

【作者】 滕燕

【导师】 李向彬;

【作者基本信息】 西南政法大学 , 法律, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 上市公司收购是通过股权交易取得目标公司控制权的行为,要约收购是其中最具市场化的一种形式,在西方证券市场发达的国家,由于信用制度完善,股权结构分散,要约收购已成为上市公司进行资产重组,优化资源配置,完成低成本扩张的有效途径之一。我国目前正处于转轨中的新兴市场经济,随着我国股份制改革的推进及股票交易和股权转让的逐渐有序和规范,要约收购在我国具有广阔的发展前景。但我国证券市场发展还不成熟,上市公司股权结构特殊,股份未能实现全流通,规制要约收购的法律法规还需完备,因此,对要约收购法律问题的研究具有重要的理论价值和实践意义。 本文从三个方面论述了上市公司要约收购的相关法律问题,计四万余字。 一、 上市公司要约收购的概念和价值分析 上市公司要约收购概念的界定是确定要约收购立法的调整范围的前提,本文从两个层次阐述这一概念:上市公司要约收购的上位概念是上市公司收购,因此文章先界定了上市公司收购的概念,进而说明要约收购是其中不同于以集中竞价方式进行的场内收购,也不同于场外以私下协商方式进行的协议收购的一种形式。具体而言,要约收购的法律内涵包括四个方面:其主观上是收购人以谋取目标公司控制权为目的;其主体是收购人(要约人)和目标公司股东,而无需征得目标公司董事会的同意;其客体是目标公司发行在外的有表决权的证券;其客观方面的特征是收购人在证券交易市场外向公司所有股东公开发出收购要约,购买该公司有表决权的证券。而且要约收购按照不同的标准可以分为不同的形式,但都要符合相关的法律规定。界定了要约收购的概念才能确定要约收购立法的调整范围。 我国在立法上应该对要约收购采取何种态度,是该鼓励还是该限制?对这个问题的答案涉及到要约收购的价值判断。在经济学的理论研究中认为上市公司要约收购能够创造价值的主要有:效率理论、信息理论、代理成本理论;而认为要约收购不能创造价值的理论主要有:经理主义理论、自负假说、闲置现金流量理论、市场势力理论、再分配理论。可知要约收购有无价值尚无定论。而我国的实际情况是股权结构、证券市场、上市制度等方面存在着特殊性,结合上市公司的经营现状,决定了我国现阶段更应当强调要约收购具有的积极价值的一面,以“积极鼓励,程序公正”作为我国收购立法的取向才符合我国经济发展的实际需要。 二、要约收购立法的基本问题和具体制度 要约收购立法的基本问题包括立法宗旨和基本原则。要约收购立法的宗旨是保护少数股东的利益,平衡收购关系人之间的利益。要约收购不但涉及要约双方当事人的重大利益而且对目标公司及其管理层以及要约公司股东、董事等收购关系人,甚至邓肖费者、相竞争的公司、所在的社区、以及各自的债权人.的利益都会产生影响,但是并组益各方在收购过程中的地位是各不相同的,一定程度上存在着冲突。要约收购中目标公司的少数股东面临着被剥削和受压迫的危险,收购公司股东也有受其经营者滥用权利之害的可能。要约收购立法正是通过设计一套制度对强者进行限制,对弱势股东提供保护,协调各利益主体的关系,这一立法宗旨贯穿要约收购制艘乡台终。要约收购立法的基本原则包括:1、股东平等待遇原则,即目标公司的所有股东均需获得公平待遇,而且同类别的股东必须获得同等待遇2、信息披露原则,即大股东持股信息及持股变动信息披露,收购要约的披露,目标公司董事会的意见和理由的披露。 这两个基本问题搭建了要约收购的立法框架,贯穿于各种具体制度之中。本文在阐述要约收购立法的具体制度时主要根据我国现行的证券立法,并参照国外的相关制度分析了:1、收购要约的主要条件、发出与生效、变更与撤销、预受与撤回;2、强制要约收购制度;3、部分要约收购制度的构成标准及按比例接纳原则;4、要约收购的法律后果,即要约收购成功和要约收购失败在法律上引起的权利义务;这四项制度构成要约收购立法的主要内容。 三、我国要约收购的现实问题及其解决 我国上市公司收购目前正处于特殊的环境下,本文分析了要约收购中还存在的一些问题如:主体制度中,外商投资者的国民待遇问题及国有资产的流失问题、境内投资者由于融资渠道少、收购工具缺乏造成的收购能力受限问题、市场上缺少积极投资者的问题;收购对象上,占多数比例的国有股、法人股不流通,A股、B股市场分割引出的问题;猎壳圈钱”、虚假重组、报表重组等收购动机错位问题;披露不规范、经营者及大股东操纵股价、内幕交易等不规范的收购行为时有出现的问题;行政不当干预造成要约收购非市场化问题;中介书湘的作用未得到应有发挥等问题。并且提出了解决这些问题的设想:一方面要进一步完善收购立法。要约收购立法在我国经历了一个不断完善,从原则性到操作性,从不全面到全面的发展过程:我国最早的收购行为规范是《深圳市上市公司监管暂行办法)),到1卯3年的《公司法》、《股票发行与交易管理暂行条例》,1匹书旧年正式实施的《中华人民共和国证

【Abstract】 Tender offer is a kind of activity to acquire the control power upon a listed company through the exchange of shareholder’s right. It is an efficient channel for reconstruction of properties, disposition of resources and expansion of enterprises in low cost. This article discusses the legal problem of tender offer in three parts:Part I, the concept and value of tender offer. Tender offer refers to legal activities that a natural person or legal person (so called the offerer) discloses the take-over-bid (tender offer) to all of the shareholders of the target company, i.e., the listed company, during a given course and by a statutory approach, to buy certain amount of voting negotiable securities to which are attached rights for voting, in order to obtain or reinforce the control power upon the listed company. It is different from arrangement in private and purchase of the shares inside stock exchange market. To frame a set of rules, it must be clarified whether tender offer is valuable or not in the first place. Even though these activities are considered by some economists as will waste more social resources and lead to inefficiency, they can offer a kind of outside supervision over managers with the target company, which can enable the capital in stock to enter the market for increment, better the deposition of resources, and improve the reconstruction of the elements in market. So it is quite useful in China especially during the stage of its economic reform.Part II, there is a chief clue in the legislation of tender offer, that is, protecting the investor’s equity at the process of offering which contains two fundamental principles: (1) to see that all shareholders are treated equally; (2) to ensure that shareholders, when faced with a bid, are exposed to all the information necessary. In accordance with these basic rules, the article makes a systematic exposition of the specific institutions, which are likely to influence the shareholders’ equity by drawing a lesson from the western developed countries.Part III, this part analyzes the historical development of our tender offer law and the status quo of our country that the activities of tender offer are backward and some problems remain unsolved because of the short duration since the establishment of our securities market, the specialization of securities structure of the listed company and the non-negotiability of the national share and legal person share. So for the purpose of developing the positive effect of take-over, we should standardize the securities market, improve the structure of shareholders’ right and the governing of listed companies. It is worth to mention that more than the legislation on the securities needs to be further perfected to meet the requirements of the substantial reconstruction. Since tend offer is a kind of market activities, some improper administrative interference should be reduced.We believe that tend offer in china will be a hot topic with improvement of the circumstances and legislation of tend offer, and will better serve for our economic development.

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