

Study of the Eddy Current Online Measurment System for the Cable Eccentricity

【作者】 高宏

【导师】 温嘉斌;

【作者基本信息】 哈尔滨理工大学 , 电机与电器, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 电线电缆偏心测量是电线电缆在线质量监控的重要环节,电缆偏心不仅造成了材料的极大浪费,而且影响电缆的性能参数。本文对电缆偏心测量系统展开研究以实现电缆偏心的在线检测。本文通过广泛阅读文献和调研,深入了解目前国外电缆偏心测量装置的现状和发展趋势,分析了各种测量方法的测量原理和各自的特点。在此基础上,详细论述了电涡流传感器的测试原理,提出了电涡流式偏心测量系统的研制方案和设计方法。本文分三个部分论述了测量系统的组成:传感器设计、下位机系统和上位机系统。在传感器设计一章中,首先对涡流传感器进行等效电路分析,在此基础上分析了由电感、电容谐振电路构成的载波信号发生电路,并通过微调电容获得了标准频率的载波信号;接下来提出了采用盘式旋转电枢发电机解决载波信号发生电路电源供给问题的方案,同时通过旋转耦合变压器的引入,使得测量信号输出问题很好地解决;本章最后给出的一组实验曲线充分说明了这一方案的可实现性。传感器输出的测量信号是中频的交流模拟信号,在下位机系统设计了鉴幅、滤波、放大电路将测量信号转化为模数转换器可以接受的直流信号。系统采用12位模数转换器TLC2543实现模数转换,使得转换误差达到1/4095,是可以满足测量精度的。数字测量信号在下位机系统的核心处理芯片AT89C52中计算后,得到测量结果,再经串口送入上位机系统显示。本文的最后一章论述了上位机系统的硬件结构和软件程序。上位机系统的核心芯片是一片PIC16C73单片机,负责管理一个16键的键盘和液晶显示器,相应的硬件电路和几个主要的程序流程图同时给出。在编写显示器软件程序时,系统充分利用了FM240128A液晶显示器具有图形和文本两种显示方式的特点,实现了测量结果的准确显示。

【Abstract】 The control and measurement for the cable eccentricity is important for the cable production. The cable eccentricity not only causes the huge waste of the material, but also affects the performance parameters of the cable. The eccentricity measurement system was studied in this paper in order to realize the online measurement.By widely reading plenty of literatures, the present condition and the developing trend about the cable eccentricity testing overseas are achieved. Based on that, measurement principle of the eddy current sensor is given in detail, and the project and design of the eddy current measurement system for the cable eccentricity is brought forward.The content of the paper is mainly composed of three parts: the design of sensor, the inferior subsystem and the superior subsystem. In the second chapter, equivalent circuit of the eddy current sensor is firstly analyzed. Based on that, the carrier signal generating circuit that is realized by the LC periodic circuit is introduced, thus, the carrier signal of standard frequency is obtained through the trimming capacity. Subsequently, the disc type rotational armature generator and the rotational coupling transformer are separately leaded in to realize the power supplies of the carrier signal generating circuit and output of the measuring signal. Finally, the realizability of this measuring method is proved by a set of testing curve.The amplitude discrimination circuit, the filter circuit and the amplifying circuit are designed to transform AC analog signal that the eddy current sensor output to DC analog signal, thus, the DC analog signal can be received by AD converter. To meet the requirements of measuring accuracy, 12 bits AD converter TLC2543 is applied in the inferior subsystem, and the transforming error is reduced to 1/1095. Digitalized measuring signal is processed in the AT89C52 single chip that is the core chip of the inferior subsystem, and the measuring result is obtained, then it is transmitted to the superior subsystem through the serial-parallel interface of single chip. <WP=10>The hardware structure and program of the superior subsystem are disserted in the last chapter of the paper in detail. The keyboard with 16 keys and the lattice LCD controller are controlled by the PIC16C73 single chip that is the core chip of the superior subsystem, and the corresponding hardware circuit and flow chart of the program are given in this chapter. On programming the monitor software, we take full advantage of the characteristic which there are two display modes, text and graph display mode, in the FM240128A lattice LCD controller, then the accurate display of measuring result is obtained.

【关键词】 电涡流电缆偏心测量系统
【Key words】 eddy currentcable eccentricitymeasurement system
  • 【分类号】TP274.4
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】199