

【作者】 卢婧

【导师】 胡平;

【作者基本信息】 西南政法大学 , 民商法, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 遗嘱继承是按照遗嘱人生前所立的遗嘱来确定遗产继承人以及处理遗产的一种继承方式。遗嘱继承制度和法定继承制度并为继承领域的两大制度。在这两种继承方式中,法定继承仍然是占绝对优势的继承方式,人们大多习惯让法律来处理自己的身后事。而遗嘱继承更便于被继承人按照自己的意志处分遗产。与法定继承制度相比,遗嘱继承制度具有效力上的优先性。随着经济的发展,遗嘱继承制度越来越体现出其实用性和重要意义。 本文拟通过对我国继承法规定的遗嘱继承制度的一些基本问题的研究,同国外民法相关制度进行比较,就我国继承法规定的遗嘱继承制度的一些不足之处,提出笔者的一点看法和意见,以期有益于我国继承法的立法工作。 本文共约五万字,分为五个部分。 第一部分:序言 在这一部分中,笔者概述了继承法律制度的发展变化过程、古代法律制度和现代法律制度的不同的价值取向以及遗嘱继承制度和法定继承制度的关系,从而揭示出遗嘱继承制度的实用性及其价值:第一,遗嘱继承与人们的生活密切相关,在遗产继承中越来越体现出它的实用性;第二,遗嘱继承可保证遗嘱人享有最充分的意思自治;第三,有利于减少矛盾,避免家庭纠纷;第四,遗嘱权利的行使有利于发挥家庭养老育幼的功能;第五,遗嘱权利的行使有利于发展社会福利事业。 第二部分:遗嘱继承制度产生的根源及其历史发展。 笔者首先考察了遗嘱继承制度产生的根源及其历史沿革,通过追溯遗嘱继承制度的起源及其发展变化,揭示了罗马法对近代各国遗嘱继承制度的影响。通过论证权利保护的观念变迁和法的价值追求,说明在不同社会背景下,观念形态的变化对继承制度相关内容的重要影响。并通过对罗马法遗嘱继承制度和我国古代遗嘱继承制度的研究,归纳出古代遗嘱继承制度的特征,即:全面继承原则;强制继承原则;继承人主要为直系男性卑亲属。 第三部分:现代西方国家以及我国台湾地区的民事立法对遗嘱继承制度的规定。 在这一部分,笔者从遗嘱的形式、遗嘱的撤销及变更、遗嘱继承中对继承人的权利保护和对遗嘱人遗嘱自由的限制以及遗嘱的执行等几个方面对几个主要的大陆法系国家和英美法系国家以及我国台湾地区的民事立法对遗嘱继承制度的规定进行了比较。着重介绍了国外民事立法中的遗嘱撤回的再撤回制度、特留份制度、可选择份额、财产合算制度以及遗嘱执行人制度,作为完善中国大陆继承法规定的遗嘱继承制度的参考。 .第三部分:我国大陆继承法对遗嘱继承制度的规定。 在这一部分,笔者研究了我国大陆继承法中关于遗嘱的形式、遗嘱的撤销及变更、遗嘱继承中对继承人的权利保护和对遗嘱人的遗嘱自由的限制以及遗嘱继承中的债务清偿,尤其是当遗产已被分割时清偿债务的办法等问题。 第四部分:我国大陆继承立法对遗嘱继承制度规定的不足及立法建议。首先是对遗嘱形式规定的不足:由于录音遗嘱的认定在实践中存在很多的问题,建议取消录音遗嘱这一形式;由于对口头遗嘱的规定过于粗略,建议参考国外相关立法,增加规定危急情况解除后口头遗嘱的有效期限.其次是对遗嘱的撤销、变更规定的不足:我国公证遗嘱的效力过高,而公证遗嘱的效力优先性缺乏科学、合理的依据,既与遗嘱继承立法的目的相违背,·又限制了遗嘱人的遗嘱撤销权,建议立法规定遗嘱人得以任何一种法定形式撤销其先前依其他法定形式订立的遗嘱;分析了遗嘱的彬肖和遗嘱的撤回两个法律概念的区别,建议立法采用“遗嘱的撤回”这一概念;再次是对遗嘱自由的限制和对继承人的权利保护的不足:通过对国外立法的借鉴,笔者大胆提出了在中国建立特留份制度和财产合算制度的设想,以期能适当的限制遗嘱人的遗嘱自由,.更好的保护遗嘱继承法律关系中的各个继承人的利益。最后,是关于遗嘱执行人制度的立法缺陷、修正以及遗嘱继承中的债务清偿问题的完善:建议立法对遗嘱执行人的资格、遗嘱执行人的产生方式以及遗嘱执行人的职责等作出规定。

【Abstract】 Succession ex testamenta is one way of succession which determines the inheritors and disposes of the estate in accordance with the will made by the testate.The system of succession ex testamenta and the system of inheritance by operation of law are two basic systems in the field of inheritance. Among the two methods of inheritance, inheritance by operation of law is still the dominant one because most of the people are accustomed to disposing of their own property after death by law.While succession ex testamenta is favorable for the testate to dispose of his estate in accordance with his own will.Compared with the system of inheritance by operation of law, the system of succession ex testamenta is privileged in effect. With the development of the ecnomy, the system of succession ex testamenta has displayed its usefulness and its significance.This article puts forward some deficiencies of the system of succession ex testamenta regulated by the Inheritance Law of China and some suggestions of perfecting them of the author by studying some fundamental problems of the system of succession ex testamenta regulated by the Inheritance Law of China and make comparisons with the relative systems of the foreign civil laws, for the hope that it would be beneficial for the legislation of the inheritance law.This article includes four parts.The first part: the origin and the development of the system of succession ex testamenta. The author discloses the influence of the Roman Law on the present system of succession ex testamenta by studying the origin and the historical development of the system of succession ex testamenta, summarizes the features of the ancient system of succession ex testamenta by making comparison between the system regulated by the Roman Law and the system of ancient China.The second part: the regulations of the system on succession ex testamenta by the civil legislation of the western countries andTaiwan of China. In this part the author makes comparisons of this system between the legislations of some major countries in the civil law system and the common law system and Taiwan of China from the following aspects: the types of the wills; the cancellation and alteration of testament; the protection of the right of the inheritors; the limitations of the testamentary freedom and the execution of testament.The third part: the regulations on the system of succession ex testamenta by the Inheritance Law of China. This part dwells on the types of the wills; the cancellation and alteration of testament; the protection of the right of the inheritors; the limitations of the testamentary freedom and the performance of debt,which regulated by the Inheritance Law of China.The forth part: this part dwells on the flaws of this system regulated by the Inheritance Law of China,which includes "the following aspects: the deficiencies of the regulation on the types of the will; the deficiencies of the regulations on the cancellation of the will; the deficiencies of the regulations on the protection of the right of the inheritors; the deficiencies of the regulations on the limitation of the testamentary freedom; the deficiencies of the regulations on the system of the execution of the will and the performance of debt. Thereafter the author presents the suggestions of perfecting this system by referring to the foreign legislation.

  • 【分类号】D913
  • 【被引频次】14
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