

【作者】 张华

【导师】 邓瑞平;

【作者基本信息】 西南政法大学 , 国际法, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 任何一场科学技术的革命,都将导致经济和法律的变革。现代信息技术的产生和发展也不例外。计算机和互联网的普及与推广为经济的进一步发展铺垫了物理基础。越来越多的经济活动频繁地在互联网上进行,网络经济已从一个假设的领域发展成为一个能为人类带来巨大经济利益的经济形态。国际贸易中越来越多的交易以电子数据交换方式以及通常称为“电子商务”的其他通讯方式进行,这些方式涉及使用不是基于纸张的通讯和信息储存办法。现代信息技术和网络经济的迅速发展既给经济增长和社会发展带来了新希望,同时也给社会带来了许多新问题。对于新出现的问题,原有的法律制度是不足以应对和解决的,网络经济的出现已对原有的法律带来了巨大的冲击和挑战,因此用网络法律来规范网络经济乃至所有网络活动成为必然和趋势。 电子筌名是指以电子形式存在于数据信息之中,或作为其附件或逻辑上与之有联系的数据,并且它可以用于辨别数据签署人的身份,并表明签署人对数据信息中包含的信息的认可。在电子商务活动中,双方或多方可能在整个交易过程中自始至终不见面,传统的签字方式很难应用于这种网上交易。因此如何使彼此的要约、承诺具有可信赖性,当债务与合同义务发生不履行时,又如何有效的使违约方承担起应负的法律责任,这就涉及到交易各方的身份确认问题。电子签名用来证实信息发送人的身份以及电子文件的可靠性和完整性,它对于发送人和被发送的信息都是独一无二的,具有可验证性和不可否认的权威性等特点。使用电子签名,能够确认以下两点:信息确实是由签名者签署的,即确认对方的身份,防止抵赖;信息自签发后到收到为止未曾作过任何修改,保证信息的完整性和防篡改性。 电子签名与电子认证存在内在的关联性,电子认证所提供的是一种信用服务,是一种合同关系。 电子认证,是指由特定的机构以加密技术为基础,以电子签名、数字证书、数字摘要等为手段,对电子签名及其签署者的身份的真实性、文件的真实性与完整性的确认等具有法律意义的服务,本文对以上所涉及的术语也加以了描述。电子签名从技术手段上对签名人的身份作出了确认,他是一种技术手段上的、工具性的保障,主要用于数据电讯本身的安全,使他不被否认或篡改。法律规范对之加以调整,主要表现在对符合签名基本功能的电子签名技术予以认定,从而确立其法律效力,这实际上是对技术标准的认定,具有较强的客观性。但是如何解决公共密钥的确定性以及私人密钥持有者否认签发文件的可能性问题,则是电子签名技术本身无法解决的问题。也就是说,其中有一个解决私人密钥持有人信用度的.问题,其中有两种情况:一是密钥持有人主观恶意,有意识否认自己做出的行为;二是客观原因,也即发生密钥丢失、被窃或被解密的情况,使发件人或收件人很难解释归责问题。因此在整个电子交易的过程中就需要一个具有权威性公信力的第三方制作的数字签名以证实交易当事人的身份和电子信息的真实性、完整性和不被否认,这个第三方也就是认证机构(以)o 从字面上理解,凡是能颁发认证证书的机构都可以称之为认证机构。但本文的认证机构具有特定的含义,它专指电子商务中对用户的电子签名颁发数字证书的机构,它已经成为开放性电子商务活动中不可缺少的信用服务机构。电子签名的安全使用必须结合认证机构体系的建立。这样,在网络上,电子签名与安全电子认证的相互结合就解决了前面阐述的由于电子签名技术方面无法解决的信用度的问题。 纵观各国关于电子认证机构的法律规定,电子认证机构还具有如下特征:第一,权威性,即只有经国家主管部门授权经营的电子认证服务机构,或者由主管部门批准并颁发经营许可证的认证机构签发的电子认证证书才具有合法性和较高的可信赖性。第二,统一性,即都是通过政府主管部门依据法律制定统一的技术方案,并且用这种统一的方案去统一规范不同级别的电子认证机构及其电子认证标准和程序。第三,可操作性,由于政府主管机关在电子认证中代表国家对电子认证依法管理,电子认证机构在机构体系的建立、标准的设定以及兼容跨国认证等方面具有法律上的权威性及统一性的特点,因此,电子认证机构的设立和运行也就具有了可操作性的特点。 证书又称为数字证书,是用电子手段来证实一个用户的身份和对网络资源的访问的权限。证书是由交易各方都信赖的第三方权威机构电子认证机构发放的。它一方面可以用来向系统中的其他实体证明自己的身份,另一方面由于证书中带有证书持有者的公开密钥,所以证书也可以向接受者证实某人或某个机构对公开密钥的拥有,也起到了分发公开密钥的作用。通俗的讲,证书就是交易方在互联网上的身份证明。 对认证机构的法律责任,包括认证机构承担赔偿的条件和限度、法律救济等多个方面都应加以规定。法律应具体规定电子认证机构及与其发生关系的当事人之间各自的权利、义务,充分体现认证机构和当事人权利义务对等的原则。立法既要保护电子认证用户享有安全使用电子认证服务的?

【Abstract】 Any revolution of science and technology may cause changes of the law and economy. So is the same with the production and development of information technology. The popularization and extension of computers and the Internet provides physical foundation for the further development of economy. More and more economic activities are being completed on the Internet. And the network economy has become an economy form that can bring a lot of tremendous economy advantages through being a fictions area. More and more businesses are being done in the form of EDI and what we usually call "Electronic commerce" and other forms in international trade. And theses forms use methods of storage and communication which differs from the traditional methods that are based on paper. The rapid progress of modern IT and network economy brings hope for both the increase of economy and the development of society. But it also brings a lot of new problems to the society. The present legal systems can not deal with these new problems, for the presence of the network economy leads to concussions and challenges to it. So it becomes necessary to use network laws to regulate these activities."Electronic signature" means data in electronic form in, affixed to or logically associated with, a data message, which may be used to identify the signatory in relation to the data message and to indicate the signatory’s approval of the information contained in the data message. Both parties may not see each other in the process of transaction in the EC. It is very difficult to use traditional signature for this business based on network. Problems as how to make the offer and acceptance have the reliability and how to make the party who breaches of faith to bear the liability when he does not carry out the obligation in the contract, are involved in theaffirmation of the identity of the parties who participate in the transaction. Electronic signature can identify the identity of the message sender and the credibility and integrality of the electronic data, and it is unique for each sender and each sent message. The use electronic signature can confirm this two things: one is that it can assure the message is signed by the right person and prevent the signatory from denying, the other is that it can conform that the message has not been modified since it was sent.Electronic signature is associated with electronic authentication. Electronic authentication is a credit service and it is also a contract.Electronic authentication means a service that is based on encryption technology, electronic signature, digital certificate, digital digest and so on, which are to be used to identify the signatory and the credibility and integrity of the document. Electronic signature shows the identity of the signatory in technical means. It is used to protect the security of the data message and make sure that the data message would not be modified and disaffirmed. The reason why the law regulated electronic authentication is that the law confirms the technology which accords with the functions of the signature, actually it is the cognizance of the technical standard and it has an objective. It is impossible for the electronic signature technology to resolve the problems of the certainty of the public key and the possibility of the private key holders denying the signed document. That is to say that the credibility of private key holders is very important. There are two circumstances to think about: one is that the holders deny the activity intently, the other is that the key was stolen, lost or discrypted. So it needs an authoritative third party to make electronic signature which can be used to identify the identity of the parties and the credibility and integrity of the document throughout transaction. And this is the so-called certificate authority.This means that any authorities that issue certificate can becalled certificate authority. But in this article it has a special meaning. It refers to the authority that issues certificate to the us

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