

Strategies for Translating Trade Marks

【作者】 王向华

【导师】 李自修;

【作者基本信息】 山东师范大学 , 英语语言文学, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 中国的对外开放正在进一步深化,随之而来的国外企业在华的经济活动也在增加。这极大的丰富着中国人民的经济生活,并因此而衍生出了诸多对于国人而言全新的经济及商业活动。大量的国产商品正在出口到世界各地,而国外的商品也已蜂涌至国内市场。合法的商品都有一个自己的商标。因此,随着中外产品的交流,商品商标的翻译问题不可避免地出现了。对于译者,如何翻译甚或如何获得原商标语的较为可体的译语,这是一个全新的挑战。鉴于此,本文作者在文中探讨了商标翻译的诸多策略,并就此领域中的深化研究及存在的一些问题给出了自己的建议。论文第一章,首先介绍了商标的基本常识,诸如国内外给予商标的定义,商标的发展史及其功能、分类,商标的构成等。商标翻译属于翻译活动的一种,因此也必须遵循翻译的基本原则。论文第二章介绍了这些基本理论,并提到了在翻译理论界三位颇具影响力的翻译家:严复、尤金·奈达和彼得·纽马克。在中国的翻译理论中,严复的“信、达,雅”占有重要的地位。奈达和纽马克是西方翻译理论界的代表,他们所提出的理论对我们的翻译活动具有重大的影响及指导意义。奈达理论的核心是功能对等。他认为,翻译是在译入语中用最切近、最自然的对等语再现原语的信息,首先是语义上的对等,其次是风格上的对等。而纽马克的贡献在于他所主张的语义翻译和交际翻译。他提出,语义翻译适用于陈述性较强的文体。而交际翻译则主要用于信息性较强或侧重于读者反应的文体。当然,每一理论都有它自身的局限性,我们要辨证的对待使用。同时,作者认为我们应该关注可译性及可译性的限度问题。理论上,存在信息交换的通道,就使不同语言具有互译性。实际上,可译性是有一定限度的。上述翻译理论,在商标翻译过程中,我们应始终注意它们的应用。同时我们更要根据不同的环境运用具体的、不同的方法。论文第三章介绍了中外商标互译的五种方法:音译;直译;意译;音义兼译和借题发挥翻译法。我们知道,汉语和英语属于不同的语系。不同国家或地区的民族有自己不同及独特的文化。因此,即便同一个词,对不同的民族来说也会有不同的含义。论文最后一章,作者分析了在中外商标翻译过程中出现的问题并从以下几方面提出了自己的解决方法:避免不良含义;注意文化差异;语言朴实、简洁,易于上口。

【Abstract】 The further opening-up of China and the consequent increase of foreign business activities have brought about a more diversified economic life for the Chinese and led to more demanding and challenging tasks and problems for translators in this field to tackle. For an increasing number of China-made and foreign-made products have been and are being exported out of and imported into, China and as each product bears its own trade mark or brand, how to translate them into Chinese or into a foreign language, say, English, and how to get a better, adequate and acceptable version of them is, therefore, of extreme importance in terms of the marketability of a particular product made in or outside China.With the present paper, the author discusses strategies employed in translating trade marks. And furthermore, to improve the translated trade marks with those techniques and skills, the author continues to explore certain problems arising from the trade mark translation and tries to put forward a few suggestions and solutions to them.The First Chapter studies and discusses 1. what trade marks are or are about; 2. how they came into being; 3. what are their functions in business and commerce; 4. how they are formed,; and 5. how many different kinds of them there are in general commercial practice and so on and so forth.The Second Chapter, on the basis of what has been discussed and studied on trade marks, consequently points out that, in translating trade marks, certain basic principles and criteria have to be abided by so as to be able to offer ideal versions of them. In this connection, the author surveys three different theories on translation at large to see if any translating strategies can be modeled on or be drawn upon. Among those theories, the author puts Chinese translation theorist, Yan Fu, and his trinity principle, namely "faithfulness, expressiveness and elegance", at the first place. Limitations as they have, the principles have been playing an important role in translation theories of China. Following that, the paper centers itself on Eugene A. Nida and Peter Newmark, the representatives of western translation theorists, and their respective theories. The core of Nida’s theory is functional equivalence. He holds that translating consists inreproducing in the receptor language the closest natural equivalent of the source language message, first in terms of meaning and secondly in terms of style(1969.13). Peter Newmark’s great contribution is his discussion of semantic translation and communicative translation. He thinks that for the ’expressive texts’, semantic translation should be applied while for the ’informative’ and ’vocative texts’, it is better to adopt communicative translation. Of course, all theories may have their limitations and we should treat them dialectically.In addition to the guiding principles and criteria mentioned above, translatability and untranslatability of trade mark translation should also deserve certain attention. Theoretically, there exists the channel for message transferring, which provides the translatability. However we can not deny and neglect that the differences between languages do bring about immense difficulties to the translators. Hence, we have to confess to the limitations of translatability. A Chinese scholar, Fu Zhongxuan, distinguishes limitations of translatability into absolute untranslatability and relative untranslatability. He holds that absolute untranslatability is resulted from the language differences while relative untranslatability refers to the temporary untranslatability caused by cultural differences.Bearing the above theories and strategies in mind, in the Third Chapter, the author advocates five techniques and skills for translating trade marks, from Chinese to English and vice versa, viz. transliteration, literal translation, free translation, semantic transliteration and coined translation.All those five strategies themselves are clear and easy to be understood. However, it would not be an easy task to make use of them skil

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