中国古典传统,迈出“本土化”的第一步。为了生存,三个子系统不断向外扩张、向深处拓展,客观上使得子系统间有了联系。相互“增添”是其主要的艺术手段,扩张中开始接纳对方的某些异质因素是其“意想不到”的结果。 第三个十年是中国现代小说中的心理描述系统的高度融合期。五四时的相互对峙消失了,代之以两个传统(西方传统与本土传统)的复杂化融合。三个子系统间也表现出一种合流的态势。如果说前期的偶一回瞻还是无意识的,此时彼此的消融则是有意识的刻意的追求。 现代小说中的心理描述系统因事因时因人而变。中国现代小说中的心理描述系统就是建构在心理描述对象、心理描述环境与心理描述主体及其之间的互动关系基础上的。

【Abstract】 From the "May 4th" cultural revolution , Chinese novel, ending its long and winding transition , emerged again with new western "striking form". So modern Chinese fiction was bom and developed. Therefore from content to form, psycho-description in Chinese fiction was on the way to modernization . Then, it can be said that psycho-description in modern Chinese fiction after the "May 4th", was complicated and unique . Now the thesis, from the angle of system, tries to research into the description of psychology of modern Chinese novels as a whole during more than 30 years, so as to get to know it completely and originally.It can be found that psycho-description in modern Chinese fiction formed an intact system. The system was composed of three junior systems and went through three stages.In the period , it was mainly based on western tradition of psycho-description in order to differ from ancient Chinese tradition . And it made a distinction between every junior system , but all of them broke completely with outdated conventional style of description in psychology.In the second period , it became abundant and profound because it paid more attention to Chinese tradition instead of western one. What’s more, every junior system began to enlarge and went deep to the others, which objectively made them get in contact with each other.In the third period, the system of modem psycho-description trended to blend, western and ancient Chinese. A kind of confluent tendency also appeared in the three juniors . Differing from their unconsciousness to paying attention to Chinese tradition in the earlier stage, they were in the perfect harmony, which was their pursuit full of consciousness.With the changes of some things, or some people, or some surroundings, psycho-description system of modern Chinese fiction often changed. In fact, it was relied on the object, the environments and the subject, and their reciprocal effect.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 扬州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2003年 04期
  • 【分类号】I207.42
  • 【下载频次】120