

A Genre-Based Investigation into the Schematic Structure of the Presidential Inaugural Addresses

【作者】 史利红

【导师】 王新国;

【作者基本信息】 西北工业大学 , 语言学与应用语言学, 2002, 硕士

【摘要】 由于总统就职演说所具有的独特性和重要性,它长期以来一直是历史学家,政治学家和语言学家们很感兴趣的一个研究课题。本文采用体裁分析的方法,试图从语篇结构方面揭示总统就职演说作为一种特殊文体所具有的结构布局。 作者首先通过分析总统就职演说的交际目的,听众的期望以及演说的背景,传统和作用论证了总统就职演说属于一种体裁。由于每一类的体裁都会有自己特有的组织结构,作者针对这一点对全部五十四篇总统就职演说的语篇结构进行了统计和分析。研究结果表明:总统就职演说这类体裁的确存在着一种宏观语篇结构模式,它通常由八个可辨认的语步构建而成。作者在本文当中对这八个语步逐一做了描述和分析。同时,作者也指出,在实际应用中,这八个语步的运用存在着选择和顺序上的灵活性,每一个语步的出现都与这一篇就职演说具体的历史背景,交际目的等有着密不可分的关系。 这一研究向人们展示了语篇形式和内容上的相互关联以及人们对语篇结构的认知模式。在文章的最后,作者还从历时研究和语言与意识形态的关系角度,为今后总统就职演说的进一步研究提出了一些建议。

【Abstract】 As an important type of historical and political text, the presidential inaugural address has always been the subject of historians, politicians and linguists. This paper attempts to approach the presidential inaugural address from the perspective of genre analysis, which in recent years is developing into a more effective and revealing way of analyzing discourses. In the present study, the presidential inaugural address is characterized as a special type of genre. After examining all the fifty-four presidential inaugurals the author concludes that there indeed exists an identifiable schematic structure in presidential inaugural addresses by which the information is organized, and that a typical presidential inaugural address may contain eight moves through which the form-function correlation is revealed and the understanding of cognitive structuring of presidential inaugurals is improved. Each move of inaugural addresses is further illustrated and analyzed in details and at the same time their flexibility in practical use is pointed out. At the end of the paper suggestions are provided for follow-up research.

  • 【分类号】H315
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】618