

The Design of Moving and Carried Synthesize Monitoring System

【作者】 尹广琦

【导师】 杨莘元; 莫景猷;

【作者基本信息】 哈尔滨工程大学 , 电子与通信工程, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 随着改革开放和经济的发展,无线电设台激增,无线电频谱资源日益紧张,无线电干扰时有发生,无线电监测的任务也愈来愈重,无线电监测系统的建设是摆在各级无线电管理机构面前亟待解决的问题。 本文首先对无线电监测在无线电频谱管理中的地位作用和职能作了介绍,阐述了国家无线电监测中心对全国无线电监测系统建设提出来的各项技术要求,并从理论上就在无线电系统建设中需解决的无线电干扰,测向误差,电磁兼容等问题作了分析。然后结合我省无线电管理工作的实际提出了搬移式综合监测系统的设计方案。在设计中采用了可拆卸的八元园天线阵与电子角度计相结合,测向处理器与计算机相结合,地理信息系统,ORACLE无线电台站数据库等先进的软硬件技术,使得该系统不仅具有埸强测量,频谱分析,频率占用度测量,信道占用度测量和信号的搜索、监听、录音等多种监测功能,还能够完成无线电测向,电子地图上的多点交会定位等查处无线电干扰和测向功能,充分显示了该系统结构轻巧,性能价格比高,易于安装拆卸,即可做固定监测站使用,也可做为移动站使用的特点。 搬移式综合监测系统的设计与开发较好地满足了幅员辽阔地区对无线电台站进行综合监测及干扰查处的要求,解决了无线监测系统建设的急需,提高了无线电管理工作的水平。

【Abstract】 With the opening -up reform and economic development, the radio is increasing sharply, frequencies spectrum resource of radio are hi short day ,radio interference takes place frequently ,take that the radio monitors is more and more heavier The construction of the monitoring system of rsadio is problem which is in need of solution in front of the managements organization of radio at all levels. This paper introduce the status and fuction of radio monitor in the radio spectrum management at first, and explain radio monitoring center build every specification requirement put forward to national radio monitoring system ,at the sam time, the paper analyses the radio interferece, examineto error ,the comprehensive pain of design of monitoring system of handling, combining the actual proposition hi our province. The system can used to detect the field strength ,the channel engage ratio and the spectrum analysis .The design of the system make the solution of the construction of radio monitoring, increases the organization of radio .

  • 【分类号】TN92
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】131