

【作者】 高蕾蕾

【导师】 易英;

【作者基本信息】 中央美术学院 , 2003, 硕士


【摘要】 作为德国浪漫主义运动中最伟大的画家,弗里德里希不仅是德国,而且是欧洲风景画历史上大放异彩的人物。他将自己虔诚的信仰和对自己祖国的热爱之情融合到一起,创造出饱含着神秘主义和宗教性寓意的独特风格。 以弗里德里希为代表的19世纪德国浪漫主义风景画的历史价值不断地引发艺术史家进行新的探究。本文结合西方艺术史家新的研究成果,运用图像学的研究方法,对弗里德里希风景画中的艺术观念及象征手法进行了分析研究,论述了其风景画在超越文艺复兴传统、回归中世纪绘画中所表达出来的基督教精神的特点,从中揭示出弗里德里希艺术独特的象征性风格。本文还联系了弗里德里希同时代画家的风景画作,论述了19世纪德国浪漫主义风景画的时代特征以及对后来现代绘画的启发。

【Abstract】 As the greatest artist in German Romanticism, Friedlich played an extraordinary role not in Germany, but through the entire art history of European landscape. On the basis of the passion for his motherland and his own religious belief, he had created a specific style of art that fully contained mysticism and religious implications.The history value of 19 century’s German Romanticism landscape that makes Friedlich as the representative gradually inspires art historians to initiate new studies. My paper is trying to show the specific symbolic style in Friedlich’s art through the exposition of the Christianity demonstrated in his landscape which was beyond the limit of the tradition of Revival of Letters and came back to Middle Age’s art and the analysis of the artistic concept and symbolic means in Friedlich’s arts on the basis of updated studies of the west art historians and the images. Furthermore, my paper is making efforts to elaborate the Zeitgeist of the 19 century’s German Romanticism landscape and enlightenment to the coming modern art through referring to Friedlich’s contemporary artists’ landscapes.

【关键词】 弗里德里希浪漫主义风景画象征性
【Key words】 FriedlichRomanticism LandscapeSymbolic
  • 【分类号】J209.5
  • 【下载频次】481