

Mechanism of Helmholtz Oscillator and Its Application

【作者】 高虹

【导师】 曾丹苓;

【作者基本信息】 重庆大学 , 热能工程, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 换热器是广泛应用于化工、石油、动力、食品及其它许多工业部门的通用设备,在生产中占有重要地位。为了节能降耗必须开发出适用于不同工业过程要求的高效能换热设备。本课题将Helmholtz共振腔所产生的自激振荡脉冲射流引入换热器以实现强化换热。这是一种崭新的强化换热技术,流体脉动能够造成换热器全程的换热强化,而且自激振荡脉冲射流强化换热技术本身是一种无功强化的方法,无需输入外部能量来产生扰动。本文首先介绍了Helmholtz共振腔产生自激振荡以及强化换热的机理。当前喷嘴流束中的不稳定扰动波在穿过腔内的剪切层时,剪切层对其有选择放大作用,形成涡环结构,剪切流动中涡环与碰撞壁撞击,在碰撞区域产生压力扰动波并向上游反射,在上游剪切层分离处诱发新的扰动的产生,当新扰动与原扰动匹配时,射流上游就被不断地受到周期性激励,腔内就产生流体自激振荡并在后喷嘴出口形成脉冲射流。将自激振荡脉冲射流引入换热器后,流体的脉动导致了壁面处旋涡的大量生成,增加了流体的掺混,实现强化换热的目的。在Helmholtz共振腔的设计一章中,首先介绍了流体网络理论的基本知识,然后根据流通网络理论的相关知识推导了计算腔室的固有频率公式,并由此公式计算了本课题所使用的Helmholtz共振腔的固有频率,然后根据腔室的固有频率公式计算了有关结构参数,最后综合考虑影响自激振荡的各种因素设计了Helmholtz共振腔。最后,本文运用设计的Helmholtz共振腔进行了自激振荡脉冲射流强化换热的实验研究,通过实验发现:对于本课题设计的Helmholtz共振腔,只要配合以适当的水力参数,就可以产生自激振荡脉冲射流。对于同一结构的Helmholtz共振腔,水力参数不同,所产生的自激振荡脉冲射流的强弱也不相同。将Helmholtz共振腔产生的自激振荡脉冲射流引入换热器后,当自激振荡的强度达到一定程度后,可以强化换热。不同的自激振荡强度,强化换热的效果也不同。对于同一Helmholtz共振腔,不同的出口结构尺寸对于换热效果的强化的影响不大,但是腔室长度对强化比的影响却是显著的。只要选定合适的水力参数和结构参数,Helmholtz共振腔可以将管内流动换热系数提高5%—30%。

【Abstract】 This dissertation is devoted to the investigation of the influence of self-excited oscillation jet on heat transfer enhancement. Firstly, the mechanism of self-excited oscillation was introduced. When the water jets from the inlet nozzle flows into the chamber, the momentum exchange between the jet and the liquid in the chamber occurs, thus to form an unstable shearing layer with certain thickness. The shearing layer is carried by the jet and the eddy is formed because of the instability and selective amplification of shearing layer which will propagate to the downstream. As the eddy impacts the impinging wall, a wave of pressure disturbance with certain frequency is induced. This wave then propagates to the upstream with high speed, and results in the overlap and amplification of the waves when the frequencies of them are close with each other. The repetition of the above process leads to the occurrence of the self-excited oscillation pulsating jet at the exit of the outlet of the back nozzle. When the pulsating jet was introduced in the heat exchanger, pulsating flow leads to the formation of an amount of vortices near the tube wall. The boundary layer was destroyed and the mixing of liquid was improved, so heat transfer enhancement was achieved.Secondly, the Helmholtz oscillator was designed. Based on the flow network theory, the expression of intrinsic frequency was deduced. The main parameter of Helmholtz oscillator was calculated.Finally, the experiment was performed in order to exam the effect. The pulsating liquid flows through a single pipe heated electrically. The heat transfer coefficients were measured under different conditions. Several important conclusions based on the experiment are drawn. (1) The performance of the oscillator is very sensitive to the geometric structure and the size of its parts. If the geometric structure and flow rate or pressure difference of oscillator are suitable, the expected oscillation can be obtained. (2) A remarkable enhancement of heat transfer was observed when the oscillator was installed. Experiments show that the heat transfer coefficient can increase 5-30%in comparing with the normal case when the oscillator was removed.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 重庆大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 01期
  • 【分类号】TK172
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】420