

【作者】 江月成

【导师】 朱名铨;

【作者基本信息】 西北工业大学 , 测试计量技术及仪器, 2002, 硕士

【摘要】 智能仪器是电子测量仪器和计算机技术紧密结合的产物。与传统仪器相比,智能仪器具有测量精度高、测量方便、控制能力强、具有良好的人机接口、具有通信功能等特点。随着微电子技术、计算机技术和网络技术的发展,智能仪器的自动化程度还将会在很大程度上提高。在未来十年内,智能仪器技术将会得到突破性进展。本论文在对智能仪器的设计方法深入分析的基础上设计了智能性多功能电能表及红外线手持抄录器,并进行了硬件和软件的调试工作。本论文主要内容如下: (1).论述了智能仪器的发展过程和发展趋势,论述了微电子技术、计算机技术、网络技术及嵌入式计算机技术对智能仪器发展的推动作用。 (2).从智能仪器的输入通道、输出通道、人机交互通道和通信接口角度分析了智能仪器的硬件设计方法。分析了智能仪器软件的典型结构及编程方法。 探讨了智能仪器的硬件和软件抗干扰措施及其硬件和软件的故障诊断方法。 (3).研究开发了电子式电能表硬件电路和相应软件。论文分析了智能型电能表的功能需求,提出可行的设计方案,设计了硬件接口电路。设计中以AT89C51单片机为核心,采用多种新型集成电路芯片(包括电能计量专用芯片CS5460A、DS1302日历/时钟芯片、SMS0601液晶显示器、X5045串行存储器)进行接口设计,简化了硬件电路,提高了电能表的抗干扰能力和测量精度。 (4).研究开发了手持抄录器的硬件电路和相应软件。论文提出手持抄录器的功能实现方法,并设计了功能实现方案,设计了硬件电路。硬件电路以AT89C51单片机为核心,以zlg7289A按键组集成芯片作为人机接口,并采用新型电路芯片(包括大容量并行数据存储器DS1245、液晶显示器SMS0823)设计手持抄录器的硬件电路,并设计了手持抄录器的打印机接口和RS232通信接口,从而简化了电路,减小了手持抄录器的体积,按键的软件实现过程。 (5).设计了用于串行通信的红外线接收电路。研制出的用于中距离串行通信的红外收发电路可与单片机方便地接口,其数据传输的误码率很低。红外线西北口二J匕大学闷成d匕学位咭仑文发送电路的振荡器由NE555构成,它可对串行口输出信号进行调制,一体化的红外接收头对红外信号进行解调、滤波和整形,再送单片机处理。

【Abstract】 Intelligent Instrument is the combination of the electronic measuring instrument and computer technology. Comparing with the traditional Instrument, Intelligent Instrument has the following features: higher measuring accurate, convenient measuring, stronger control ability, better human- machine interface, and communication function. With the development of micro-electronic, computer and network technology, the automation of Intelligent Instrument will still be advanced by a long way. In the next ten years, there is being a quantum jump in Intelligent Instrument technology. On the basis of these, an intelligent multi-function watt-hour-meter and an infrared portable copying instrument are designed and tested. The thesis has mostly the following content:(1). The development process and trend of Intelligent Instrument are discussed. It is also discussed that micro-electronic technology, computer technology, network technology and embedded computer technology are advancing the development of Intelligent Instrument.(2). The hardware designing method for Intelligent Instrument is analyzed according to the aspect of the input channel, the output channel, the human-machine interactive channel and the communication interface of Intelligent Instrument. The typical software structure and programming method are also discussed. The hardware and software anti-interference method were introduced as well as the hardware and software fault diagnose method.(3). The hardware circuit and software program of the electron watt-hour-meter are researched. A feasible structure scheme of the meter is put forward according to its desired function. In the designed hardware, AT89C51 single chip computer and many kinds of new type circuit chip (including: special power measuring chip-CS5460A, DS1302 calendar/clock chip, SMS0601 LCD, X5045 serial memory) are used for design. The hardware circuit is simplified, the meter’s anti-interference ability is enhanced and the precision of measurement is also advanced. (4). The hardware circuit and software of the portable copying instrument isresearched. A feasible structure scheme is put forward according to the desired function, AT89C51 single chip computer is used as the core of the instrument, zlg7289A and many kinds of new type circuit chip (including: parallel data memory-DS1245, SMS0823 LCD) are used as interface during hardware circuit designing, the printer’s port and RS232 communication interface is also designed.(5). An infrared transmission system used to serial communication is also designed. It can interface with single chip computer expediently and transmit data by rule and line. Oscillator in the infrared transmitting circuit that consisted of NE555, and can used to modulates the output from serial port of single chip computer. The integrated infrared receiver can demodulates, filter and transmit the signal to single chip computer.

  • 【分类号】TM933.4
  • 【被引频次】9
  • 【下载频次】1043