

【作者】 仝志民

【导师】 袁子龙; 王进旗;

【作者基本信息】 大庆石油学院 , 地球探测与信息技术, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 油水两相流各相含率的测量在生产测井中占据着至关重要的地位,为油田开发做出了重要的贡献。含水率计也随着油田开发的发展得到了不断的更新以适应油田生产测井的需要。 同轴线相位法含水率计的测量范围为0~100%,适应了当前油井以高含水率为主,而单井含水或单井不同层段的含水可能较低的油田开发状况。同轴线相位法含水率计实现了油井含水率的动态测量,其测量结果客观反应了抽油机井中油水两相流动状态。仪器具有很好的分辨力和测量精度,但由于油水两相流动的复杂性以及与仪器响应相关的影响条件的复杂性,含水率的测量和解释精度有待进一步提高。本文在对同轴线相位法含水率计的测量机理和油井两相流动特性研究的基础上,揭示出同轴线相位法含水率计的仪器响应除了与油井含水率有关之外,而且还与油水混合介质的温度、地层水矿化度以及两项流动状态有关;结合软测量技术理论和同轴线相位法含水率计本身的测量机理以及与仪器响应有关的可以直接测量的流量、油水混合介质的温度、地层水矿化度等参数,建立基于同轴线相位法含水率计机理的软测量模型。在此基础上,建立从仪器响应到油井含水率的频域动态特性模型,取得了良好的效果。 确定由同轴线相位法含水率计组成的组合测井仪的现场测井方法以及测井数据资料的预处理方法,并利用软测量解释模型对现场所测10口井的资料进行解释,结果与地面计量符合较好,说明同轴线相位法含水率计的软测量模型在现场测井解释中具有较高的解释精度。

【Abstract】 Water cut measurement of water oil two-phase flow is very important in production logging and it has been contributing to oilfield exploitation very much. With the development of oilfield exploitation, water cut meter has also been being updated in order to adapt the need of oilfield production logging.The measuring range of coaxial transmission line phase water cut meter is 0-100%. Therefore, it can meet present situation of oilfield exploitation, which for most oil wells water cut is high, because of the using of water-driving in oil production, while for some single well or different layers in a well water cut is low. Meanwhile coaxial line phase water cut meter has realized dynamic measuring of oil well water cut. And the detecting results objectively represent flowing state in pumping wells. The distinguishability and precision of the meter is high. But the accuracy still needs to be improved because of the complexity of water oil two-phase flow and the responding condition of the meter. Measurement theory of coaxial line phase water cut meter and flowing feature of water oil two-phase flow have been studied in this paper. And it has been found that the response of coaxial line phase water cut meter is not only related to water cut, but also related to temperature, salinity of formation water and flowing characteristics. Based on soft-measuring theory and operating theory of the meter, soft-measuring model of coaxial line phase water cut meter has been set up with directly obtainable facts such as flux, temperature of oil and water mixture and salinity of formation water. And frequency domain dynamic soft-measuring model has also been set up, with prominent forecast.Logging method and pre-processing method of logging data have been ascertained for the logging tool formed by coaxial line phase water cut meter and other function units such as temperature meter and flow meter. Data of 10 oil wells obtained by the logging tool has been interpreted using the soft-measuring model, and the result is accordant with data of ground measurement. It indicates that the soft measurement model of coaxial line phase water cut meter has high interpreting precision.

  • 【分类号】P618.13
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】373