

【作者】 武晓立

【导师】 刘士田;

【作者基本信息】 河北师范大学 , 国际政治, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 恐怖主义作为一种古老的政治现象早已有之。但是现代意义上国际恐怖主义的真正爆发是在二十世纪六十年代末期,自此以后各种形式的恐怖主义活动层出不穷,持续不断,对世界的和平与发展造成重大影响,当前它已经成为危害人类社会安全的一个重大问题,因此迫切需要世界各国进一步加强国际合作,共同努力来防范和打击国际恐怖主义。 在恐怖主义狂潮日益泛滥的过程中,世界上许多国家和地区都遭受过不同程度的恐怖袭击,其中美国一直是恐怖活动袭击的首要目标。据统计资料显示,在全球每年发生的国际恐怖主义袭击事件中,平均有三分之一以上都是针对美国的,这一现象不能不引起我们深刻的思考,本文拟对这一问题进行初步探讨。 论文分三个部分展开阐述。第一部分为美国反恐政策的缘起。主要从二十世纪六十年代以来反美国际恐怖主义活动日益频繁的现象出发,分析了造成这一现象的主要原因。第二部分为美国反恐政策的演变。从二十世纪六十年代开始,划分为三个历史阶段分别进行阐述,内容主要涉及到反恐战略的确立、反恐机构和武装力量的设立、反恐法律文件的修订等方面的问题。第三部分主要是对美国反恐政策面临的困境进行的反思。

【Abstract】 As an ancient political phenomenon, terrorism is long - standing. But modem international terrorism broke out in the end of 1960s. Since then all kinds of terrorism activities have emerged in an endless stream, and they have influences on the peace and development of the world . At present it has been an important matter that endangers the security of the human society. So it is necessary that each country of the world ought to strengthen international coop-eration, to keep a lookout and attack international terrorism.A lot of countries and regions have suffered terrorism attack since the wave of terrorism is rampant. Among them, U.S.A is always the first target. According to the statistical data, there are more than 1/3 terrorism attack inci-dents which are aimed at U. S. A. Facing the phenomenon, We have to pay at-tention to and keep a look out it. The thesis will initially probe into the prob-lem.It consists of three parts. The first part studies the origin of American anti- terrorism policy. It starts from the objective fact that anti - America activi-ties have been increasing since 1960s and analyses the main causes that lead to the phenomenon. The second part analyses the development of American anti- terrorism policy. It divides three historical periods to expound it. The cont-ent relate to the establishment of anti - terrorism strategy, organization, armed power, the anti - terrorism documents and so on . The third part studies the di-lemma of American anti - terrorism policy.

【关键词】 二十世纪美国反恐政策
【Key words】 Twenty centuryAmericaAnti - terrorism policy
  • 【分类号】D771.2
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】359