

A Research on the Making of Interface of Multimedia Assisted Chinese Instruction

【作者】 孙晓静

【导师】 李清民;

【作者基本信息】 山东师范大学 , 学科教学, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 随着信息时代的来临,计算机多媒体技术越来越广泛深入地应用于教学,并逐渐成为教育现代化的一个重要表征。在这场教育革命中,少有作为而遭尽非议的中小学语文教学,也乘借多媒体技术的东风,扬起了改革的风帆。虽然多媒体辅助语文教学开展得轰轰烈烈,但也有许多不尽人意之处。究其原因,主要是对多媒体与语文课程的整合缺乏研究,尤其是对多媒体辅助语文教学的界面制作,缺乏系统的、有针对性的思考与探索。这种理论研究的严重滞后、理论与实践的严重脱节,直接导致了多媒体辅助语文教学的“高耗低效”现象,怀疑者否定者对其挞伐也就不可避免了。因此,对多媒体与语文教学的整合问题加以研究,尤其是对多媒体辅助语文教学的界面制作问题进行系统的、有针对性的、理论联系实际的研究,以充分发挥多媒体技术在现代语文教育中的功能,就成了摆在每一个语文教育工作者面前的不容推卸的重任。 多媒体辅助语文教学的界面,主要是指运用多媒体辅助语文教学过程中,承载、传递教学信息的视觉语言的总和。简言之,语文界面语言既是一个视觉语言系统,又是一个界面美学系统,在其本质上是一个复杂的教学系统。尽管多媒体辅助语文教学的界面制作的实践起步较晚,对界面制作的理论研究更是不够;但是随着语文教育的不断发展,多媒体辅助语文教学的界面制作将越来越重要,笔者还是力图在全面考查多媒体辅助语文教学的界面制作实践的基础上,进行尝试性的系统、概括、描述和论证,以勾画多媒体辅助语文教学界面制作的理论框架。 因此,本文以系统科学、传播美学、接受美学、教育心理学、语言学和语文教育学等作为研究多媒体辅助语文教学的界面制作问题的理论基础。认为从系统科学角度来看,语文界面是一个由文字、符号、图形、图像、动画、音频和视频等媒体构成的界面系统,制作语文界面必须处理好界面的部分与整体、有序与无序、结构与功能和行为与目的等关系,以获取语文界面系统的最优效能;从传播美学角度来看,语文界面是承载和传递信息的洪流,制作语文界面必须遵循信息传播规律,从信息接受者的生活经验出发,充分发挥视觉形象的功能;从接受美学角度来看,语文界面是一个多层面的、开放的“召唤结构”,制作语文界面必须运用多媒体技术精心设计界面这一召唤结构的空白点、未定点和不确定之域,以使学生最大限度地实现对文本意义的创生;从教育心理学角度来看,语文界面是学生学习的外部刺激物、是具有独特品质的“人”(学生)“自我实现”的平台、是学生进行意义建构的工具,制作语文界面必须精心设计“刺激——反应——强化”的学习机制、必须创造充分发展学生潜能的自由学习空间、必须从学生已有知识经验出发构建学习情境;从语言学角度来看,语文界面是与人有高亲和度的新功能语言,制作语文界面必须充分发挥其沟通与交流功能;从语文学科角度来看,语文界面是沟通学生经验世界和语言文字世界的桥梁,制作语文界面必须充分利用多媒体技术,使学生有效地形成语文素养。基于以上理论基础,本文论述了制作语文界面必须遵循的科学性与实用性相结合、统一性与变化性相结合、层次性与交互性相结合、情境性与趣味性、艺术性与个性化等五项原则。在此基础上,本文简单考查了多媒体辅助语文教学界面制作的类型,然后全面深入地对语文界面制作的内容进行了阐述:具体论述了界面整体设计中的三个主体(界面窗口,交互方式,导航策略)和五对关系(形色、动静、虚实、远近,背景与前景、主体与陪体,抽象与具体,明暗与质感,动静与出入)的设计;深入探讨了语文界面语言(文字与字体,图标、图形、图像与色彩,动画,音频,视频等)在界面制作中的运用问题。最后,本文简单阐述了语文界面制作的步骤。 通过实践研究,本文阐明了多媒体辅助语文教学界面制作的理论基础,阐述了多媒体辅助语文教学界面制作的基本原则、制作类型、内容与步骤,澄清了在语文界面制作上的认识误区,首次提出了“语文界面”这一概念,填补了国内外多媒体与语文教学整合研究的一项理论空白,对于多媒体辅助语文教学界面制作的理论研究与制作实践,必将起到极大的推动和指导作用。

【Abstract】 With the coming of the Information Age, the multimedia technology is being applied to teaching more and more widely and is becoming an important token of the educational modernization. In the contemporary educational revolution, the Chinese teaching in primary and middle school, which having been taking advantages of the multimedia technology, has raised the sail of reformation. Though the act of multimedia assisted Chinese teaching has been developed widely and deeply, there are still a lot of places to be improved. Why? It is because the conformity of the multimedia technology with the Chinese course is still lack of research, and the interface making of multimedia assisted Chinese teaching is particularly lack of systematic pointed thinking and exploration. It is the serious lagging of the theoretical research and the serious disconnection of theory and practice that have directly caused the phenomena of multimedia assisted teaching of Chinese to " be high consumtive and low efficient". It is inevitable that people who deny it and who doubt it lash out it. Therefore, it becomes an urgent and important task for every Chinese educator to study the conformity of multimedia with Chinese course issue and to study the interface making of multimedia assisted Chinese teaching issue.The interface of multimedia assisted Chinese teaching, mainly means the total visual languages of bearing and transmitting information during the course of multimedia assisted Chinese teaching. In brief, the interface of multimedia assisted Chinese teaching is a visual language system, an aesthetic system, and a complicated educational system in essence. Although the making of the interface of multimedia assisted Chinese teaching has just started, and the theoretical research of interface making is still inadequate, the interface of multimedia assisted Chinese teaching problem becomes more and more important with the instant development of Chinese education, the author tries to study the problem on the foundation of examining deeply the interface making practice of multimedia assisted Chinese teaching, to recapitulate, to describe , to reason to sketch the interface theory frame.This paper is based on such theoretical foundations to study the interface making problem : the theory of systematic science, the theory of educational psychology, the theory of aesthetics of transmission, the theory of aesthetics of acception, the theory of linguistics, and the theory of Chinese education, etc. From the systematic science’s point of view , Chinese interface is an interface system formed of medias, such as characters, symbols, figures, pictures, cartoons, audios and videos etc.. In order to obtain Chinese interface system’s optimum efficiency, to make Chinese interface must handle part and whole, orderly and unorderly, structure and function, behavior and purpose relations of interface well. From the aesthetics of transmission’s point of view, Chinese interface is a mighty torrent bearing and transmitting message. To make Chinese interface must follow the information transmitting law, must proceed from the experience of the students, and give full play to the function of the visual image. From the aesthetics of reception’s point of view, Chinese interface is a multilayer open structure. In order that students can create the meanings of the text to the maximum extent, to make Chinese interface must use multimedia technology to design its blanknesses, unfixed points, and uncertained lands. From the educational psychology’s point of view,Chinese interface is the outer irritation of students studying, the self-realization platform of students who have the unique character, the tool for students to generate meaning. To make Chinese interface must try hard to design the learning mechanism of stimulate - response - strengthen, must create the free learning space for students to develop their latent energy sufficiently, must create the learning environment according to their knowledge. From the linguistics’ point of view , Chinese interface is a new

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