

【作者】 李碧宏

【导师】 邓正琦;

【作者基本信息】 重庆师范大学 , 区域经济学, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 城镇化是农村人口向城镇转移,农村经济转变为城镇经济的过程。它是由工业化引起、伴随着现代化而不断发展的。城镇化的水平往往取决于一个国家经济、社会、科技、文化的发展状况。反过来,城镇化的发展又对经济发展、社会进步起巨大的促进作用,城镇化是经济发展的推动器。 城镇化问题是新时期中国经济社会发展面临的重大课题。研究重庆的城镇化,对于带动重庆产业结构转换和生产力布局调整,促进重庆市大城市带大农村战略的实施,推进西部大开发顺利进行,有效解决重庆库区移民安置问题以及提高人民生活水平全面建设小康社会具有极其重要的意义。 本论文从历史学、发展经济学、社会学、城市经济学、区域经济学的角度,以可持续发展的理论为原则,以辩证唯物主义和历史唯物主义为指导,通过对城镇化的一般理论、城镇化发展的历史演变的阐述,着重分析了重庆市城镇化发展的现状、特征、应该达到的目标以及加快城镇化进程,提高城镇化水平的主要对策。笔者认为,重庆市城镇化发展进程在加快,但城镇化总体水平低,既低于全国平均水平,更低于东部沿海省市;重庆市城镇化发展不平衡,内部差距很大;重庆市城镇化的目标既要考虑到自己的差距也要结合本地的实际;重庆市城镇化应该走经济、社会、资源、环境相统一,大、中、小城市和小城镇相协调的可持续发展道路,既要发展大城市,又要发展次一级区域经济中心,更要发展小城镇,使小城镇成为吸纳农村人口,推动城镇化进程的主要阵地。 本论文分为五个部分。第一部分,绪论;第二部分,城镇化的一般理论基础,主要阐述城镇化的涵义、理论基础、制约因素和基本规律;第三部分,城镇化的历史演变,主要阐述我国城镇化的历史演变和重庆市城镇化的历史背景;第四部分,重庆城镇化发展的现状和原因分析,主要分析重庆市人口城镇化、经济城镇化和社会城镇化的现状、特征与原因;第五部分,重庆城镇化发展的目标及对策建议,预测了重庆市城镇化发展的目标,提出了重庆市城镇化可持续发展的道路和主要对策。

【Abstract】 The urbanization is a process that village population transfers to town and village economic changes to urban economic. It is caused by industrialization and accompanied by modernization. The level of the urbanization is usually decided by condition of a nation’ s economy, society, technology and culture. Contrarily, the urbanization plays a positive role in pushing economy development and society progress.Urbanization is an important task China faces in the new period. To research the urbanization of Chongqing is very meaningful to bring along Chongqing’s industrial structure converting and productivity arrangement adjustment, to accelerate implementing the strategy of Big City Pushing Forward Big Village, to drive the on-going Western Region Development, to solute settlement problems of Reservoir Area emigrants and to increase people’ s living level to a relatively comfortable life.The thesis puts great emphasis on analyzing Chongqing’s present urbanization condition, characteristics, targets and countermeasures that should be adopted.The thesis is divided into five parts. Firstly, The Abstract: Secondly, The General Theoretical Foundation of Urbanization, mainly introducing the meaning of urbanization, its theoretical foundation, the factors that restrict it and its basic laws; The third, The History of Urbanization, mainly discussing the urbanization history of China and urbanization background of Chongqing; The fourth, The Present Condition of Chongqing’s Urbanization and Its Causes, mainly analyzing Chongqing’s present condition of population urbanization, economical urbanization and social urbanization, its characteristics and reasons; The last, The Targets and Countermeasures of Chongqing’s Urbanization, discussing Chongqing’s targets of urbanization and the primary countermeasures for urbanization of sustainable development.

【关键词】 重庆市城镇化现状对策
  • 【分类号】F299.2
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】706