

The Research of the Active Power Factor Correction on Single Phase and Cuk Topology

【作者】 刘建

【导师】 罗耀华;

【作者基本信息】 哈尔滨工程大学 , 电力电子与电力传动, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 本文在总结有关有源功率因数校正研究成果的基础上,针对目前研究的热点及其发展方向,对单相有源功率因数校正技术作了较为深入的探讨,并提出了将升压型平均电流控制的功率因数校正思想用于Cuk型电路拓扑。全文围绕设计Cuk型平均电流控制的功率因数校正电路展开,主要完成了以下工作: 论文在分析有源功率因数校正器基本工作原理的基础上,通过比较几种不同拓扑的PFC变换器主电路和控制电路的优缺点,明确了本文所要研究的对象—平均电流型控制的Cuk型PFC变换器。 论文介绍了Cuk型DC/DC变换器由来、演变;分析了各个环节、期间的电压、电流的变化情况及波形;推导了理想Cuk变换器的状态方程;建立了Cuk主电路以及相关交流电源、脉冲宽度调制器的Simulink仿真模型。 论文运用电感电流连续时的状态空间平均法,通过PWM型变换器通用传递函数的求取,代入Cuk变换器的状态方程,借助MATLAB的符号计算功能,推导出了Cuk变换电路的输入电流与输出电压受占空比控制的小信号传递函数,而后依此进行了控制电路部分的电流调节器与电压调节器的设计。 论文分析了带隔离变压器的Cuk变换电路,介绍了平均电流型功率因数校正芯片UC3854的结构、功能;根据UC3854的具体特点与要求,以设计一个具体、实用的带PFC功能的开关电源为例,设计、计算了主电路电感L1、L2、C1、C2、隔离变压器以及电压、电流调节器电路的参数及要求。 论文最后分析了本文所做工作的缺陷和不足,指出了今后需要继续做的工作和其它有关行业需要配合做的工作。

【Abstract】 Based on the summary of the fruits of the research of the Active Power Factor Correction, the PFC system, which adopts Cuk power converter circuit and Average Current Mode control scheme, is well studied in this thesis. The main job accomplished of this paper includes:According to the principle and the discussion of the single-phase active power correction, the PFC system, which adopts Cuk power converter circuit and Average Current Mode control scheme is indicated as the developing direction of PFC and regarded as the PFC system structure.The origin and evolvement of Cuk converter are introduced and the voltage and current waveforms of every period are analyzed and presented. The State Differential Equations of ideal Cuk converter are deduced and the Simulation models of ideal Cuk converter, ac power supply and pulse width modulator (PWM) are erected.The general transfer functions of PWM converter are developed and the small-signal transfer functions controlled by the duty cycle are given using MATLAB. The voltage adjuster and the current regulator of the control circuit are designed.The isolated Cuk converter is analyzed and the features and the description of the UC3854 are presented in detail. Based on the UC3854, a complete design procedure, experimental device and waveforms are given.In the end, the limitations and shortages are indicated and the work of sequel and other interrelated fields is pointed out.

  • 【分类号】TP212
  • 【被引频次】7
  • 【下载频次】513