

【作者】 王海涛

【导师】 梁蓓;

【作者基本信息】 对外经济贸易大学 , 国际贸易, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 跨国投资全球化在20世纪经历了飞速发展,其突出表现是跨国公司在全球经济中日益重要的地位和作用。1969年,全世界跨国公司有7276家,2001年上升到6.5万家,控制着国内生产总值的40%、国际贸易总量的60%、国际技术转让的70%和国际直接投资的90%。跨国投资全球化不只是经营跨越国界,更重要的是经营范围的扩大和管理水平的升级。面对日新月异的国际环境和日益复杂化的内部经营,发达国家的大型跨国公司不断探索新的管理办法,在战略管理、海外投资决策管理和对海外子公司的控制机制方面都取得了一定的成果。从战略管理的角度讲,发达国家的大型跨国公司往往都具有完整的全球战略,以世界市场作为角逐的目标,对再生产周期的各个环节实行国际化安排。战略是跨国公司长远发展的规划,它把企业的主要目标、政策和行动次序综合到一个有内在联系的整体当中。周密制定的战略应该考虑到企业的优势和劣势、未来经营环境的变化以及竞争对手的反应。跨国公司的战略可以分为不同类型,跨国公司在明确公司宗旨的前提下必须根据本企业的情况制定、实施战略并考核战略实施的结果,即实行战略管理。企业内部条件良好、国内环境成熟、国际环境允许是企业进行跨国经营必须同时考虑的三大环境因素,企业在做出海外投资决策之前必须全面分析这些因素。首先,企业必须进行内部条件分析、明确跨国经营的动机和目的、并找出企业最有价值的优势。企业本身在具备跨国经营的条件的情况下就应着手下一步分析,即外部环境分析。这项分析的目的是选定投资区域、行业以及合作伙伴。分析对象首先是全球环境,其次是重要的国家和地区,最终落实到某个行业,通过分析,识别潜在的机会和威胁。良好的投资决策是成功进行跨国经营的必要条件,项目上马后母公司对海外子公司的有效控制是顺利实现母公司发展战略的重要保证。母公司对海外子公司的控制可以通过三方面来实现:控制结构、控制业务和控制信息。跨国公司在其成长和发展的不同阶段,国外业务的比重和内容都在发展变化,因而组织结构也需做出相应的调整和变化。无论采取何种形式,跨国公司的组织结构设计都应该遵循分工与协调平等原则和有效控制与沟通原则。控制业务主要包括对子公司进行经营计划管理以及通过完<WP=3>善的会计系统和审计进行监督。跨国公司母公司和下属子公司之间在地理距离上相隔遥远,因而必须建立起强大的数据共享系统,以保证及时全面的交流信息。中国企业跨国经营经过20多年的发展,在投资金额、投资规模、投资行业等方面都有了长足的进步。截至2002年底,我国累计设立各类境外企业6960家,协议投资总额137.8亿美元,其中中方投资金额为93.4亿美元,完成营业金额827.2亿美元。但是由于缺乏拓展和实行跨国经营的经验,境外投资企业中67%都处于亏损状态。在发展跨国经营和跨国公司的巨大压力面前,我们要清醒的认识到我国企业内在力量的不足。企业的竞争是管理水平的竞争,国内企业必须向成熟的跨国公司学习其先进经验,才能在国际竞争中取得一席之地。与发达国家的跨国公司相比,我国的跨国经营企业主要存在以下问题。第一,缺乏明确的战略目标。一些企业只是看重项目短期内的营利性,哪个项目能尽快收回投资并产生盈利就进入相应的行业,而不顾新建企业与母公司战略规划的兼容性以及与其他海外投资企业之间能不能产生集团效应。海外直接投资缺乏长期战略规划造成的主要结果有两个:企业平均规模太小;子公司之间业务相差较大,海外业务与国内业务相关性小,总部无法了解、指导和控制海外业务。第二,对境外企业投资可行性研究重视不够,海外投资合作伙伴的选择不够理想。第三,对海外子公司的控制有待进一步完善。其主要问题是缺乏必要的法人治理结构、存在内部人控制;境外企业财务管理不规范,财务报告和审计制度不落实;信息流单向性强,传送渠道较少,存在信息过滤的可能。境外企业人事管理体制不健全,现有管理人员的综合素质偏低。针对中国企业海外投资的现状,我国跨国经营企业主要应从三个层次入手:明确整个企业的战略目标、优化海外直接投资决策和加强对海外子公司经营管理的控制。我国跨国经营企业目前战略目标不明确,海外投资有很大盲目性和随意性。跨国经营企业有效实施新战略的前提是对现有投资组合进行调整,实行归核化并培养企业的核心竞争力。其要旨是:1把公司的业务归拢到最具竞争优势的行业上;2把经营重点放在核心行业价值链上自己优势最大的环节上;3强调核心竞争能力的培育、维护和发展;4重视战略性外包这种新兴的战略手段。本文中详细介绍了通用电气公司实行归核化过程中采用的“波士顿咨询集团法”。企业海外投资区位、行业的选择是影响跨国经营企业的战略目标能否实现的重要因素。对投资项目进行选择时,一方面要进行常规的国家环境及风险分析,更重要的<WP=4>是考察投资项目是否能利用总公司的优势资源、母公司的整体利益以及管理成本和代理成本。母公司对海外子公司的有效控制是实现母公司战略的重要保证。正确的母子公司关系既要体现母公司对海外企业的战略性控制,又要给予海外子公司

【Abstract】 Foreign direct investment (FDI) has seen phenomenal growth during the last century. One of its most apparent indications is the increasing importance of multinational corporations (MNCs). In 1969, there were only 7276 MNCs. While in 2001, the figure had gone up to 65,000. These 65,000 MNCs control 40% of GDP, 60% of international trade and 90% of FDI.FDI does not only mean the internationalization of fund but also the improvement of company management. With the fast changing international environment and the increasingly complex business operation, large MNCs have developed a series of management theories in the fields of strategy management, investment decision management and control of subsidiaries.Successful MNCs tend to have a clear and complete global strategy. They focus on the world market as a whole and manage their business internationally. Strategy is the long-term plan of a company. It combines the goal, policy and timing of activities together. A sound strategy will take the strength and weakness of the company, the changing business environment and competition into consideration. There are different kinds of strategies. Each MNC should make sure what its mission is, set the strategy accordingly, then execute and evaluate it. This process is called strategy management. An enterprise must enjoy unique advantages and favorable domestic and international environment in order to go global. Enterprises must analyze these factors thoroughly so as to make a sound investment decision. First of all, each enterprise should make sure whether it has any advantages over other businesses, what they are and what are the major goals of going international. Only those who have unique favorable resources and will benefit from internationalization should go on to the next step, which is environment analysis. The aim of environment analysis is to delineate the target investment area, industry and partner. The process starts with the global business environment and then drills downs to specific countries and industries.A correct investment decision can not guarantee the success of FDI. A decision will do good to the company as a whole only when the MNC is able to execute effective control over its overseas subsidiaries. Effective control over subsidiaries is carried out in three ways: control of organization, control of business and control of information. In different phases of development, MNCs have different percentage of domestic and international business. Therefore, the organizations of MNCs can be quite different. No matter what type of organization is used, it must ensure high efficiency, easy coordination, effective control and communication. Control of business includes plan management and supervision through adequate accounting and auditing system. Subsidiaries of an MNC spread all over the world. As a result, it is requisite to set up a powerful information system in order to ensure effective communication.With 20 years efforts, the Chinese MNCs have made a lot of progress in terms of investment amount and target industries. By the end of 2002, China has set up 6960 overseas subsidiaries. The contract investment amount is $13.78 billion and Chinese enterprises invested $9.34 billion. The business volume of these overseas subsidiaries is as high as $82.72 billion in the same year. However, due to lack of FDI experience, 67% of these subsidiaries are in red. In some way, competition of businesses equals to the competition of management. The Chinese MNCs must<WP=6>learn from their successful counterparts and improve management in order to survive and thrive.Compared with successful MNCs, most Chinese MNCs suffer from the following problems. The first one is lack of strategy. Some MNCs focus on the short-term interest instead of long-term development. They will start an overseas project as long as it makes money in the short run. But sometimes these projects are not compatible with the development of the MNC as a whole. Inevitably the scope will exceed the ability of the parent company, which wi

【关键词】 中国企业海外投资管理
  • 【分类号】F279.2
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