

【作者】 王以波

【导师】 黄大贵;

【作者基本信息】 电子科技大学 , 机械电子工程, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 本文以“大型微波暗室运动平台系统”为研究对象,通过对系统的机械结构、控制系统、通讯系统的设计实现了系统功能,并对相关理论进行实践。在机械结构方面,设计出了在特定环境下的作圆周运动的简单机构及其收缆机构。这种简单机构的设计思想是不等径轮和非平行轴的机构。小车的内外侧车轮直径不等满足了内外侧车轮的速度比例关系。非平行轴使得小车作圆周运动时两轴的中心线指向圆心。采用这种机构实现了小车运动的顺畅。基于行车收缆的思想,设计出了确保线缆不受拉力、摩擦的收缆机构,保证了系统的可靠性、安全性的要求。控制系统设计的基本思想是基于IPC和PLC的上下位分布式控制系统。计算机作为上位控制系统,完成设备的集散控制,负责整个系统的管理、控制和监控。PLC作为下位控制系统,接受上位机的指令完成特定的功能。各子系统并行运行、独立工作,通过上位机进行信息交换。在本系统中,我们应用了双闭环控制理论,以保证位置控制系统的稳定性。上下位机之间的通讯采用了冗余通讯的方法。在使用通讯控件的基础上,采用软件冗余中的信息冗余和冗余传输相结合的方法,编写VC++环境下的工控机与PLC通讯软件,达到提高系统串行通讯可靠性的目的。这种通讯方法确保了系统通讯和控制的可靠性。

【Abstract】 In this paper we take "the moving platform of the microwave dark-room" as the studied object. We realize the function of the system by designing the mechanic structure, control system and communication system. At the same time, we practiced the related theories.At the aspect of the mechanic structure, we have designed the simple mechanism, which could accomplish the round movement in the special environment, and the cable collection mechanism. The conception of the simple mechanism is that the wheel’s diameter of car’s two sides is unequal and the car’s two shafts are unparallel. The unequal wheels satisfy the velocity ratio relation of the inside and outside wheel. When the car moves along the orbit, the axis of the two unparallel shafts point to the center of the circle orbit. This mechanism makes the motion of the car smoothly. Basing on the thinking of the overhead traveling crane, we develop the cable collection mechanism which ensure the cable avoid drag, fabric and so on. The mechanism satisfies the demand of system, that is reliability, safety.The basic design idea of the control system is the DCS based on the PLC and IPC. As the principal control system, the IPC accomplishes the device’s control and the whole system’s management, control and supervise. As the subordinate control system, PLC receives the principal instruction and finishes the given functions. All the subsystems are concurrent and independent working. They exchange information through the up system. In this system we apply the double closed loop theory to guarantee the accuracy of position control.The redundant communication technology is used in this system. On the base of communication controller, we adopt the method, which combine the information redundancy of software redundancy and the redundancy transmission. The communication software is programmed on the platform of VC++6.0. Therefore, we can advance the reliability of serial communication. This communication method ensures system’s reliability in communication and control.

  • 【分类号】TP274.2
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】182