

Inheriting and Innovating in Idiological and Political Work on the Youth Intellectuals in Globalization

【作者】 张瑞犁

【导师】 高军;

【作者基本信息】 哈尔滨理工大学 , 马克思主义理论与思想政治教育, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 进入新世纪,我国加入世界贸易组织,标志着我国已全面融入经济全球化进程。以西方发达资本主义国家为主导的全球化作为当今世界经济发展的潮流,在促进全球经济发展和国家间相互联系、相互依赖的同时,也使各国的政治、文化及人们的思想意识等社会生活各个方面面临着一体化的冲击。对于中国这样一个发展中的社会主义国家来说,全球化既是机遇又是挑战。一方面我们可以充分利用全球化的机遇发展、壮大自己;另一方面我们又要看到在信息共享、经济一体的情况下,意识形态、根本制度的差别和对立,为我国坚持社会制度、价值观念、意识形态的本色和独立性,防止在全球化进程中被“西化”或“分化”,增加了一定的难度。青年知识分子作为社会主义现代化建设的主力军和各国争相获取的智力资源,在复杂、多元和不定的全球化背景下,面对西方意识形态渗透能否明辨是非,具有正确的政治方向、先进的思想和高尚的道德情操,将直接影响党的事业的成败,影响到民族的振兴和国家的发展。因此,面对新形势,研究如何充分利用机遇,积极应对挑战,做好青年知识分子的思想政治工作,对于我国具有重大的现实意义。本文在分析青年知识分子多样和复杂的思想政治状况和对全球化正确认识的基础上,介绍了全球化下社会主义国家的选择和我国青年知识分子思想政治工作面临的机遇和挑战,从而提出青年知识分子思想政治工作要继承我国思想道德教育的优良传统,借鉴西方思想道德教育的有益经验,并指出青年知识分子思想政治工作一定要进行创新,进而在观念、内容、手段、方法和机制几个方面提出了具体的创新对策。

【Abstract】 Entry of WTO in new century symbolized that China has sailed into the progress of economic globalization in full swing. Predominated by the western developed capitalist countries, globalization, which is regarded as the trend of world economic development, promotes not only the global economic development, but also the interrelation and interdependence between countries. Meanwhile, it also makes the social life face the impact of integration in all aspects, including politics, culture and people’s ideology. For a developing socialist country like China, globalization means opportunity as well as challenge. As to the opportunity, we mean that we can develop and strengthen by taking advantage of it; as to the challenge, we realize that, under the circumstance of information-sharing and economy-integration, it brings us on one hand more difficulties for insisting on the independence and characteristic of social system, concept of value and ideology, on the other hand, more obstacles for preventing being "westernized" or "divided" in the process of globalization, due to the difference and opposition of ideology and basic social system. As the main force of socialist modernization, as the intellectual resources pursued by all countries at the same time, the youth intellectuals will make a great importance on the success or failure of the project of our Party, the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation and development of our country, considering if they can distinguish between right and wrong, also if they are guided by appropriate political directions and if they are high-minded and farsighted in the situations full of complexity, diversity and uncertainty.Therefore, studying on how to grasp the opportunity and rise to the challenge actively, how to educated the youth in ideology and political aspect will show practical importance to our country in the new situation. On the basis of analyzing the diverse and complicated ideological and political condition of youth intellectuals and correct understanding to the globalization, this article introduces the choices of socialist country as well as the opportunities and<WP=9>challenges that we will face in the realm of ideological and political work of youth intellectuals in globalization. So it brings up that ideological and political work on youth intellectuals should inherit the fine traditions of our country and learn the beneficial experiences of moral education from the western country, then the article points out that ideological and political education on youth intellectuals must make innovation. The author also puts forward specific innovation countermeasures in several aspects of the concept, content, means, method and mechanism.

  • 【分类号】D64
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】268