

The Study on Transferring System of Collective Constructive Land

【作者】 郭红

【导师】 谢非非; 周玉华;

【作者基本信息】 东北林业大学 , 环境与资源保护法学, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 随着我国社会主义市场经济体制的逐步建立,市场经济体系的不断发展和完善,土地作为生产要素的重要组成部分,越来越备受人们的关注。我国农村集体建设用地总量已经超过2.7亿亩,相当于城镇国有建设用地的5倍。与此同时,随着我国城镇化和现代化建设的不断推进,建设用地需求量很大,但又不可能通过大量占用农地,特别是耕地来解决城镇建设用地。因此,迫切需要集体建设用地的入市。但是在我国集体建设用地使用权作为最具有经济价值和经济效益的财产权利之一,其流转交易却受到我国政策法律的诸多限制,造成集体建设用地自发无序流转大量存在。现实中存在的问题与矛盾相当突出,主要包括:1、集体土地所有权及其主体的模糊不清2、集体土地产权权能的缺陷3、现行法律规定的不健全导致集体建设用地市场发育不规范4、现行征地制度的不合理5、集体建设用地流转主体的约定性与流转方向客观上的要求多元化之间存在矛盾6、农村村民一户一宅政策的硬性规定与实际上随着大量农民离乡进城而带来的宅基地被动连同私房买卖现象之间的矛盾7、集体资产的捉襟见肘与集体土地收益使用的随意性之间的矛盾。针对这些矛盾,作者提出了相应的完善建议:1、理顺集体土地产权关系,构建完整的集体土地产权体系2、改革现行土地征地制度3、实现集体建设用地有偿使用4、明确集体建设用地流转的条件和适当扩大流转范围5、适当限定流转的土地用途6、规范流转的主要方式7、规范宅基地使用权流转8、合理分配集体建设用地流转的土地收益,保障农民土地财产权9、确定集体建设用地流转最低保护价10、流转要与小城镇建设有机结合11、确保对土地的统一规划管理,做好集体建设用地使用权流转的相关工作12、以制度创新为前提,以依法行政为保障,尽快制定相关的法律规章。

【Abstract】 With the development of market system of socialism. Land, as one of the most important productive elements, has attracted more and more people’s attention .The total amount of collective constructive land of our country has surpassed 270 million acres. The amount is five times bigger than the amount of city’s land. At the same time, as the modernization and urbanization are keeping propelling, There is a large demand of constructive land, But it can’t be dealt by occupying the farmland, even the ploughland , Therefore the collective construction land of our country is wanted to put into the market urgently. Collective construction land of our country is one of the valuable property. However it was restricted to transfer by many laws and regulations, which caused much transferring illegally .The problems and contradiction are rather showy, including:1.The ownership and subjects are indefinite. 2.The functions of collective constructive land are incomplete.3.The using unsound legal regulations give rise to the unregulated of collective construction land of our country market 4.The present system of expropriating land is unreasonable5.There is contradiction between the oneness of transferring body of collective construction land of our country and the demand of diversity in the transferring direction.6.The contradiction between the land and the house were sold as the large number of farmers come to the city and the rigid regulation of one registered household. 7.The contradiction between the lack of the collective property and the using discretion of collective construction land of our country profitReferring to such contradiction. The author propose the corresponding advice: 1.Build solid ownership system of collective construction land of our country 2.Reform the present system of expropriating land3. Achieve using collective construction land of our country by spending money. 4.Make clear of the condition of transferring and expend the scope of transferring properly. 5.Definite the purpose of transferring of collective construction land of our country6.Regulate the main measures of transferring7.Regulate transferring of utilizing right on house land8. Allocate the transferring income of collective construction land of our country9. Make the lowest protective price of collective construction land of our country10. Make the combination between transferring and small town construction11.Do other related work to make the collective construction land of our countryperfect12.Create the systems, administrate under law, enact related regulations as fast aspossible

  • 【分类号】D922.3
  • 【被引频次】4
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