

【作者】 姚国军

【导师】 平慧源;

【作者基本信息】 天津师范大学 , 中国现当代文学, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 刘恒是当代文坛上致力于人性开掘的一位作家。这篇论文着重从人性化的角度对刘恒的创作进行了深入阐释,采用中国文学批评中知人论世的方法,选取代表性的作品进行文本分析。在论述刘恒作品人性化特色的过程中,笔者还会具体联系时代精神背景和作家个性特点对刘恒的艺术风格和创作手法进行较为透彻的分析,以期对刘恒创作上的变化有比较到位的把握,进而对刘恒作品对当代文学的价值和意义有比较准确的认识。 正文由三部分组成。上篇探讨刘恒从七十年代末期至八十年代前期创作上的得失。刘恒在其爱情题材小说中表现美好的人性,充满了理想色彩。这一时期他的小说风格温馨舒缓,然而创作手法有失浅显和陈旧。中篇探讨刘恒从八十年代后期至九十年代前期创作上的深化。刘恒分别从生存、精神、文化层面表现人性的复杂和畸变。这一时期他的小说风格深沉苍凉,创作手法日趋成熟。下篇探讨刘恒在九十年代后期创作上的变化。刘恒在对俗常生活的叙述中表现了人性的缺陷,也表现了对理想人性的期待。这一时期他的小说风格睿智谐谑,创作手法别具一格。 刘恒的小说不仅具有人性的丰富蕴涵,还具有强烈的可读性。因此,他的作品既保有了文化品格,又走向了民间,赢得了读者的喜爱。

【Abstract】 Liu Heng is a writer who concentrates on humanity describing in the contemporary literary circles of china. This thesis that puts great emphasis on Liu Heng’s humanity writing, selects and analyzes some representative works, adopting a Chinese literary criticism method of understanding a person through comprehending a stage of ages. In the process of discussing humanity characteristic in the Liu Heng’s works, I also very clearly analyze Liu Heng’s art style and artistic skill, concretely contacting time spirit background and writer characteristic, in order to grasp artistic variety in his writing, further accurately cognize his works’ value and meaning on the contemporary literary comparatively.The text is constituted with third parts. The first part studies the gain and loss in Liu Heng’s writing from the end period of the 1970’s to the first period of the 1980’s. Liu Heng shows fine humanity hi his love topic novels that is filled with ideal color. In his novels of this period, art style is gentle and soft, but artistic skill fails in plain and old. The Inside part studies the deeping in Liu Heng’s writing from the end period of the 1980’s to the first period of the 1990’s. Liu Heng shows complicate and abnormal humanity from levels on exist, psychology, and culture. In his novels of this period, art style is sorrow and desolate, and artistic skill mature gradually. The next part studies the varying in Liu Heng’s writing in the end period of the 1990’s.Liu Heng shows shortcomings of humanity and expectation to ideal humanity in ordinary life narrating. In his novels of this period, art style is intelligent and humorous, and artistic skill is special.Liu Heng’s novels not only contain plentiful humanity meaning, but also have strong readability. Therefore, his works keep culture character, and walk into the folks, further win readers’ like.

【关键词】 刘恒人性化艺术风格创作手法
【Key words】 Liu HengHumanizationArt styleArtistic skill
  • 【分类号】I206.7
  • 【被引频次】7
  • 【下载频次】364