

Research on Reforming Model of S/M Industry

【作者】 刘文谷

【导师】 颜哲;

【作者基本信息】 重庆大学 , 技术经济及管理, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 测绘为国家建设和管理提供与地理位置有关的各种专题性和综合性的基础信息,是准确反映我国疆域境界、行政区域界和土地权属界线的手段,也是国家行政管理的重要基础工作之一。在现代社会里,地图也是人们了解和掌握地理环境的必要手段,与人们的日常生活息息相关。测绘事业在几十年的发展中取得了长足的进步,但与国民经济和社会发展的要求相比,还很不适应。论文根据大量权威的统计资料和数据,根据我国测绘行业管理的历史,根据我国测绘业长期实践的丰富经验和教训,分析我国测绘行业管理面临的问题,探讨解决这些问题的途径。论文共分五个部分,第一部分对我国的测绘行业与发达国家测绘行业的现状进行比较,分析我国测绘行业管理与国际先进水平的发展差距;第二部分介绍我国的测绘管理体系及其运行机制的改进(理顺测绘行业的管理体制,建立符合市场经济体制要求的测绘事业基本框架体系、加强测绘法制建设、建立严格和规范的测绘市场管理机制);第三部分应用了现代经济学有关共用物品与私人物品的理论和方法,来考察测绘行业及其产品中不同部分的性质、特点和运行方式,分析了目前我国基础测绘中存在的问题(分级管理体制不够完善、基础地理信息更新工作严重滞后于经济建设与社会发展、重复测绘现象普遍、测绘项目质量管理存在不足、国家基础地理信息的保密工作与社会发展和社会需求已不相适应)以及解决这些问题的措施(进一步完善我国基础测绘的分级管理体制、加快建立和完善基础地理信息更新机制、推进基础地理信息共建共享机制的建立、建立全面测绘质量管理体系,提高测绘生产质量水平、适当开放空间数据,适应市场经济的发展、提高基础测绘经费的综合效益);第四部分分析了测绘生产队伍的现状,讨论了测绘与市场、测绘队伍与市场的关系,把技术经济学中的量本利分析用于指导测绘生产企业的生产管理决策,论述了我国测绘单位经济持续发展的基本措施;第五部分从测绘技术创新、测绘教育、测绘职业道德、测绘宣传以及对外开放几个方面谈了测绘行业的自身建设问题。

【Abstract】 Surveying and mapping contributes to the constructions and administrations of the country by presenting various comprehensives, special and elementary information that is related to the geographical position. It exactly shows the border, the administrative division and the land right of the country. Besides, it is one of the essential parts of the administration of a country. In modern society, map is closely bound up with our daily life and is the indispensable part that can be used to master the geographical condition. During the decades, surveying and mapping makes considerable headway. However, it does not meet the demand of the national economy and the social development. According to a vast amount of authoritative statistical data, the history of S/M management and the abundant morals and experiences learnt during the long-time practice, this paper analyses the problems in S/M management and discusses the method to solve the problems. This paper can be divided into five parts. The first part compares Chinese current situation of S/M industry with external current situation of S/M industry,analysis the difference of S/M management between china and developed country. The second part introduces surveying management and administration system in our country and the improvement on the operation of the system (clearly presenting the framework of surveying management and administration, framing the basic system to meet the demands of the market economy, strengthening the legal system of surveying, and instituting the rigorous and standard surveying management framework); The third part investigates surveying and reviews the properties, characteristics of the different parts of the surveying industry, its products and the operation by making use of the theories and methods of the modern economics about the shared and private goods. Then it analyses the existing problems of the basic S/M in our country (imperfect grade administration system, the update of the fundamental geographical information lagging behind the economic<WP=6>construction and social development, popular phenomenon of duplication of the surveying work, existing flaws in the management of project quality, unsuitable national security system of the basic geographical information compared with the social development and new requirements) and the solutions available (further perfect the grade administration system, speed up the establishment and perfection of the update system of basic geographical information, quicken the foundation of system to co-construct and share the fundamental geographical information, build comprehensive system fourth of the quality management, improve the quality of surveying production, properly open up the space data, suit the development of market economy, increase the economic benefit of the expense on basic surveying); The fourth part analyses the present condition of current surveying teams, and discusses the relationship between surveying and market and that between surveying teams and market. It adapts cost-benefit analysis of quantity in the technological economics to direct the surveying enterprises’ decisions on production and management. It expounds the basic measures to guarantee the sustainable development; The fifth part makes some analysis of the questions on the self-construction of S/M industry, these problems include surveying technique reform, surveying education, professional morality, propaganda and its opening up to the public, etc.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 重庆大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 02期
  • 【分类号】P205
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】462