

【作者】 徐洪

【导师】 戚文峰;

【作者基本信息】 中国人民解放军信息工程大学 , 密码学, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 带进位反馈移位寄存器序列简称FCSR序列,其中最重要的是极大周期FCSR序列,即l-序列.它有许多类似于m-序列的伪随机性质.令q=pe,若2为模q的本原元,则以q为联接数的极大周期FCSR序列是l-序列,周期为T=φ(q). 本文首先研究了l-序列在部分周期中(即一个周期内任意连续一段)的0、1分布,给出了估计值,指出当寄存器的级数较大时,其0、1个数大约各占一半.特别的,若联接数为素数p,则l-序列在长为μT(0<μ<1)的任意一段中出现1的个数所占的比例(?)(1)满足: 其次讨论了l-序列的线性复杂度,指出它有紧的上界T/2+1,并给出了一个下界.特别当e≥2时,其线性复杂度有下界2t-1+1+T/p,其中2t‖(p-1).

【Abstract】 FCSR sequences are the abbreviation for feedback with carry shift register sequences. Among these, the most important are maximum-period FCSR sequences, that is, l-sequences. They have many good pseudorandom properties similar to m-sequences. Set q =pe, if 2 is a primitive element modulo q, then the maximum-period sequence generated by a FCSR with connection integer q is an l-sequence, with period T= (q).In this paper, the distribution of 0 and 1 in a partial period of l-sequences, that is, in a segment shorter than the period, is estimated. It was showed that the 0.’s and 1 ’s are almost equal when the size of the register is large enough. In particular, if the connection integer is a prime number p, then the proportion of 1’s in a segment of l-sequence with length T(0< <1) satisfiesNext the linear complexity of l-sequences is discussed. A tight upper bound (772 + 1) and a lower bound are presented. It is showed that if e 2, then the linear complexity of the l-sequenceis at least 2t-1 +l + T/p, where 2t|| (p-1).

  • 【分类号】TP301
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】159