

【作者】 黄剑锋

【导师】 胡平;

【作者基本信息】 西南政法大学 , 民商法, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 作为对社会情势变迁的回应,新婚姻法对夫妻财产制作的修订,表明其对政治、经济、文化及人们价值观念、生活方式更新、嬗变的选择、评价与吐纳。它对肇始于上世纪末的婚姻法修改,给了一个较为圆满的答案。但它终究只是立法机关完善婚姻法两步到位思路的一个初步成果。 本文拟对夫妻财产立法从历史的、比较的、法学方法的角度纵横比较,针对这一交织于财产法与身份法之间的现行横断性法律制度仍然存在的缺陷,提出制度上的增进补充。 本文共分四部分,约40000字。 第一部分,“夫妻财产的历史沿革”。论述随着社会类型的演进,与其相吻合的夫妻财产关系也不断演进。夫妻财产制的类型在夫妻一体主义、别体主义、以个人为本位同时兼顾社会利益等原则的演变下不断进化。可以预测的是,兼采分别财产制与共同财产制的合理因素,将成为越来越多的国家夫妻财产制的改革发展方向。 第二部分,“夫妻财产制比较研究”。笔者认为“一切认识、知识均可溯源于比较”(诺瓦里斯),本部分的写作目的在于“参考古今,博稽中外”,最终“择善而从”。本部分首先对夫妻财产制从立法形式、适用情况、制度内容、涉及范围等四个视角进行分类研究。其次,笔者基于现代法律制度必须关注于某些超越社会结构和经济结构的基本价值——追求正义、秩序和人类生活的幸福,探讨现代世界各国夫妻财产立法的基本理念:意思自治、男女平等、维护交易安全、保护弱者。 第三部分,“我国夫妻财产制”。本部分回溯了我国近现代以前的夫妻财产制历史,接着论述50年婚姻法铸就了当代夫妻财产立法的雏形,80年婚姻法定其基本格局并运行至此次修改前,同时评价其缺陷并讨论我国现代夫妻财产立法的基本原则。本部分最后探讨我国现行夫妻财产关系立法框架之下的几个实务问题,目的在于提升、总结实务工作经验,以便为我国夫妻财产立法和民法典出台输送新鲜营养。 第四部分,“我国现行夫妻财产立法的缺陷及建议”。笔者认为新婚姻法虽然对夫妻财产立法作了特别突出的改进,但作为世纪之初的的一项重要立法,我国夫妻财产立法应当在继承优秀传统的同时,在夫妻财产关系上以婚姻家庭的身份性、伦理性为内核,以市场经济的发展为依托,以社会现实为基础,具有一定的前瞻性,同时也要适应我国民法典紧锣密鼓的全面准备和现实呼唤。以上述标准来检测,我国现行婚姻法对夫妻财产制的修改仍有诸多不足:首先,笔者认为无论是善法之治或恶法之治,也无论是简法之治还是繁法之治,凡欲使法发挥制度效应,那么法的总俐匡架设计、基本品格设计及规范构造技术设计必须科学合理。而我国现行夫妻财产立法在体系规范上存在法律体系上的不合理、自身规范设计的不合理、司法解释与法律冲突。其次,笔者认为要使法律上的正义透过其规范实现到人类生活上来,法律便不能存在不圆满性,即制度上的缺陷,而现行夫妻财产立法在制度上存在缺乏通则性规定、非常财产制的设立、夫妻财产制契约的登记制度、所有权各项权能的具俐于使及常态下夫妻共有财产的清算分割制度等。最后,笔者认为本文所探讨的诸多婚姻法法律规范上的不完全哇,实在不可归属于法律有意义的沉默,故而针对各项缺陷,提出增进与补充的粗浅建议。

【Abstract】 The new Marriage Law of the People’s republic of China , so as to accord with the society change , has amended the Marriage Property System. The amending states clearly that politics, economy, culture and others have greatly promoted the Marriage Law’s advance. And the new Marriage Law can be looked as a comparative satisfactory answer to the amending from the 1990s. But ,at most the amending can only be looked upon as preliminary achievements of perfecting the Marriage Law through two steps.In this paper , the author is to compare the Marriage Property System standing on the points of histroy, comparison and the methodology of the science of law . And then the author suggests some institution plans against the drawbacks of the Marriage Property System in effect.This paper is composed of four parts , about 40,000 wordsIn the first part , the author focuses on the historial development of the Marriage Property System . This part conveis that the Marriage Property system evolves constantly accordong to the evolution of society. In the last ,the author forecasts that the Marriage Property System giving consideration to the Part Marriage Property System and the Common Marriage Property System will be the direction of the Marriage Property System reform in many countries.In the second part , the author will study the Marriage Property System by four respects: the form of legislation, the situation of application.,the contents of the systems, the scope of the systems. In this part , the author discusses the aims of moden Marriage Property System in the world too.In the third part , the Marriage Property System of our country will be analysed carefully from ancient law to contemprary law. In order to sum up experience for enacting thr Civil Code , the author discusses some practicing problems .In the fourth part, the author believes that though the new Marriage Law makes particularly outstanding reformation, the Marrige Property System , as an important legislation of the beginning of the new century , has’nt perfected some insitutions which shoud be set up as far as soon . In the last, the author brings forward some crude propsals,for instance: establishing ordinary regulations in the Marriage Property System, establishing unconventional Marriage Property System, establishing registration of Marriage Property Contract establishing clearing and cutting apart in Common Marriage Property System , etc.

  • 【分类号】D923.9
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】481