

【作者】 郑巴音

【导师】 余金成;

【作者基本信息】 天津师范大学 , 科学社会主义与国际共产主义运动, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 加快发展,实现社会主义现代化,是当代中国社会的基本目标。历史经验证明,社会经济的发展,需要政治的稳定。没有稳定便没有一切。但是,稳定是相对的,而非绝对的,绝对的政治稳定是不存在的。动态有序的社会是最理想的社会形态。它既能保持社会政治的稳定,又能促进社会经济的发展。 发端于西方世界的全球化浪潮是一个充满矛盾的历史过程。一方面,它为我们提升国力,加速经济发展,赶超发达国家提供了难得的历史机遇;另一方面,经济全球化进程夹裹着众多的政治失稳因素。中国作为发展中的社会主义国家,在经济全球化背景下的政治失稳因素具有其自身的特点。 在融入经济全球化的过程中,政治失稳因素的存在是一种“自然现象”,问题的关键是如何把这种不稳定限制在一定的范围之内,纳入有序的轨道。本文针对中国特殊国情下的政治失稳因素探讨了实现动态政治稳定的现实路径。 本文除引言部分外,共分为上下两编。上编分列二章,第一章介绍了政治稳定的一般理论;第二章论述了经济全球化进程对民族国家政治稳定的影响。下编也由二章组成。第一章综述了当今民族国家对经济全球化的不同回应,第二章提出经济全球化背景下保持我国政治稳定的现实路径。

【Abstract】 Speeding up the development and realizing the socialist modernization is the basic goal of our country. As has been proved, the stability in politics is needed by the development of social economy. There will be nothing if there is no stability. However, the stability in politics is comparative, but not absolute. The absolute stability in politics does not exist at all. Of all the social states, the dynamic and orderly society is the favourite, which can not only keep the politics stable but also promote the economic development in the society.The globalization surge which originates in the West is a historical process full of contradiction. On one hand, it provides us with the precious chance to speed up the economic development and enhance our national power, which will help in overtaking the developed countries; on the other hand, the unstable factors will occur in the process. As a major socialist developing country, China has its personality traits.It is a natural that the unstable factors in politics exist in the process of the economic globalization. The point of the problem is how to confine the negative influences to a certain scope and put them into an orderly orbit. According to the unstable factors in politics, this paper discusses the realistic path to solve the problem.The paper has two parts besides the introduction. The former part consists of two chapters The first one introduces the ordinary theory of political stability. The second one dissertates the influences of unstability on a nation. The latter part is composed of two chapters. The first one discusses the different reactions to economic globalization. The second one put forward the realistic parts to retain the stability in politics.

  • 【分类号】D60
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】177