

The Construction of Count Level Land Use Status Information System Based on MAPGIS

【作者】 余万军

【导师】 孙泰森; 师学义;

【作者基本信息】 山西农业大学 , 农业经济管理, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 从1984年起,我国开展了历时10多年的土地利用现状调查,获取了从地块到村、乡、县、市、省和全国的土地利用、权属状况等大量详实的资料,形成了从1:1万到1:100万各种比例的土地利用现状图件和相关数据,但这些宝贵资料仍停留在常规的纸介质、箱柜式存取条件下,限制了数据的管理和传递分析,制约了数据的更新和利用,而且还严重危及这些数据的安全性和可靠性。近年来,国土资源部加快了国土资源信息化研究的步伐,并取得了巨大成绩。但是,我国的土地利用现状信息系统的建设是以土地利用现状调查成果为主要信息源,时间跨度长、范围广,数据质量参差不齐,致使土地利用现状信息系统的建设遇到许多问题。本研究就是针对这一现实,以山西省屯留县为研究区域,探讨适合我国国情的国土资源信息化建设的应用性研究。 该研究以《县(市)级土地利用现状数据库建设技术规范》为依据,以土地利用现状成果为信息源,分别按1990和2001年数据建立初始和变更数据库。在土地利用现状信息系统建设理论方法研究的基础上,通过资料预处理、图纸扫描、数据的采集、图形编辑、数据处理及系统数据库建立、系统完善、系统试用等工作,按检查、编辑修改、检查、再编辑修改、再检查的方法循环进行,并用Visual FoxPro建立属性数据库,最终建立土地利用现状信息系统。经山西省屯留县国土资源部门的试用,证明其自动化程度高、运行稳定、操作简便。 土地利用现状信息系统的建设,提高了土地利用现状信息的准确性和现势性,实现了对土地利用现状图件的存储、管理、检索、查询、统计、分析、变更、维护的数字化和自动化,从根本上解决了土地利用现状图及数据的更新问题,不仅为县级土地管理部门的日常业务工作提供了现代化的技术手段,而且为土地利用变更调查、动态监测、土地利用总体规划提供了基础数据和科学依据,为农地转用制度、土地开发整理、建设项目用地审批管理制度及农村地籍管理制度的建立莫定了现代化基础,同时也可为土地利用动态监测、土地利用规划、建设用地的审批和管理提供技术服务。通过系统的建设,解决了以1 990年土地利用现状调查成果为基拙所带来的时间跨度长、范围广,技术水平差异大,土地利用现状数据质量参差不齐等对系统建设的影响问题,以及土地利用现状信息系统更新方法;提出了土地利用现状信息系统建设信息源的质量控制,系统的组织与协调,系统更新的标准和规范等值得讨论的问题。

【Abstract】 Our country has developed land use status investigation since 1984 which undergo over 10 years, and achieved a lot of materials about land use and authority from parcel of land to village, to county, to city, even to whole nation, that are very full and accurate; formed different scale land use status graph from 1:10000 to 1:1000000 and relative data. But these valuable materials are still stored in boxes and cabinets in paper, it limits management and transmit analysis of data; renewal and use of date. At the same time, it affects seriously security and reliability of these data. In recent years, Territory Resources Department has accelerated the pace of study of territory resources information, and achieved tremendous achievement. But the construction of land use status information system is based on land use status investigation in 1990, which was time-consuming in time, national in range, uneven in data quality, so the construction of land use status information system confronts many difficulties. On this fact, this paper selected the Count of Tunliu in Shanxi Province as research zone, the author explored application study on the information construction of territory resources that is fit for condition of our country.Based on "Technology Regulations in Land Use Status Database Construction at County or City Level " and land use status achievement, according to data of 1990 and data of 2000, we established initial database and renewable database separately. On the basis of study of theory and method on land use status information system construction, by material collection, graph scanning, data gather, graph edition, data processing, database establishment, system improvement, system probation and so on, we established property database based on Visual FoxPro, and established land use status information system ultimately.By experiment in land resource department of Tunliu, it has been proved that land use information system is highly automatic ,stable to run and simple to operation.The construction of Land use status information system improves the accuracy and the trends of times of land use information, it automatically stores, manages, researches, inquires, counts, analyzes, renews and defends land use status graph which is digital, solves the problem of the renewal of land use status graph and data. It provides not only modern technology means for everyday professional work in county level land management department, but also basic data and scientific basis for land use renewable investigation,dynamic monitoring, land use totality planning. On the other hand, it lays a foundation for the establishment of cropland transform system, land exploitation and readjustment, approvable management system of construction project used land, management system of rural land register. It also provides technology services for land use dynamic monitoring, approval and management of construction land. By the construction of system, it solves the problem of land use status investigation in 1990, such as time-consurming, Wide in range, different technology level, uneven data quality and so on; it also provides the renewable method of land use status information. In the end, the author raised quality control of land use status information source, organization and coordination of system, renewable standard of system .

  • 【分类号】F301.2
  • 【被引频次】7
  • 【下载频次】677