

【作者】 李廷元

【导师】 刘锦德;

【作者基本信息】 电子科技大学 , 计算机应用技术, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 在网络应用日益普及的今天,大量各种类型的设备正在源源不断地加入网络之中。与此同时,网络使用与维护的复杂性也越来越大。人们希望当这些设备接入网络时,能够随时以一种简单的方式立即使用这些设备所提供的服务,即能够实现即插即用的功能。针对这种情况,美国Sun公司提出了一种动态的分布式体系结构—Jini。 Jini把网络上的各种设备和各种软件部件组合成一个单一的、动态的服务系统,使得网络更易于操纵和管理,具有更高的可配置性。Jini使网络上的资源可以动态地加入或删除,可以为使用者、其他硬件设备或软件提供相应的服务。使用服务的客户无须知道服务的具体位置,但是却能够动态地感觉到服务的加入和离开。 论文首先对Jini的体系结构作了介绍;对Jini的三个组成部分:基础设施、编程模型和服务组件,进行了全面的研究;通过研究,阐明了Jini用于实现其即插即用功能的方法。 Jini建立在Java技术基础之上,因此对资源要求较高。对于那些资源有限的小型设备,由于受处理器能力、内存大小的限制,没有足够的能力运行Java虚拟机以加入Jini网络者,这些设备要利用Jini实现即插即用,必须采用Jini代理体系结构技术。论文针对资源有限设备加入Jini网络的问题,对代理体系作了分析和研究。 文中对设计Jini服务体系的选择作了分析,并对服务涉及的用户界面作了研究。 最后在分析研究的基础之上,设计出了实用化的应用实例,实现了访问服务的图形用户界面,为客户浏览和使用服务设计提供了即插即用服务浏览器。希望为这种技术的实际应用提供借鉴和参考方法。

【Abstract】 Nowadays, along with the population of network applications, a large variety of devices are being connected continuously into network. Meanwhile, the complexity of network use and maintenance becomes more and more great. It is expected that the services provided by these devices can be used in such a simply way as plug-and-play (pnp) once these devices plug into network. To solve this problem, Sun Microsystems suggests a new dynamically distributed architecture-Jini.The Jini system federates network devices and software components into what appears to the user as a single and dynamical service system, thus enables the network easily accessible, manageable and high configurable. In a Jini system, the network resources can be joined and deleted dynamically to provide services for human users, other hardware devices and software components. The client of the services does not need to know the location of these services but it can feel any changes of the services.The thesis first gives the introduction to the Jini architecture, then studies comprehensively the three pails of Jini - infrastructure, programming model and services to illustrate the methods used by Jini to implement the function of plug-and-play.Jini is based on Java. The resources required to run Jini for the devices are highly paid. Some resource-limited small devices cannot join Jini network directly due to the inadequate processor power and small memory size. In order to implement the function of plug-and-play for such devices, the Jini Surrogate Architecture technology can be used. The thesis studies the scenario.The choices of designing Jini services architecture are analyzed and the service user interface is studied.Some concrete applications are designed and implemented on the basis of the above studies and analysises. Also the graphic user interface of services is implemented. The client can use services through the user interface via a plug-and-play service browser. It is intended that all these studies above can facilitate and promote the Jini applications.

  • 【分类号】TP393.09
  • 【被引频次】7
  • 【下载频次】106