

【作者】 刘海霞

【导师】 赵承福;

【作者基本信息】 山东师范大学 , 教育学原理, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 在中共中央下发的《公民道德建设实施纲要》中指出了公民道德建设的指导思想,其中提到了要加强对公民进行诚信教育。这是我国在加入世界贸易组织之后,建立规范的市场经济的必然要求。笔者作了九年的中学班主任,在工作过程中,深感诚信品质对学生本人、良好班风、校风及社会发展的重要性。 然而近年来受各种不良因素的影响,加上中学教育本身对诚信教育的忽略,致使学生的诚信程度明显降低,严重影响了中学的教育质量。社会上一大批有识之士也感到了诚信失范带来的一系列严重后果,纷纷呼吁应加强公民的诚信教育。本人一直在思考加强中学生诚信教育的意义、当前存在的问题和对策,尝试运用多种教育手段来增强中学生的诚信度。 本文主要运用了文献研究法,结合自己的工作实际,对诚信及诚信教育的涵义做了界说,并对当前在中学开展诚信教育的意义、影响中学诚信教育的因素和加强中学诚信教育的策略进行了尝试性地分析,全文共分四个部分。 第一部分分析了诚信及诚信教育的涵义:首先分析了诚信及诚信教育涵义,包括“诚”的涵义;“信”的涵义;“诚信”的涵义;并尝试着给出了“诚信教育”的涵义。其次简要分析了中学诚信教育的特点,包括教育阶段的承前启后作用;教育对象的特定性和教育内容的学校规定性。 第二部分论述了在中学进行诚信教育的重要意义:其一,在中学开展诚信教育是继承传统美德和当前社会发展的需要:包括诚信是中华民族的传统美德;诚信是社会发展的迫切需要。其二,诚信教育是塑造学生完美人格的需要:包括诚信是为人处世最起码的道德规则;诚信是塑造学生完美人格的基本前提。 第三部分分析了当前影响中学诚信教育实效的主要因素:第一,从社会因素来看,主要是封建专制制度及其残余影响扭曲了诚信意识;市场经济的负面影响导致人们对诚信的背离。第二,从学校因素来看,主要是学校缺乏诚信教育的大环境如学校本身的诚信度不够;对诚信教育缺乏重视;教师诚信失范等。另外,本人也对自己所看到的某些教育、教学活动进行思考,分析了某些影响诚信教育的教育、教学活动:如思想政治课难以诚信;作文教学造就双重人格;作业布置重复、过量;不真实的评语影响诚信;教育活动未从实际出发等;第三,从家庭因素来看,主要是有些家庭重智轻德;有些家长自身不正、不负责任;有些家庭教育方法不当等。 第四部分主要从学校的角度提出了加强中学诚信教育的一系列对策:首先是优化学校的诚信教育环境,包括学校要树立诚信形象;教师要做诚信楷模;给诚信教育以足够重视;完城信教育制度等。其次谈到了改进教育、教学方法的一些设想:如加强思想政治课实效;让作文返噗归真;评语应实话实说;实践活动应针对实际等;第三,分析了如何加强对家庭教育的指导,包括引导家长重视德育;号召家长诚信做人;倡导家长科学育人等内容。

【Abstract】 Strengthening cordiality education among citizens has been specially mentioned according to the CCCP’s <Civic Virtues Construction Program>, which indicates the planning of the civic virtues construction. This is an inevitable demand of the market economy, especially after our country’ entry to WTO. Having been in charge of a middle school class for nearly 9 years, the author deeply feels that the cordiality character is very essential to the students, the class ethos and the society development.But the students’ cordiality has been dramatically descended because of many bad influence plus some neglect of school education, which has severely influenced the education quality. Many knowledgeable people have realized the severe sequel, and appealed aloud to enhance the education of civic virtues. I also think about these issues, such as the meaning of cordiality education, the problem we encounter or how to resolve it, and try my best to enhance the students’ cordiality character through many education means.Through literature investigate method, combining with my own practice, the author mainly discusses the definition of cordiality education, the significance of execute cordiality education at high school, the factors of what influence cordiality education at school and the tactics to strengthening cordiality education at school. The article includes 4 parts :1. To analyze the definition of cordiality and cordiality education, which includes the meaning of "诚","信 " and "cordiality" , then till "cordiality education" . Simply analyze the character of cordiality education at high school, including the joint function of education stage, the specialties of education object and the school restriction to education content.2. To discuss the significance of execute cordiality education at school. Cordiality education may adapt to two kinds of demands, one is to inherit the tradition virtues and to fill the society development, the other is to figure the students’ perfect personality, which means that cordiality is an essential humanness virtues regulation and a functional premise to forge the students’ perfect personality.3. To analyze the factors that influence the cordiality education3. To analyze the factors that influence the cordiality education at school. These include the society, the school and the family factors. Society factor mainly owes to the severe feudalism influence and some negative influence accompany with the market economy, which distort people’s cordiality consciousness and led some deviation to cordiality. The school factor mainly refers to the circumstance, for example, the cordiality degree of school itself is very low, the school itself is short of the recognition to cordiality education and even some teachers themselves lack cordiality. Otherwise, the author ponders some inappropriate education activities and analyzes their influence to the cordiality education. For example, ideology class which often lack cordiality, composition class which may easily induce students’ "sandwich " personality, too repeating and heavy homework, irreal comment which may influence cordiality, education activities which perhaps deviate the fact, etc. The third factor is the family factor. Some family prefer wisdom education to cordiality education, some parents themselves lack cordiality. Some family, use inappropriate education activities, etc. All these badly influence cordiality education at school.4. The tactics to strengthening cordiality education at school. The first is to optimize school education circumstance, to educate the teachers to be the model of cordiality, to highlight the significance of cordiality education at school and to perfect the school education system. The second part states how to improve education and teaching method, for example, to enhance the actual effect of ideology class, to let the composition class go back to the reality , to use real comment, education activities face to face, etc. The third part analyzes how to strengthen the direction to the family,

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