

【作者】 张东江

【导师】 康凤举;

【作者基本信息】 西北工业大学 , 控制理论与控制工程, 2002, 硕士

【摘要】 本论文题目来源于总装备部“九五”预研课题“鱼雷武器系统规划发展数学仿真方法”和中国船舶重工集团第七五零试验场课题“水下多目标弹道对抗分布交互仿真系统”。 论文主要对水下武器作战对抗分布交互仿真(DIS)系统进行了研究。论文主要完成了水下武器作战对抗分布交互仿真系统的总体设计,采用Visual C++、Windows SDK、VToolsD、VR-Link等开发工具对系统进行开发,分别研究了TCP/IP和VR-Link的通讯方式,完成了各仿真节点间通讯程序的开发,并完成了各运动体的仿真建模与编程,讨论了时空一致性等关键技术,通过了系统调试,给出了水下武器作战对抗分布交互仿真系统的仿真结果。同时,论文进行了硬件板卡PCL-720的开发和中断驱动程序(VxD)的设计,初步解决了分布交互仿真系统与半实物仿真系统的连接问题。 该项研究成果已在七五零试验场的水下武器对抗仿真测试系统中得到应用,对于水下武器等国防武器装备的研制具有应用价值。

【Abstract】 This dissertation derives from the National Ninth Five-year Plan Project "Torpedo Weapon System Development and Mathematic Simulation Methods Research" and China Shipbuilding Industry Group’s project "Sub-water Multi-target Trajectory Counterwork Distributed Interactive Simulation System".This dissertation is centered on the research of the Sub-water Weapon Counterwork Distributed Interactive Simulation (DIS) System. It mainly discusses the system analysis, structure design, documentation, coding and simulation test of the Sub-water Weapon Counterwork DIS System. The following key contents are included in this dissertation:1 . Configuration of the system with the development tools such as Visual C++, Windows SDK and so on.2. Networking of the simulation nodes based on TCP/IP and VR-Link.3. Mathematic models building for each entity in the system.4. Time and space consistency of the simulation nodes.Besides, this dissertation develops the hardware card (EVOC PCL 720) and designs the VxDs. It also provides the solution for the linking between the DIS and Hardware-in-the-loop Simulation System.The achievement of the dissertation has been applied in No. 750 Institutes for the project "Sub-water Weapon Counterwork Simulation Test System", and it is also meaningful in other related fields.

  • 【分类号】TP391.9
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】213