

Studies on the Arable Land Gradation and Classification of Jiancaoping County Taiyuan

【作者】 侯莉琴

【导师】 孙泰森;

【作者基本信息】 山西农业大学 , 农业经济管理, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 农用地分等定级是依据农用地的自然和社会经济属性及其在社会经济活动中的作用,综合评定农用地质量的优劣并划分其等级的活动,是国土资源大调查的重要组成部分。20世纪90年代以来,随着农村税费体制改革的深入,农用地流转法规的实施,土地征用补偿、耕地保护、土地整理、宜农土地开发制度的出台,迫切要求采用科学的方法,对农用地的质量进行评定,从而为税费体制的改革和农用地的流转等提供科学依据。 近年来,农用地分等定级研究在全国广泛开展,并取得了突出成绩。该项研究就是在此背景下,以太原市尖草坪区为研究区域,以《农用地分等定级规程》为技术依据,针对该区域地形复杂、城郊型特点明显,土地质量差异较大,土地污染现象严重等特点,重点对农用地分等定级指标体系的构建、生态环境指标的确定和量化、指标区的划分,以及基于MAPGIS支持下的分等定级数据库的建立和应用等开展了研究。 太原市尖草坪区位于该市的西北部,区内山丘川均有,地形复杂,是太原市重要的农副产品供应基地,是黄土高原地区典型的城乡混合型区域。本研究在分析区域特点的基础上,探讨了城郊型县域农用地分等定级的理论和方法。采用层次分析法对该区域农用地分等定级的指标体系及其权重进行了研究,选择表层质地、土层厚度、有机质含量、地形、海拔、灌溉保证率等6项指标参与分等评价,选取表层质地、土层厚度、有机质含量、地形、海拔、灌溉保证率、对外交通状况、距市中心距离、田间道路状况、田块分散度、地面平整度、水土流失、土地污染等13个因子分指标区进行定级评价,强调了生态条件及其环境污染状况在农用地分等定级中的作用。应用因素分析法对区域农用地的等级进行了研究,采用动态加权求和模型作为指数综合的方法,再用土地利用系数和经济系数进行修正,使综合分值既能反映出每个因素对农用地质量的影响,又能突出主导限制性因素的作用。最后利用MAPGIS6.0建立了尖草坪区农用地分等定级成果数据库。研究表明:①城乡混合型农用地分等定级的影响因素较为复杂,除受自然因素的影响之外,农用地距市区的距离、对外交通状况、农用地污染指标等指标对农用地的等级具有重要作用;②利用层次分析法(AHP)确定各评价因子的权重,采用加权求和模型计算农用地自然质量分,将因素法与修正法相结合划分农用地等级,同时采用不分指标区进行尖草坪区农用地分等③根据评价结果全区分为五等七级,其中五等的面积百分比依次为12.57%、18.28%、27.58%、33.41%、8.16%:七级的面积百分比依次为12.77%、20.06%、15.84%、12.64%、25.10%、7.75%、5.84%,这表明尖草坪区农用地等级类型复杂,土地质量差异较大;④利用MAPGIS6.0建立农用地分等定级成果数据库,有利于评价成果的应用,以便对农用地的质量进行动态监测;⑤评价单元等与级的变幅基本一致,但在部分单元上存在着等与级不一致的现象,这主要是由于农用地受污染的影响所致;⑥城郊型区域土地集约化利用程度较高,土地利用类型复杂,在基准作物和指定作物的选取上要充分考虑地区特点.

【Abstract】 Studies on the arable land gradation and classification is based on the natural and social-economic character of arable land and the effect in the social-economic activities. It is a behaviour of synthesizing evaluate the arable land and dividing its grade and it is a part of large investigation of territorial resources. In the 1990s with the change of the rural tax system and the implement of the arable land transfer, the system of taking over for use and compensate land, protecting cultivated land, sorting out the land and exploiting suitable soil are publicated, it is urgent advise that people should evaluate the arable land with scientific method. And it can provide scientific basis for the change of the rural tax system and the implement of the arable land transfer.In recent years the studies on the arable land gradation and classification have a wide-ranging development and acquired outstanding achievements. According to Procedures and Rules for Arable Land Gradation and Classification, the thesis make studies with Taiyuan City Jiancaoping Country as study region. This region is a town’s outskirts which have complicated terrain, differ greatly in land quality and contaminated arable land. The study has centred on the structural system of the index of the arable land gradation and classification, the definition and quantify of the ecological index, the divide of index’s region and the foundation of data base which is based on MapGIS for the arable land gradation and classification.Jiancaoping Country is situated in the northwestern part of Taiyuan City. The country has a complicated terrain which including mountains, hills and flat lands and is a agricultural products’ base of Taiyuan City and a typical outskirts of a town of the Huangtu Plateau. Base on analyzing the region the study inquired into the theories and methods of the arable land gradation and classification which is outskirts town’s arable land. At the same time the study analyse the structural system of the index and it’s weight with the AHP, and choose soil quality, soil thickness, the content of organic matter, terrain, elevation and the ration of irrigated guarantee as gradation index and choose soil quality, soil thickness, the content of organic matter, terrain, elevation, the ration of irrigated guarantee , the condition of traffic, thedistance from the central city , the scatter degree of field, the neat degree of field, loss of water and erosion of soil and land contamination as classification index. At the same time the study emphasize the effect of the condition of ecological condition and environmental contamination. In the analyse of gradation and classification the study use the method of factors and the dynamic model of sum taking the weight and make revision with the land use coefficient and the land economic coefficient. The grade of synthesize not only reflect the effect to each factor but outstand the leading restrict factor. At the last found the data base which is based on MapGIS for the arable land gradation and classification.The result of the study indicate:(1)The effect factor of the outskirts of a town arable land is very complicated, it include the condition of traffic, the distance from the central city, loss of water and erosion of soil and land contamination and so on besides natural factors. (2)In the analyse of gradation and classification the study use the method of factors and revise. At the same time the study determine the weight of each factor by AHP and use the dynamic model of sum taking the weight research the arable land gradation and classification. In order to unify the criterion of gradation the study use same gradual factors in the whole region. (3) According to the result of gradation and classification the region’s land divide into five gradations and seven classifications, the area of five gradations is separately 12.57%, 18.28%, 27.58%, 33.41%. 8.16% and the area of seven classification is separately 12.77%, 20.06%, 15.84%, 12.64%, 25.10%, 7.75%, 5.84%. The result indicate that the

  • 【分类号】F301.2
  • 【被引频次】3
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