

Study on the Adaptability and Influencing Factors of Ornamental Plants in Wuhan Iron and Steel Industrial District

【作者】 郑小丽

【导师】 周志翔;

【作者基本信息】 华中农业大学 , 园林植物与观赏园艺, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 随着可持续发展战略的提出,人们环境意识的增强,工业区绿化日益得到了人们的重视。由于工业区特殊的环境条件,所以在选择园林植物时首先要考虑的是其对厂内特殊生长环境的适应性。但迄今为止,大多是从生长状况定性评判园林植物对其生长环境的适应性,或通过熏气实验来测定植物对某特定污染物的抗性,未结合植物实地生长环境,且缺乏影响因子的定量研究。本课题以武钢工业区为研究对象,拟通过对武钢工业区不同区域的大气、土壤因子的监测和园林植物生长发育状况的观测及相关生理指标的测定,评价武钢工业区主要园林植物生长适应性,并分析影响主要绿化树种生长的主导因子,优化筛选适宜武钢工业区不同区域生长的各类群落配置的园林植物种类。 大气污染监测表明,武钢工业区大气污染以烧结区和焦化区最为严重,SO2和粉尘浓度都严重超标,硅钢和炼钢区SO2污染相对较轻,但是粉尘污染超标,生活区离污染源较远,因此SO2污染轻,但粉尘依然达到较高的污染程度。土壤理化性质调查分析结果表明,武钢工业区绿地土壤偏碱性、硬度大、有机质缺乏、钾素养分缺乏、氮素养分也不够丰富。由于不同区域环境条件的差异,以及各种园林植物对环境适应性的差异,因而不同植物种类在相同区域的生长势有差异,相同树种在不同区域的生长势也存在较大差异,且没有发现在武钢工业区每个区域都生长良好或在每个区域都生长不良的园林植物种类。 武钢工业区不同区域园林植物适应性研究结果表明:焦化区大部分植物生长不良;生长适应性优良的植物种类只有女贞(Ligustrum lucidum)和龙柏(Sabina chinensis cv.’Kaizuka’),适应性差的树种有十大功劳(Mahonia fortunei)、桂花(Osmanthus fragrans)、雪松(Cedrus deodara)、圆柏(Sabina chinensis)、石楠(Photinia serrulata)等。硅钢区植物整体生长状况良好;在该区适应性强的植物种类有夹竹桃(Nerium indicum)、石榴(Punica granatum)、构树(Broussonetia papyrifera)、海桐(Pittosporum tobira)、大叶黄杨(Euonymus japonicus)、木槿(Hibiscus syriacus)、云南黄馨(Jasminum mesnyi)等,生长不良的植物有枇杷(Eriobotrya japonica)和桂花(Osmanthus fragrans)。烧结厂环境条件对植物的生长很不利,在烧结厂生长优良的植物只有夹竹桃(Nerium indicum),而紫薇(Lagerstroemia indica)、女贞(Ligustrum lucidum)、广玉兰(Magnolia grandiflora)、悬铃木(Platanus acerifolia)、爬山虎(Parthenocissus tricuspidata)、丝兰(Yucca gloriosa)、枇杷(Eriobotrya japonica)等则生长情况很差,不适宜在烧结厂内应用。在炼钢区,适应性强的园林植物包括夹竹桃(Nerium indicum)、云南黄馨(Jasminum mesnyi)、旱柳(Salix matsudana)、女贞(Ligustrum lucidum),而紫薇郑小丽武钢工业区园林植物适应性及影响因子研究(L agerstroemia indica)和石楠护人。tinia serrulata)不能够适应炼钢厂的环境,生长较差。在生活区,生长情况优良的植物种类有白玉兰(材咭力口lia denudata)、大叶黄杨(Euo恻,usj即onic二)、海桐(pitto胡。tobira)、悬铃木(platanus aeer扣lia),而桂花(Osmanthus户司犷口ns)和雪松(CedJ侧sde口由尸口)则生长情况不好,有一些受害现象。 影响植物生长的主导因子研究结果表明:影响厂区法国冬青(巧burnum awabu幼生长的主导因子是大气502含量和土壤硬度,其适宜的生长环境应该是大气502含量低,土壤硬度小的地段。武钢厂区樟树(a朋am口mum Ca州IPhora)的生长主要受到大气502和土壤速效磷的影响,过高的502含量对其产生不良影响,而速效磷促进樟树的生长。广玉兰(赫咭”olia gran硕刃ora)的生长状况与大气中的粉尘含量和土壤硬度都呈负相关。武钢工业区内悬铃木(P latanus acer晌lia)的生长与大气中的粉尘含量呈负相关,在一定范围内与上壤pH值呈正相关。影响雪松(Cedr“sde口d匕了a)生长的主导因子是大气中的502,过高的502含量对雪松的生长造成伤害。十大功劳(Mahonia fortune力的生长与粉尘含量呈负相关,与土壤全钾含量呈正相关。海桐(Pttt口sPorum tobira)的生长情况与50:含量呈明显负相关,与土壤中的全氮含量呈正相关。桂花(Osmanth‘户侧尹a二)的生长状况在一定范围内与土壤pH值呈明显负相关,而与土壤硬度呈负相关。影响夹竹桃(旋rium indicum)生长的主导因子是土壤全钾含量,比较丰富的土壤钾素养分促进夹竹桃的生长。由此可见,工业区园林植物的生长普遍受到高浓度的大气污染、低含量的土壤养分和较大的土壤硬度的制约。

【Abstract】 Along with the putting forward of the sustainable development strategy, and with the strengthening of the environmental consciousness, people are increasingly attaching importance to the construction of the greenland in industrial district. Because of the special environment in industrial district, we should take into account the adaptability of the ornamental plants to the environment first in choosing plant species. But up to the present, the researchers mostly judged the adaptability of the plant to the environment qualitatively only from the growth status, lacking of the quantitative study on influencing factors, and they always measured the resistance of the plants to particular pollutant through the fumigation experiment, did not combine the actual growth environmental condition of the plants. In this project, the growth situation of ornamental plants in Wuhan Iron and Steel Industrial District was studied. The adaptabilities of the plant species to the special environment were analyzed. We also monitored the atmosphere and the soil conditions, and studied the predominant influencing factors of the plants. The whole results are helpful to optimize and select the suitable ornamental plant species for industrial district.The atmosphere pollution monitoring showed that, the pollution was severe in sintering district and coking district, the content of SO2 and TSP went beyond the criterion. In siliceous steel district and steel-making district, the content of SO2 was correspondingly low, but the TSP was also high. The living district was far away from the mill, so the atmosphere environment was correspondingly good. The soil factors analysis showed that, in greenland of Wuhan Iron and Steel Industrial District, the pH value and the rigidity of the soil was high, and the content of organic matter and kalium was shot, while the nitrogen was not very abundant. The survey to the plants growth situation showed that, different species in the same district had different growth situation, and the same species in different district had difference in growth too. There were no species which growed well or badly in every district.The adaptability analysis of the ornamental plants in different district showed that, in coking district, a majority of plants had poor growth situation, only Ligustrum lucidum and Sabina chinensis cv.’Kaizuka’ had good adaptability, Mahonia fortunei, Osmanthus fragrans, Cedrus deodara, Sabina chinensis and Photinia serrulata growed badly. In siliceous steel district, the plants growed well. Nerium indicum, Punica granatum, Broussonetia papyrifera, Pittosporum tobira, Euonymus japonicus. Hibiscus syriacusand Jasminum mesnyi had excellent growth situation, only Eriobotrya japonica and Osmcmthus fragrans growed badly. In sintering district, the environmental conditions were very harmful to the plants, so only Nerium indicum could grow normally, and Lagerstroemia indica, Ligustrum lucidum, Magnolia grandiflora, Platanus acerifolia, Parthenocisus tricuspidata, Yucca gloriosa and Eriobotrya japonica couldn’t grow well and couldn’t be suitable for sintering district. In steel-making works, the plants growed well. Nerium indicum, Jasminum mesny, Salix matsudana and Ligustrum lucidum had strong adaptability to the steel-making district, but Lagerstroemia indica and Photinia serrulata couldn’t grow well. In living district, Magnolia denudata, Euonymusjaponicus, Pittosporum tobira and Platanus acerifolia had good growth situation, but Osmanthus fragrans and Cedrus deodara growed badly with some injured symptom.The analysis of the influencing factors of the plants showed, the predominant factors that influence the growth of Viburnum awabuk were the content of atmosphere 862 and the rigidity of the soil. Its appropriate growth environmental condition should be the areas in which the content of atmosphere SO2 is low and the rigidity of the soil is low. The growth of Cinnamomum camphora was mainly influenced by the content of atmosphere SO2 and the content of rapidly available phosphorus, the hi

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